The Interaction

227 7 13

(A/N) December 27th is the last time I updated
January 14th (when I wrote this)


Grace's P.O.V

I laugh as I leave Chester on the bed and I go back to the bathroom to change back to some sweats and an oversized t-shirt. I walk back out and Chester is on his phone, cause this is the 21st century. He looks at me, kinda shocked.

"How is it that even in some sweats you look so gorgeous?" He says and I shrug and continue folding my clothes. He then looks at me, folding away

"What Chester?"

"I got an Email from a school. They want me to teach there for 1 month. Me.George must have recommended me or something. They want me to leave as quick as I can. They want me there by tomorrow."

"Oh my gosh! Chester, that's great! It's fine, we can drive down there tonight and-"

"Grace we can't drive there, it's too far."

"Oh that's ok, we'll just take the train. Even though we'd look like fools with our-"

"GRACE!" Chester stops me.

"It's in London."


"London? And they want you there, TOMORROW?"

"Well, tomorrow I don't actually start teaching. It's like an orientation. Should I go? Would you be fine for a month without me?"

I ponder in my head. A month doesn't seem that long. Just 30 days. It'll be fine. Right? Right?

"I can't go with you?" I ask, sitting down next to him

"Grace, you have a job you get back to in a few days. You are gonna be fine."

"But Chester, we have so much to do! We have to plan the wedding, and we just talked about moving out, we have to look at houses, halls, caterers, Chester, I can't do all of that by myself!"

"Then just halt everything until I get back. Grace, don't worry. If you find a house, send me a picture or Skype me or whatever. We'll find a way." He kisses me on my forehead "I love you so much, you need to not worry." He gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"I have to go pack." He stands up slowly and stands at the doorway

"Aren't you gonna at least drive me to the airport?


I stare at Chester as he makes sure he has everything in his bag.

"I guess I'm all set."

" really have to go?" I say, refusing to move.

"I don't want to leave you here, but this a great oppurtunity!" I sigh, cause I know he is right. It's just a month. It sound so long now...

"I love you." I throw my arms around his neck and I can hear him drop one of his bags to hug me back.

"I love you more."

"I love you most." He pulls back and gives me a long kiss on the lips and on my forehead.


"And always"

Then he walks away to catch his flight.


I drop by the nearest CVS to stalk up on some snacks and such. I weave through the isles and I hear my name being called. I look all around and then I see who is calling me.


I expect my heart to speed up, my palms to feel sweaty, my nerves to break out, but I feel...ok

I walk towards him slowly until I reach him.

"Hey James. How have you been?" I ask casually. What do you even talk to your previous abuser?

"I've been alright. I'm still going to that group. They've really helped me. I'm always taking boxing. Should help with my temper..How's you and Chester?"

"He actually proposed to me." I show him the ring and I see him smile a little bit.

"That's great. Well, this was alright. I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah, sure." I nod and he walks away and I turn away, to find some chips and other..stuff.


I arrive back home and I see Mamrie sitting on the couch, yelling at the TV.

"OH MY GOSH, GRACE I CAN'T!" She says as I saunter in.

"What are you watching?"

"Once Upon A Time. THIS SHOW HAS ME ON AN EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER OH MY GOODNESS HELP." She says, grabbing on to me and I laugh. I put a bag of chips in front of her and she gives me a smirk. I laugh and go upstairs and go to the bathroom. I take out what I've been hiding behind my back.

I missed my period.

I walk back and forth, frantically, waiting for the results. 1 minute is such a long time. Like how long does it take to realize growing inside of you.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

I hear my phone go off and I quickly look at the test in my hand.

It's positive


(A/N) I think I am relating Mamrie to me in real life cause one OUAT is life
And that's like basically it XD

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