The Before The Date

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Chester's P.O.V
Where should I take Grace on our first date? Chester, wait, it may not be a date stop saying things. It's just two friends who obviously have feelings for each other but is not doing anything about it.
Where would I take her? The bar? No, other guys might hit on her, not to mention, we may get too drunk. I don't want to take her anywhere too fancy. I don't wanna come of too...strong? A coffee date? Nah, that's more a morning date, not a 7:00 date. I look at the time. 5:46. Then it hits me. I know what to do. I just hope she will enjoy it.
I text her saying

'Hey Grace. Just wanted to let you know I might pick you up a little bit early. When I say a little bit early, I mean I will be there in about 30 minutes. DON'T wear anything fancy, I'm warning you.' I read it over, making sure I don't sound too, demanding. The last thing I want to do is scare her off. My finger hovers over the send button, not knowing if I should send it. I close my eyes as I press the send button. I throw my phone on my bed. It might be a while till she-
I jump on my bed, lunging to my phone. I see that it's Grace

"Haha, sounds great, can't wait to see you! :)" I smile as I get dressed


I drive to the address Grace gave me. I wait about two minutes before I gain the confidence to walk up to the door. I slowly knock on the door. On the fourth knock, a red-headed woman opens up.

"Hi! You must be Chester. I'm Mamrie, Grace's best friend and roommate." She says as she extends her hand. I shake it

"Hi, nice to meet you. Is Grace ready?"

"She's taking a bit longer. C'mon on in." She says as I step in and shut the door "She never usually takes this long. I guess she's nervous or making sure she looks perfect or something." Mamrie says as she laughs. "You have an effect on her Chester See"

An effect? "What is that effect really?"

"Oh you should have seen how when I opened the door, she was smiling like she won a million dollars. She told me all about you. I wouldn't be surprised if she made a shrine of you upstairs." I laugh "Speaking off, maybe you should go check on her. Don't want to be late for your date." I smile and I walk up the stairs. Is Grace really that happy that she is going on a date with me? Why me? I'm not that special. I knock on the door that has a giant G on it. I'm guessing that's hers. As I knock, I hear a dog bark.

"Goose, quiet." She opens the door "Mamrie, I- OHMYGOSH CHESTER" I didn't realize why she was so..afraid to see me then I looked down and realized she didn't have pants on.

"Oh Grace,I'm, um," I close the door and I basically sprint downstairs. I can feel my face burning up. That was

Grace's P.O.V
EMBARRASSING. GAH why would Mamrie let him up here. Oh gosh what does he think is he

Chester's P.O.V
Weirded out? I don't know. I mean, I am very attracted to Grace, and don't get me wrong. I want to see all of her, just

Grace's P.O.V
Not like this. Gah. I run my fingers through my hair as I finally find the shorts I have been looking for. Even in April, in LA, it's 10000 degrees. I walk

Chester's P.O.V
downstairs, I hear someone. I look back from the couch and I see Grace. This time, with pants.

"Um, sorry Chester, you had to see me with no clothing on. I had no idea you were here."

"I'm sorry. I should have just never gone upstairs. Um are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let me just go beat down Mamrie for a second then we can go." She says as she goes to the kitchen

"Really Mamrie, did you think we were just gonna have sex right then and there cause I had no pants?" Grace tried to say sternly, but I can hear the smile on her face.

"Hey, you would enjoy that wouldn't you Grace?" Mamrie says as she laughs heavily. She would get along great with Hannah. Wanting to make both of our lives as embarrassing as it can be.

"I'm leaving." Grace says. She comes back into the living room and stands next to me. I link arms with her, and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach. She is taken aback a little, but her muscles release the tension.

"BE HOME BY 11 SWEETIE!" Mamrie says, still laughing, as she comes to the living room. Mamrie then whispers in my ear
"Don't hurt my girl."
I mouth back "I won't."
She mouths back "I know you won't"

We walk out to my car and I open the passenger car door for her.

"Ooh a gentleman." Grace says with a chuckle

"Don't flatter yourself. I do this with all the girls that I have awkward encounters with and busting into haunted lockers." She laughs her amazing laugh and I get into my side of the car.

"So where are we going Mr.See?" She asks

"You'll see." I reply, keeping it interesting


(A/N) Im starting to think that leaving cliffhangers is really fun. He he. He.
Comment where you think Chester is Taking Grace! I would love to see y'all beautiful minds put to work, and who knows, I might use it.(or if you had the same idea as me, then I'll mention you in the next chapter so drop them comments.
Lovelies, I start school in three days *cringes* halp
Also 110 reads! That's an accomplishment for me. Hopefully next is 150? Tell your friends! ;3

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