The So Sweet

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Grace's P.O.V
We hop into Chester's car. He turns the engine and he starts to drive. He looks very excited and it's worrying me in a where-the-hell-is-he-taking-me-that-he-is-bouncing-off-the-roofs kinda way.

"Chester, where on earth are you taking me?" I ask him

"I thought an insane asylum would be great for our second date, don't you?" He says, laughing. I laugh along, but I can't help slip that he called this a second date...

We drive around in silence for a few minutes till I start randomly saying...something

"I've always wondered how penguins feel as they can't fly. They must see the birds in the air and probably feel bad."

Chester takes a good 3 seconds to just look at me. Why would I say that? He must think I'm a complete fool.

"Well, at least they can slide on their bellies and not get snow-burn if that's even a thing." He adds to my comment. I smile as I know any other man would've gave me a weird look and probably not try to talk to me for the rest of the trip.

"Did you know banana is actually a berry?" He asks me

"What?! A long yellow thing is a berry." I didn't realize what I said till AFTER I said it and I regret it. Chester however doesn't seem to mind and he is in a circle of laughter. I start laughing as well and we laugh for a while till it dies down. He parks in front of a-

"Sugar Heaven?" I ask, unbuckling my seatbelt

"Yeah. I want candy." He says with no hesitation and jumps out of the car. He opens my door and I jump out as well. He walks to his trunk and pulls out a guitar case.

"Um?" I start

"Actually, that's not really why I'm here. I actually have a gig. For a 6 years old birthday party." He looks down, almost in embarrassment.

"Aw Chester! I didn't know you sang."

"Yeah, it's something I don't tell many people, also known as I haven't told anyone." He grabs my hand and leads me through the door. We then proceed downstairs, as I look around at all the CANDY this shop has! What is this! Amurica should I say
Once we get downstairs, there are bunch of little kids running around, chasing a little girl in a huge hat saying Birthday Girl. A woman then comes up toward us.

"Hi, I'm Colleen. Thanks for coming for my niece, Bailey birthday party! You can have a few minutes, but if you can sing now, that's better cause these children are driving me nuts." She says all in one breath.

"Thanks, I'll just set up and get started." Chester walks away to the mini stage and starts setting up. I'm left with Colleen.

"Are you two dating?" She asks me, no hesitation. Huh, I think I could like her.

"I think so? It's our second date, but we haven't really made it official."

"Oh! Well y'all are gonna date pretty soon. He is staring at you from all the way over there." She says. I turn around and I see that she is correct. Chester quickly looks away, quite embarrassed and I laugh.

"When you guys get married, I can recommend my wedding planner. She was amazing with me and Josh, my husband's, wedding. She was amazing so if you ever need me, just give me a call." She says, smiling at me

"But I don't know your number..." I start saying

"Oh my gosh! Silly me! Here, give me your phone." She holds her hand out and I fumble around in my purse to try to find my phone. I hand it to her and she puts her digits in. She hands it back,

"Now let's watch your future husband sing." She says with a wink. I try to hide my blushing, but she catches it and laughs. I turn my attention to my "future husband" as he starts singing kids song. Wait, did I just call him my future husband. What.


After Chester finishes, he bounces off the stage. We walk up the stairs but then he stops me near the jelly beans.

"Wasn't I amazing? I was great right? I hope I didn't blow it. I think the kids loved me, they looked like they loved me? Right? Right? Grace, I don't know if you noticed but I start rambling after a performance, even if-" He starts going ON AND ON

"CHESTER!" I yell at him. I grab his shoulder and stable him as he is jumping out the roof "You did AMAZING, even if it was a kid's performance, ok? You were wonderful!" I give him a brisk hug. He sighs out of..relief? I'm hoping.

"Thanks Grace. I don't really just share these things."

"Well what else do you have up your sleeve Mr.See?" I ask questioning him

"Oh you'll be surprised." He then holds me back and dips me. I gasp and giggle. He then leans down and gives me a quick peck, but that peck was all I needed in my life. He picks me back up and I'm in a fistful of giggles.

"So where are we going now Chester?Hm?" I ask as he leads me out the door.

"I don't know, but I think I do know."

"How about---" I run to the drivers seat. "I take you somewhere. I'm hungry and it's almost 3."

"Alright, the queen says where to go."


(A/N) I just noticed that when something "big" happens to the other character, it's on the others persons P.O.V. I guess that makes sense? Huh? Huh? HUH? I mean
He 😊
So I mentioned Colleen Ballinger lets go!

Don't Leave Too Soon (Grester)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora