The Parent

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Grace's P.O.V

Chester drives closer and closer to my parents home and my anxiety gets higher and higher.

"We can always turn around and go back home if you want."

"No, I need to do this so it doesn't haunt me."

"Alright, well we are appearing closer to the address you gave me."



"Grace, you are gonna have to knock eventually." Chester tells me
I sigh and ring the doorbell and stop back. A few seconds later, someone comes out.




"Grace." My mother repeats herself. I don't know whether or not to be happy or sad or angry or...

"You are so lucky your father isn't here." She motions for me to come into the house and when she opens the door completely, the 'perfect' household I grew up in is looking so perfect. There are beer bottles, prescription meds and cigarettes EVERYWHERE.

"Mom? What the hell happened here?"

"Um.." She looks at a clock

"Grace I don't have enough time. What do you need?"

"Mom what's going on?"

"Your father..he's..gosh. It all makes sense. Grace I'm so sorry."

"Mom, you are confusing me."

"Can we go somewhere? Please?"


We end up in a local park and my mom looks much thinner than she did. Her face is sagging and her eyes are expressed with tiredness.

"Grace, I was a bitch to you when you and your brothers were children. I realized that. I'm so sorry. You don't know how BAD I felt. But your father, that bastard, he made me do those things. It was part of our 'deal'."


"He would provide for the family if I did what he said. He made me be the mother that you didn't want. Trust me, when you called telling us you wanted to become a teacher, I was SO happy for you, because I knew you wanted to work in a school since you were a little girl, and he could tell. Remember that pause during that call?"

I try to dig into my memory, but I nod my head.

"He pinned me against the wall and forced me to say that it was a stupid decision, I hope you didn't listen to us. Did you?"

"I did teach, but I eventually became a guidance counselor." My mom smiles in the darkness, and even thought every thing else about her is broken, her teeth are still white.

"I'm assuming that's where you met your fiancé?" I raise my eyebrow and she points to my ring.

"There's only one, so I'm assuming you haven't married yet."

"Yeah, we are engaged, and I'm actually pregnant." My mother bring her hands to her mouth and starts laughing

"Grace. Oh my gosh. I'm so happy you didn't come out as fucked up as I am."

"Are those beer bottles yours?"

"No, those are your fathers. He's worse than he was when you were a child. He's become more demanding which I don't understand, since all of you guys are grown up but I can divorce him.

"Why not?"

"Cause I'm not a U.S citizen. I was born in Canada. It was a green card marriage."


We drop my mother back off at her house.

"You should try to pass the US Citizenship Test. You can't be married to him anymore."

"I'm trying but it's hard to do it behind his back. When's the wedding?"

"We haven't decided yet..." Chester says

"When you have, can you email me? That's the only thing he doesn't check."

She quickly types her email into my phone. She gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm sorry Grace, for everything."


"That BASTARD. How is he there, abusing my mother like that because of a FUCKING deal? This is bullshit. We can't leave her Chester." I say while in the car

"We can't take her either Grace. He'll find out and he'll probably kill us."

"Why are some men so twisted?"


We stop at a gas station for gas and I stay inside the car. Suddenly out of nowhere, someone is knocking on my window. I roll it down and it reveals two teenage looking girls

"Um hi, um, shit I'm so bad with these things. Um, do you think we can get a ride to wherever you are going?" The one with the deeper dimples says

I open my mouth to say something but she stops me

"Please, we just can't be here right now. Please."

"Um, get in the backseat. I'll explain to my fiancé."


"Grace?! You don't even know who these girls are?! They can kill us!"

"They are TEENAGERS. They are harmless Chester. They just need a ride." Chester breathes in deeply

"Okay fine, but if we die, I'm killing you."


"What are you guys names?" I ask the girls

"I'm Vanessa." The one who spoke to me says

"I'm Veronica." Her sister says

"And you guys are.." I start

"Twins." And they both laugh.

"That's something I wasn't expecting." Chester says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Considering you guys look alike."

"Yeah, and you weren't expecting us to have twins and look at me." I say and Chester shuts up.

"Why do you guys need a ride?"

"It's a long story." Vanessa says

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