The Back To School

201 4 14

Grace's P.O.V

I feel like I haven't been to work in what seems like forever, but I'm really excited for some weird reason. I mean, it's not like someone also works there that I'm a little bit obsessed with cause you know feelings shut up now.


I arrive to the school and park my car. I walk into the office to sign in and I greet Hannah as I walk in. Of course, she wriggles her eyebrows at me.

"HOW ARE YOU AND MY CHESTER HMMMMMM?" She yells at me, leaning over her desk.

"Oh my gosh, Hannah, shut up! The whole floor can hear you!" I say, shaking me head

"That's the point. HEY EVERYONE!! CHESTER AND GRACE ARE TOTALLY DOING IT!" She yells before I put my hand over her mouth. I give her a death stare and I can see her trying not to laugh.

"Are you stupid or what? What about you hm? Do you even have a love life?"

"Of course I do!" She scoffs "No, but I do. I've been seeing this girl called Ingrid and I'm pretty into her so who k knows?" She says, looking back at her paperwork and blushing slightly

"Ooooooooooh Hannah is in LOVE." I say, but she embarrassed me more so I don't know how that works out...

"Who's in love?" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and I see its Chester. I slightly blush and look down

"Oh yeah Grace? Am I the only one in love?" Hannah says, recovering from her embarrassment. I give her another death stare. I walk through the door, passing Chester. If I dare make eye contact with that gorgeous piece of human flesh (wtf Grace) I'll just drop dead. I quickly go to my room and shut the door, putting my head on my desk and groaning very loudly. I sigh and I look up and I see Chester in the doorway.

"That was a sexy grunt Grace." Chester says teasing me. He laughs as I groan again.

"Um excuse me?" I hear, behind Chester. I look over him and I see one of my students, Ashely behind him.

"I'm sorry, I'll come back later?" She says, turning around slowly

"No, no, please come in." I say, sitting up.

"Oh, ok." She walks in and stands in front of my desk

"Chester, would you like to, you know, LEAVE?" I say, my tone a little sassy. He puts his hands u in surrender

"Fine, I'll go." Before he does, he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and runs away before I can swat him away.

"Anyways Ashely, you were saying?"

"Ok, well, I think my family is falling apart. I knew it was happening all along to be honest. I could see my father coming later, my mother being stressed more. But I'm worried about my younger sister..what is she going to think?"

"Hmm. I think you should be the one to explain to her. Don't keep anything from her, even if she is really young. How old is she?"


"Ok, so you are going to explain to her that mommy and daddy just don't get along anymore. Make sure she understands why and explain this happens and they will still love her equally." I say, the words just slipping out of my mouth. Ashely's shoulders relax and little bit and she gives me a genuine smile.

"Thanks Grace, I mean, Ms.Helbig." She says, quickly fixing her mistake

"It's ok, but call me Grace after/before school hours alright?" I say giving her a wink. She laughs and walks out of my class just as Chester walks in.

"Wow, you are amazing. You talk to the kids as if you have been in their shoes."

"i'm good with teens and children I guess. It's just a natural nature I guess." I say as I stand up and write the assignments on the board

"That's good for the future isn't it, just in case you know, you want children with someone." She says, his voice lowering with each word. I look at him

"Chester, are you implying you want to get me pregnant and we aren't even OFFICIAL? Wow, you move fast." I say, teasing him. He blushes slightly.

"Well, I mean, do you want to be official?" He asks in the lowest voice. I drop my chalk and look at him and he inches closer to me.

"I mean, do YOU want to date me Chester See? Are you ready for the uncontrollable emotions, laughter and just me in general?" I ask, laughing slightly. He takes my hand in his and strokes it.

"I'm ready Grace. Are you?" Of course I am ready. I kiss him in response and we kiss for a while. I hear an OOOOOOOO. We pull apart so quickly but I see that it's Hannah.

"Hannah are you TRYING to KILL us?" Chester says panting

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to say that Ms.Garder called. She is coming back on Friday." Hannah says looking at me. My heart drops. I'm gonna lose this job. I'm going to lose Chester. I'm scared. I don't want to lose this job...

"At least we'll have afterwards right? Now that we are dating and all." Chester says

"I hope so."


(A/N) It's 6:57 atm and I started this chapter onnnnnn Tuesday? What do you call it? PROCRASTINATION. Hmm where is Grace going to go now? Now that she only has 4 more days as a job.HMMM



i'm tired

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