The Flash Forward

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Grace's P.O.V

*3 months later*

Chester came back from London about two months ago and he is fully moved into our apartment. Living with someone other than a girl is quite different, but I did grow up with boys so I shouldn't be complaining.
It just gives us an outlook on how we are going to be after we are married.
Today, we are going to check on our child. Wow that's gonna take some time to get used to.
Grace Helbig
Is producing a child

We go into the car and I wait for him to start the car.

"Are you going to put your seatbelt on?" He asks

"Why? I never do." I reply. He lays a hand on my kinda showing belly and rubs it

"Because I would like Chester Jr to be good."

"It may be a Grace Jr."

"It may be both." He says and we both laugh. He start the car and we go to the doctor.


"Hey Grace." The doctor says when I walk into the room. She gives me a small smile and points towards Chester

"I imagine that's the father?" She says. Chester nods and I do too.

"Well, let's check this baby out." She instructs me to lay on my back on the chair. She pulls my shirt up and lied it just underneath my breasts. She puts this REALLY cold gel on me and I shiver a little bit. She rubs this...thing on my stomach and the monitor produces a image of our child

"Well, it looks like your baby is quite healthy. You see that?" She points to something "That's the head."

"That does not look like a head." I say quietly. I look over at Chester and I notice he is crying.

"Chester, you okay there?" I ask him, grabbing his hand.

"I mean, I knew there is a child growing inside of you, but to actually see it is another story. Oh my goodness."

"You better not be this emotional during the actual birth of this child, I swear." I say, and he gives me a smile

"Do you want to know the gender of your children?" The doctor asks

"No, we want to wait until the baby shower." Chester says but the doctor said something that obviously Chester didn't catch.

"Wait, children? What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, how unprofessional of me. You are having twins! Congratulations!"


"Twins? Oh my gosh Grace! I didn't even know we would have that gene!" Chester says while walking out of our appointment

"My mother is a twin, and it usually skips a generation, which means, it skipped me, which means, it wouldn't skip my child. Or children. Oh my goodness this is all too much now. We have to double all of our expenses, two cribs, two strollers, more clothing. What about when they are kids, they probably don't wanna share, and how about teens? Oh my-" Chester shuts me up by kissing me.

"As much as I love hearing you talk, shut up."


"Mamrie, we are having twins!" I yell into the phone, while trying to buckle my seatbelt

"Hannah, you wouldn't believe what we just found out!" Chester says and it makes me laugh how I just jumped to the surprise

"No, Grace isn't a porn star, what?" He says and I laugh. Mamrie squeals into the phone and I can hear her yelling congratulations

"Hannah, no we didn't elope. HANNAH WE ARE HAVING TWINS" he suddenly yells and I laugh again. He shakes his head and just points to his phone, calling her crazy.

After a while of silent driving, I suddenly feel an..urge to eat..cheesy fries?

"CHESTER!" I yell and he jumps up and slams the car.

"What? What is it? Are you okay, are you hurt, do we need to go back?"

"No I'm fine. I want cheesy fries. Like, a lot of them. And I f I don't have them now I may as well eat the fucking car so I think you should step on it." I say

"Well that's new, I've never actually heard Grace Helbig swear, because in bed doesn't car."

"Drive. The. Fucking. Car. Now." I say, quite angrily and he quickly starts driving again.


We end up at this cute cafe thing and we walk in. Well, I basically skip in cause I want my damn cheesy fries."

"Hi, can I get 3 large cheesy fries. Ooh, you also have tacos. Wait, what can't I eat when I'm pregnant? I'm sure chicken is okay, can u get 5 chicken tacos. Ooh, that sundae looks nice, and so does that milkshake, actually, just get me both. Chester, do you want anything?" Chester gives me wide eyes and shakes his head

"Um, two slices of pizza?" He says and the cashier rings that up.

"That sounds good, can I get a whole box of pizza as well?"


3 larger cheesy fries, 5 tacos and 5 slices of pizza later, I'm sipping my milkshake while I'm lying on Chester's lap, watching SpongeBob.

"I can't believe you ate almost everything." Chester says while stroking my hair, and I smile cause I can't believe it either. Pregnancy gets to you man


(A/N) I updated because it's been a while! *laughs* that's such a lie omg.
I've been refreshing YouTube and people aren't posting so I'm here.
Should I give y'all my Snapchat or is that a really dumb fucking thing to do? Like a 5th grader would do that (omg I hope I didn't offend anyone)
I'm gonna stop talking now

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