The Arguement

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Chester's P.O.V

After the wedding, we all travel to the hall not far away, and well, party! Kirstie changed her wedding dress to a much shorter red dress, and she still has her slippers on. But, she is quite enjoying herself, dancing with her new husband. He smiles down at her as she bounces freely. I turn back to my plate full of food, although I really can't eat anymore. I drink my beer and I scan the area for Grace, and I see her being grabbed by Kirstie and doing, some sort of move. I laugh silently then I see Grace hop back to our table and drops her body on my lap. I wrap my arms around her waist for balance.

"Yes?" I ask

"C'mon and dance with me!" She says, nodding her head towards the dance floor. It looks like fun but..

"I'm not the dancing type." I say

"Oh my gosh! Don't be such an idiot! Remember our first date? Or second or whatever number it was and we went to diner. I was the one that couldn't dance. Not you. You were the one who taught me. Now get up off of your ass and let's go." She drags me out of my seat and to the dance floor. I sigh, but I do dance along to the song.


"Well guys, the night is coming to an end. You can stay a little bit longer, but you are free to leave whenever you want. Take a bag before you go and it was nice having you!" Avi says into the microphone, with Kirstie basically clinging on his hip and it's quite adorable. Everyone slowly shuffles out and Grace goes up to give Kirstie a very long hug. She waved and skips back to me.

"We can go now. We start driving tomorrow morning." We take out goodie bags and walk out of the hall. We go to the back and stand in front o the car. I check my watch and it's only

"1 am?! Grace, we have to get back to the hotel if we want some sleep."

"Yeah but what if I don't want any sleep?" She says, five steps ahead of me. I run to catch up to her.

"Grace." I say, grabbing her arm and twirling her to look at me. "We have to go back to the hotel."

"No we don't Chester! Why don't we just live for a while. I'm not even driving, you are. But don't you wanna have some fun before we get back to work?"

"No Grace, that's EXACTLY why we need to get back? Why are you arguing with me? You would have been fine with going back!"

"Oh, and now cause I'm not your little puppy, you're offended? I'm not gonna follow your every move Chester, I'm a independent women! I can take care of myself."

"How about when you got drunk with Mamrie? Did you take care of yourself then?"

"I WAS DRUNK! NO ONE CAN HELP THEMSELVES WHEN THEY ARE DRUNK. You know what, fine, go back to the hotel. Take the car as well. I'm staying out." And with that she stomps away, but she quickly turns back around.

"Unlock the car. I left my jacket."


Once I get to my room and unlock the door, I throw my jacket on the bed and sigh from defeat. It wasn't right to argue with her..

I flip on the TV and start watching Once Upon a Time, as I am a little bit behind. After 30 minutes, the door unlocks and Grace walks in, with a brown paper bag. She throws it at me.

"I got you a doughnut. Chocolate sprinkles." That's all she says to me before walking into the bathroom and slamming the door. I sigh and enter the bathroom. She didn't lock the door. I hear the shower running

"Grace?" I say loud enough so she can hear through the water. She doesn't answer

Fair enough. Two can play that game.

I strip down till I'm butt naked and I open the curtains and get into the shower. Grace turns around and screams my name

"CHESTER WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I chuckle a little bit and I can see her starting to smile, but quickly becomes angry again.

"No I'm mad at you. You treated me like I was a teenager who couldn't go out to a party." She says and facts towards the shower head again. I snake my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder and I can feel her stiff up a little bit.

"I'm sorry. That's why I'm in here. You're right, you could have fun and you are independent. I just didn't want to have any fun. I'm boring. You looked like you had a such great socializing with everyone and I just stayed inside my comfort zone." She turns to face me.

"It's ok. I didn't really expect you to go out with me, but you were just treating me so unfairly. I know you rather just stay inside..." She says, placing her hands on my cheek. "That wasn't something worth arguing about." She then kisses me softly, but I deepen the kiss and I feel her tongue slip inside my mouth. I lift her up and she wraps her bare legs around my waist.

Best argument ever.


(A/N) Hey! I just wanted to say quickly I started a new Zalfie Fanfic if you are interested in that so, feel free to check it out! Bye!

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