The Morning After

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Chester's P.O.V

I wake up and I notice Grace, asleep next to me. My arms are around her as she is snoring lightly. I slowly roll out of bed, trying not to wake her up. She shifts slightly but brings the cover closer to her and is snoring again. I chuckle softly as I make my way downstairs. Once I do, I see Mamrie . drinking coffee and is on her laptop. She is slightly humming some song. She sees me enter the kitchen and she gives me a smile, but she looks tired.

"You should get some more sleep." I say.

"No can do. I have to return all these emails and make sure all these meetings are arranged." It then crosses my mind that I don't know what Mamrie does. As the best friend of someone that I am very much interested in, I have to at least know.

"Mamrie, what exactly do you do?"

"Oh I work at Buzzfeed." She says "It's an amazing job but it's tiring sometimes." She says while scratching her head and readjusting her glasses.

"Well, it looks like you can get an hour nap." I say as I put her laptop lid down.

"Thanks Chester. You really care about other people. Are you like this with Grace?" She asks, wriggling her eyebrows at me.

"I sure hope I am. I don't want to be like, you know, him." I say. I couldn't bring myself to hurt Grace. She's too precious to hurt.

"I know. People like that disgust me. And it makes me feel so bad for people who are in those relationships. When I saw Grace with a bruise, I may have jumped to conclusions but it came out right so." She says, trailing off, her voice getting a little sadder then it was.

"If you don't mind me asking, did you know anybody else who was in that sort of relationship?" I ask, pulling a chair next to her

"Yeah, actually. My mother." She says, opening her laptop lid again and resuming her emails. I want to ask some more questions, but she looks like she is going to cry. I give her a little hug before I go back upstairs. I open the door to Grace's room and she is wide awake, on her laptop.

"An old friend of mine, Kirstie, is getting married this weekend..." She starts saying till she looks up and sees me "I thought you were Mamrie. I thought you left." She says, looking back down

"And leave without getting a goodbye kiss? I don't think so." I say as I sit next to her. I see the screen and I see she's on Facebook. She's on Kirstie's page, and the most recent posts are wedding stuff. I see their engagement picture which is Kirstie in a Belle costume and her finance I'm guessing in a beast costume. The ring is in the thing where the flower is supposed to be. On the top it says KAVI WEDDING

"She's so lucky. I like Avi. It's this Saturday." She says again, looking at me.

"That's cool. Are you gonna go?" I ask her

"Yeah, of course! A free bar and food, sign me up!" She says as she laughs slightly. "I have to RSVP today. The thing is I have to bring a date." She says, wriggling her eyebrows at me.

"Oh I know who you should bring! Goose. She'll be the perfect companion." I say jokingly, although I really want Grace to take me to that wedding...but then what will we be? What will she introduce me as? Oh yeah, this is Chester, a friend of mine who I have a romantic interest in and we occasionally kiss but I swear we are just friends.

"Although Goose would be a great dancing partner, I mess someone with two feet. And someone who I am comfortable dancing with. And since I only ever been comfortable dancing with one person..I'm gonna have to give them a call. They live a distance away from me." She quickly grabs her phone. I'm a little disappointed that she didn't pick me. As I'm about to go use the bathroom, I hear my phone ring. I look back and I see Grace is a nest of laughter.

"Chester, would you go to Kirstie's wedding with me?" She asks, taking a few breaths in between her words, as she is still laughing

"Oh you think that's funny huh?" I say. She nods a little bit, biting her lip. I jump at her, tickling her sides

"NO STOP!" She says but I don't. I eventually stop and I back away, but she grabs my face and kisses me. It's slow and gentle, but overall, amazing. She pulls away smiling. I kiss her nose

"Yes, I'll go to a Kavi wedding with you."

(A/N) 1) I wanna work at buzzfeed so I brought that
2) since I'm obsessed with Pentatonix why not bring them in (OCTOBER 16th IS SO CLOSE AHH)
3)Grace is me with a social event. I'm going for the food
4) I haven't even watched beauty and the beast but I brought that in cause
5) I wrote this chapter in let's say 20 minutes. It was Monday and I was like shoot I haven't wrote ANYTHING. So you're welcome. Also almost 600 reads?!?! What.

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