The New Job

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*Skips To Friday*

Grace's P.O.V
It's my last day working with the children. I almost cry while I drive towards the school, but I hold back the tears. I can't bear to have to kids see me in that state, especially when I'm helping them OUT of that state. I walk into my classroom and the tears I was holding back for so long just escape.

I see a huge banner saying "Thank You Ms.Helbig!!!" and there is balloons everywhere and streamers and there's a huge big ol' cookies* on my desk and literally EVERYONE is here. Chester, Hannah, Mamrie, Ingrid, the students oh my gosh it's amazing.

"Oh my-guys..-I'm..." I start

"Speechless?" Mamrie finishes for me and I just nod, still crying and laughing at the same time

"Hey, let's stop wasting time! Let's eat some cake!!" Hannah says and everyone cheers


After everyone got their fair share of cake, we spend most of first period just...talking. A lot of other students who I haven't really gotten to know that well talk to me about stuff they needed to get out and it just feels so...nice. Almost natural. We hear a big knock on the door and everyone stops what they're doing and look to see who is at the door. It's the Principle, Ms.George.

"Ms.Helbig, as I recall it's your last day here as the teacher your are substituting is coming back on Monday." She says as we don't already know, but I nod my head anyways, my mouth full of cake and I can't really say anything.

"Well, as you might not be aware that our guidance counselor, Ms.Swan has recently transferred to another state to work on counseling there. So that means...a spot is open. And as I am aware when I hired you for this spot, you have a degree in communications or something in that degree, so if you want the job, it's all yours." She said, handing me some paperwork. I almost choke on my cake

"Wait, you mean.."

"Yes, you can stay here at the school and you still have a job. I mean, it was like you were fit for the job. Students came in here smiling instead of sulking and when I asked them what changed, they said they had a talk with you. You're a real light in this school. We need you." She smiles, grabs a piece of cakes and walks away. Everyone cheers and Chester runs up to me.

"You get to stay here!" He says, lifting me off the ground, and gives me a kiss. Everyone in the room aw's as he settles me on the ground. I'm so happy I cold just fly away right now.


"Did you forget anything? We are staying there for 3 days, I'm making sure..." Chester says as I get inside my car.

"I know I am an airhead, but I have everything. I think. I hope." I say, teasing him, he shakes his head as he drives. The wedding isn't that far out of town, only one hour away. It's around 3 right now so we'll get there at 4, check into a hotel and then practice the wedding reception/bachelorette party!


We get into the hotel, get a room and, well, enter our room and put out stuff down. The hotel is alight, considering we didn't pay that much for it anyways. I flop on the bed, looking at the time. It's 4:23. We have to be at the wedding reception at five and it's not that far from here so we have some time to kill. Chester sneaks in next to me and puts his arms around my waist, inching me closer to her.

"Chester?" I say


"Did I say anything, or do anything stupid when I was drunk? And you picked us up. Did I do anything?" I hear him laugh a little.

"You didn't do anything other then throw up and-um say some things I don't think you wanted to say..." He says the last par quietly...

"Wait, what did I say?" He doesn't say anything

"Chester. What did I say. It's probably not that bad."

"You told me you loved me. And I don't know if you were drunk or if you were sober and I don't know if you meant it but-" he starts talking but I shut him up with a small kiss.

"I meant it Chester. I really did"


(A/N) Probably wondering why I'm posting so much and no, it's not the make up for lost time ATM. It's cause this book is slowly coming to an end. :_(. I know, but I feel like it's the time to kind of just wrap everything up, so that's what I'm gonna do in the next few chapters. So bear with me

*cake automatically corrects to big ol' cookies for me cause I made that on my keyboard from Parks and Recreation so *smiles*

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