The Butt Call

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Chester's P.O.V

I wake up at 1:34 am?! What? I look at my phone and I see 4 miscalls from Grace and 1 from Mamrie. I quickly call back Grace and she answers on the first ring.

"CHESTER. We are at a park and we are quite drunk and frankly I don't know how we walked all the way over here, but apparently we did, so can you pick us up?"

"Ho-how am I supposed to find you?"

"Do the thingy, the Find My phoney thingy. Thanks. LOVE YOU!" She yells the last part at me, and even though I know that she is quite drunk, she said she loved me.


I eventually end up where Grace and Mamrie are supposed to be and soon enough, I hear them laughing. I walk up to them and I see bags of chips scattered around them.

"Oh my gosh Grace LOOK! It's your night and shining armor has arrived." She says in a British accent as she bows down to me. I chuckle as I motion for them to stand up. Mamrie stands up fine, but Grace stumbles a bit. I put Grace on my left and Mamrie on my right and I walk them to the car. Grace voluntarily opens the back door and slides in slowly, lying on her stomach and groaning. Mamrie shrugs and enters the passenger seat. I get into the drivers seat and start driving to their house.

"Did-did-did you know that 7/11 has 10 bags of chips for .50 cents!" Mamrie says, bouncing in her chair. I can hear Grace from the back

"It's 6 for 2"

"Same difference!" Mamrie says again. I shake my head and drive them to their house.


I park into the street and close the door. I open both doors and Mamrie gets out without question, already running to the front door, but Grace is having some trouble. And by trouble I mean she's not moving. I pick her up, bridal style as she rests her head on my shoulder. I walk to the front door and Mamrie already has the door open, all lights on. She's quite quick for someone being drunk, or at this point I don't even think she is drunk anymore. She's in the kitchen with 3 bottles of water and 3 Advil, all lined up.

"Give Grace one of each, and also a bucket. She might throw up. Might. Depends how long it's been since she has been drinking. Like when she would come home after every unsuccessful date, she would just drink the night away. It was quite sad, but her stomach was like steel. But after a while, she could drink 3 bottles and be fine. Whoops I think I said too much. He." Mamrie says while grabbing both of the bottle of waters and the Advil and heading upstairs.
I look back at Grace who has flopped back onto the couch, groaning slightly. I go into the bathroom and get a bucket that I magically found and but it near her head. When I go back to get the water and the medicine, I can hear up. She turns around and shows a weak smile when she sees me. She tries to get the water and medicine, but I sit on the floor and open it for her.

"You need to sit up Grace."

"If I move, I'm gonna die." Grace moans, but she sits up anyways. She shakes her head and takes the water bottle, taking slow sips. I hand her the Advil and she takes it and gets more water. She lays back down. I sigh and turn of a few lights, leaving the lights in the kitchen on just in case. I go back to her. I can hear her quietly say


I smile. I go upstairs to her room and grab a blanket from her bed and a few extra pillows. I skip back downstairs and I hear her throwing up again. I sigh as I rub her back, trying to make her feel better.

"I'm never drinking again." She groans again. I chuckle a little bit and throw the blanket over her. Luckily, her couch is quite big and I can slide in next to her. I wrap my arms around her as I still rub her back. Then she says something and I'm still very conflicted if she is drunk or not, but either way, she did say it.

"I love you Chester."

(A/N) *smiles weakly* I think I owed it to you

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