The Hill

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Chester's P.O.V

I look up to see who is interrupting my so called date with Grace. I look up and I see my student, Vanessa

"OHMIGOSH! Were you guys on a date. Omg I'm so sorry!" Vanessa says, putting her hands to her mouth

"No, no, um, it's fine I guess." I hear Grace say and my heart sinks a little

"Wait, so he does like you back! Aw that's cute!" Vanessa says jumping up and down

"Um what?" I ask all confused

"Oh um, nothing." Vanessa says becoming quieter. "I'm gonna go leave now. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Vanessa then walks away awkwardly.

"Well that was certainly..." Grace starts

"Something?" I say with a laugh

"Yeah.." Grace looks at the time. "It's actually not that late? Maybe we could go somewhere else? I have a surprise for you." Grace says

"Oh geez. You are gonna have to drive aren't you?" I say. Grace gives me a sly smile as she nods. She grabs my hand and we run out of the carnival, passing the big flashing lights behind us.


"Now please tell me you are not taking to an asylum." I ask Grace as we get in the car.

"No no Chester. They usually do that on a second date." She says with a full smirk on her face

"So you do agree?" I ask

"Hm?" She doesn't look at me though, as she has to keep her eyes on the rode.

"This is a date." The car is silent for a while

"If you want it to be. Then sure. It's a date. Hm." She says


"I haven't really been on a so-called "date" before." She takes her hands off the road for a few seconds to do the quotations.

"What are you talking about. A guy has NEVER taken you on a date?" I ask suspiciously.

"Remember, my laugh drove them away." She says with a small laugh, but I can see that she is in pain. I want to hug her. To squeeze her and say it's ok. Those men didn't know what they were talking about. You are perfect. I don't say anything though, because maybe silence is good.

But maybe not at this moment.


"-and then he crashed into our neighbors front fence." I laugh at the story Grace was telling me, about her brother well, you know, crashing.

"Oh my gosh. I need to meet your family one day. I love them and I haven't even met them!"

"Maybe one day Mr.See. Depends on how lucky you are."

We'll have to test my luck then


"Alright! Here we are!" Grace says

"Grace. You drove to a parking lot to go up a-hill?" I asked confused

"Don't question it. Just follow me. And trust me." We both get out of the car and she leads the way. The hill isn't that high, but it sure is one hell of a work out. We get to the top she just stands there. Watching. Looking. Observing. I stand behind her, just admiring her.

"Damn it Chester, stop standing there like an ompaloompa and come over here." She says with a laugh, but k swear I heard her choke a little bit. I walk slowly and I stand next to her and I can feel the electricity bouncing off from her to me. Her to

Grace's P.O.V
Me. I try to wipe away my tears, as I don't know why I'm crying. I'm over this. I SHOULD be over this, so why am I

Chester's P.O.V
Crying? Oh no. Something is wrong.

"Grace?" I say. I look at her and there is tears running down her face.

"Grace?" I say a little bit louder. She just looks at me and it breaks me. It honestly kills me to see her like this and I just want to make her happy.

I need to make her happy.

"Grace?" I try one more time, softer, with a caring voice. Then she just breaks down. She grabs and hugs me and sobs into my chest. I feel tears in my eyes as I start stroking her hair and her back

"Grace, Grace, it's ok, it's ok, whatever happened, you are fine now. Ok? You are safe here with me Grace. I promise. I will never leave you." I mean every single word I said. Every



She pulls away from me and sees my tears

"Why are you crying?" She says, as she uses her thumb to wipe away MY tears.

"I don't know. It kind of killed me a little bit to see you cry like that, and then you practically jumped into my arms and, I don't know. Made me think something safe didn't happen to you and I was scared..."

"Oh Chester, you are so sweet. You're amazing." She gives me a peck on the cheek and I am taken back. Almost frozen. It was a small gesture couldn't mean much right?

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come up here when I wasn't ready. Something terrible happened here and I'm just trying to forget. It's been hard and obviously I'm not over it..."

"Hey, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I understand." I say reassuringly. She smiles at me.

"Thanks Chester. No really, thank you."

"Let's get you home."


(A/N) Guys I think I got my groove back on. (Dances) haha no but seriously, I have been stumping myself on what to do because I hate ideas I come up with or I don't like it anymore. I came up with one that I like and I'm gonna use so hopefully y'all like it too. Geez I hate writers block. I thought it didn't exist but who knew ;3
Also I survived my first week of school I honestly need a medal

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