The Repition

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Chester's P.O.V

Just as class is about to begin, Zoe comes in my door, tears streaming down her face. She slams her bag on the floor and looks at me with puffy eyes.

"Zoe? Why are you crying?" I ask, standing up slowly from my desk and going over to her, I reach out but she shudders and backs away quickly.

"I'm sorry, I just, I need someone to do something." She starts pacing around the room

"Zoe, I can't do anything if I don't know what the situation is."

"Do you want the long or short story?"

"Just give me whichever one feels comfortable."

She sighs and starts telling her story.

"Alfie and I were going on a date. I of course was early and was waiting for him outside our favorite restaurant. Someone who I thought was Alfie put their hands on my eyes. I smiled and I heard him speak and that's when I realized it wasn't Alfie. He dragged me away to this alley, and, and-" she breaks into sobs again. I put my hand over my mouth.

"Did, he rape you?" I ask, slowly. I can see her nod under her pile of hair. I don't know whether or not to hug her or to stay away, afraid if I touch her it may trigger something.

"I wanted to tell Alfie, or Joe right away, but those two wouldn't blink an eye until they figure out who it is."

"Did you see the guy?"

"My vision, it's hazy, it may be the shock or the panic attacks but I think once I relax, I can piece together people but I'm so scared."

"Okay, okay. Breathe, please just breathe." I breathe in and out deeply and show motions for her to mimic me. She does and eventually her breathing is back to normal, but there are still tears running down her face.

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you a story. You know Grace?" She nods "She was in a very abusive relationship with this guy. He would rape her, punch her, all of that. He went to jail but he got out, and surprisingly Grace forgave him. Now, I don't know what's it like to be sexually assaulted, but Grace does. I may not be the right person, but Grace can be. Do you want me to call her?" Zoe nods her head, still a little shaky. I Skype call Grace and I see her beautiful face on the screen.

"Hey, what about our 4:00 Skype date?" She says with a smile. I smile back and then put on a serious tone

"You know my student, Zoe?" Grace nods. "Something happened to her that is very similar with what happened to you." Grace puts on a confused face, but then I see her face go completely blank as she realizes what I am talking to about

"Let me see her." I motion towards Zoe to come and she walks slowly till she sees Grace on the monitor

"Um hi. You're really pretty." Zoe says

"Thanks sweetie, but we are here to talk about you. Chester, do you mind leaving?" Grace asks and I go out the classroom

Grace's P.O.V

"Ok, first of all, this is NOT your fault. Don't believe you should be the one to blame for this. Now tell me what happened." She tells me the story and I elaborate on that some more.

"Ok, who did you tell?"

"Chester and you."

"Why didn't you go to the nurse sweetie, you have to make sure your weren't left with anything, or someone. I know it may be a haze, but do you know if he used protection?"

"I don't know! Oh my gosh, what if I do get pregnant? What if Alfie leaves me because he doesn't want someone as worthless as me."

"Okay, Zoe, look at me." She looks up at me. "You are not worthless because of what happened to you. Yes, you are gonna feel like shit, but that does not make you worthless. Nobody in this world is worthless. Now Alfie, who I am assuming is your boyfriend?" She nods "If he really does love you, he wouldn't care that if you got pregnant from rape. He would be there for you and support you and love you throughout this whole thing." She nods

"What are you feeling right now?"

"I just want to go home and cry. I want to hide under my blanket and put three layers of clothes on and never go outside again. I want to scream and yell and punch a wall."

"How are these feelings affecting your emotions or every day life."

"I get panic attacks, but I can keep them under control. My anxiety is so high, I don't know when one is gonna come."

"Ok, you just need to remember to breathe. It only happened once and with more caution, it will only happen once. But, when you are feeling better, you need to call the police, because that is a serious thing okay?" She nods and gives me a small smile

"Thanks Grace. Chester wasn't lying when he called you amazing."

Chester's P.O.V

Zoe walks out of the classroom, no more tears.

"Thank you." I nod at her and go back inside where Grace is waiting for me.

"Thank you for talking to her."

"Of course. I hope she will be better."


(A/N) whaaaaaat updates in the same week? What is this? Some sort of miracle?

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