The Twins

142 3 7

Chester's P.O.V

"So, are you gonna tell us or what?" I say to the two girls in my car.

"Chester, relax." Grace says

"Grace, they could have guns, bombs, anything and you just invited them into the car."

"Something told me that they are harmless. If they wanted to kill us, they probably would have by know. Please."

I roll my eyes and grip my hands harder on the steering wheel. Grace turns around

"Are you girls hungry? We could stop by a McDonalds along the way or something?" Grace asks them.

"Um, sure. That'll be great." Veronica says and Vanessa nods in approval.


We get to McDonald's and the girls go to order something while I find some seats. They come back with their trays and sit down to start eating. Grace slides some nuggets my way and I take them.

"Ness, do you wanna tell them?" Veronica asks Vanessa. She wipes some thing off her mouth and agrees

"Our mother is abusive. Ever since we were younger. And you know, you spank your kids when they misbehave but she didn't do that." Vanessa says

"She would hit us with canes, she would purposely burn us. During the winters, she would take our blankets and let us freeze, so we had to be close together for body warmth."

"I think it's cause our father left us. After that happened, she just changed." Veronica chimes and and Vanessa continues

"She would send us to school in the same clothes, bandages over the bruises she gave us. There was always bandages on our hands. She would just always hit us." Vanessa lifts up Veronica's shirt and it reveals a huge scar.

"She pushed Ronnie down the stairs onto some glass. I have one on my back, but that's because she shoved me hard on the ground."

"So we turned 18 a few days ago. And you know, we are legal adults so we thought we could just leave. But no one would help us cause they thought we were crazy or something. But we aren't. We just wanna have a fresh start. Just the two of us."

"Do you guys wanna go to college?" Grace asks them. They both nod

"I wanna be an Engineer." Veronica says

"I wanna be a Nurse." Vanessa says

"How do you expect to get in with no money?"

"We both got scholarships." Veronica says "We tried to keep up our grades to escape the horror of that house."

"This kind man say he'd pay for both our tuition for any college we want to go to. We just have to pick." Vanessa mentions and smiles

"And you trust this man?" I say suspiciously

"Yeah. We've met him and all. His wife says he does this with a lot of young kids."

"We just need a place to stay for a while. And everyone who we asked thought we were crazy or psychotic cause we are twins and twins have crazy mind powers or whatever." Veronica says

Grace opens her mouth but I answer first.

"Yeah, we can work something out." I can feel Grace smile.


We arrive back home pretty late and both of the girls are both lazily asleep but wake up when I tell them we are here.

They sit on the couch and look around the house and they smile.

"I've never seen a house so organized before. Our house was just a mess." Vanessa says

"Okay um, so we don't have a bed for you guys, but we have a air mattress that both of you can fit on for now until we get it for you." Grace says while holding some pillows and covers.

"And we'll give you guys some money, but only if you get a job. We aren't expecting you to get a job right away, but you do need one to live in this house."

"And you guys are done with high school correct?"

"We both did our GED's and passed so yeah, technically." Veronica says.

"Okay, so we don't have to worry about both of y'all going to school. And you guys are 18 so we can't be like arrested for this right Grace?" I ask Grace and she nods slowly

"I think they'll be fine. But we are gonna have some rules. Curfew is 12 pm without informing us, and that they can be changed if you guys ask for an extension if you guys are lost or something like that. No lying, no stealing, no covering for one another, no disrespect because we are allowing you to live here. And you guys have to do chores when we tell you do." Grace says and I'm shocked by her sudden parent-ness.

"Honestly, this is great. We've never had such rules. We never had such structure." Veronica says. "This is great"

"Alright, so upstairs there is a bathroom near our room, which you guys can basically have as your own for now because we have our own bathroom. And the kitchen is, well behind you. And just, don't be bad." I say and Grace laughs.

"Doing great." She says

"Thank you." They say at the same time.

"No problem." I say


I get into bed with Grace by my side.

"Well, this'll be something." She mumbles

"Yeah. It's like we are having our own kids."

"In 5 months." She mumbles again.

5 months




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