The Jake

200 4 10

Grace's P.O.V

I wake up, naked from my slumber and I see Chester next to me as well, who is also naked, slightly drooling on the pillow. I laugh and stand up, and I decide to pack some things, seeing as we do have to leave today. I hear a shuffle in the bed, and I quickly turn to see he is still asleep. I laugh as I put out an outfit and continue packing.


After Chester wakes up, he helps me with packing, while he tried to catch sneaky kisses with me. We finished packing and we lock up our room and hit the road.

It's silent for a while, but a silent that isn't awkward. After a while of driving, Chester says unexpectedly

"Hey, shouldn't we get an apartment and all? Seeing as, you know, we are engaged." For a second there, I almost forgot I was engaged! Wow, that's something...

"I mean, we SHOULD right? I mean, we are getting married. Oh my gosh, Chester, we have a wedding to plan. Chester, oh my gosh we are getting MARRIED! It's all too much!"

"Let's just be happy you aren't pregnant, cause then you probably would have rolled out of this car." Chester says with a laugh but one word sticks to me


He said it as a joke, but I'm not taking it lightly.


We arrive first at Mamrie's house first and he helps me unload my bags. We knock on the door and I'm blessed with the sighting of Mamrie with her shirt lazily sagging off one shoulder and her nipples popping freely.

"Mamrie, did you have a guest over?" I say as I raise my eyebrow and a small smirk

"Grace! The first thing you say to me when you come back is that I was sleeping around? How could you?!" She says, as she crosses her arm in front of her, but right when she does that, I hear a guy's voice in the back.

"Hey Mams, got any milk?" Her eyes widen and I laugh out so hard. I pay her on the back and I drop my bags near the foot at the couch. Chester follows me and the Mamrie's "friend" turns around and almost jumps back. But then he smiles.

"Oh, you must be Grace and Chester. Mamrie told me about you guys on our second date." He walks up to us and shakes my hand. "I'm Jake. Nice to meet you." I'm quite taken back about his bluntness and how he's just ok with this.

"Mamrie? We need to talk." I drag her upstairs to my room and shut the door.

"Wait, wait, so you are going on DATES with this guy? Mamrie, that's new, even for you." I say with a laugh at the end

"Look, I met him a club, I slept with him, and he wanted to take me out. I kept refusing, and then somehow he found me at my job and he had like a picnic at my desk and just oh my gosh you wouldn't believe it. I didn't mean for it to escalate..."

"How long?"

"Three months?"

"THREE MONTHS! MAMRIE! YOU KEPT A GUY AWAY FROM ME FOR THREE MONTHS?!" I yell at her and I hear Goose jump from the corner.

"Well, you are so happy with Chester, I didn't want to bother you..."

"MAMS WE COULD HAVE BEEN DOUBLE DATING ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" She laughs at that sentence and waves at me as she goes downstairs.

"You're crazy." I run down the stairs after her and almost tackle her to the floor. The close I get to is just jumping on her back. She laughs and just carried me back to the living room, where Chester and Jake have taken a liking to each other.

"-then she almost set the house on fire! Because I didn't call her back. And I've never made that same mistake twice." Jake finishes his story, winks at Mamrie and laughs along with Chester.

"Oh my gosh, I have this story where a girl stayed in my bathtub and wouldn't get out till I-" He started talking but he looked my way, saw my stern face and stopped talking.

"We can finish this story another time." Chester says, getting up and kissing me on the forehead.

I drag Mamrie to the kitchen for purposes.

"Mams, do you really like Jake or is he just something for fun?"

"See, that how it was like the first 2 weeks, but he's amazing Grace. I might love him."

"WHAT!!?!? MAMRIE IN LOVE? Oh my gosh, the world has gone mad. Next thing you know, Trump will be president! Oh my gosh." I start saying and Mamrie covers my mouth

"I haven't told him yet dip wit, don't screw things up for me!" She says and I nod

"Well this is a great time to tell you I'm gonna move out. Either with Chester or we'll just get a whole new apartment."


"Cause you can invite your future husband over there to move in. And then I won't be burden."

"But Grace.."

"Mamrie, you've taken me, hell you even let me get Goose. You've been there from day one, and you are still gonna be there for me. Just not in the same house." She laughs a little bit, but I see a small tear.

"I love you Grace." She says and pulls me into a hug

"I love you too Mamrie."


(A/N) It I offended anyone who supports Trump, then I'm sorry, but I don't support him or anything he stands for atm so :)

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