The Return

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Chester's P.O.V

"She comes back this Friday?" I ask Hannah again, making her repeat herself

"Yes. Luckily you didn't start getting comfortable right?" Hannah says and I give her a small glare

"No, it's fine. I understand. I'll just have to find another job. It can't be that -" Grace starts, but the first bell cuts her off and I see students, walking to their class

"Well, I got to go, but I'll see you later, OK?" I say to Grace. I kiss the top of her head and I see her smile. I walk out and enter my classroom and surprisingly everyone is there.

"Guys, is something going on? Why are all of y'all here so EARLY?" I say, placing my briefcase on the desk.

"We wanna know what's going on between you and Ms.Helbig." Emily says

"Vanessa told us that you guys were at the carnival together? Is that true hm?" Another student, Leslie, calls out from the back.

"Guys. You aren't supposed to be in a teacher's-" I start but Jake cuts me off

"Yeah we get it, blah blah blah. Just tell us if you are in love with her dude." I sigh and I look at Vanessa.

"Hey." She puts her hands up in surrender "People were gonna start figuring it out. You guys are all over each other." She says with a little smile.

"Fine, fine,fine. Yes I am dating Grace and-" I start but, again, I am cut off

"I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!" Valerie tells from behind.

"OK, OK, everyone cool it." I try, but I hear a voice from the doorway

"Chester, Hannah wants you to-oh um,hi." I look and I see Grace. I look back at my class and I realized they are all looking at her.

"Ms.Helbig, just so we can confirm Mr.See isn't lying, are y'all two dating?" David says

"Oh, um.." Grace starts blushing quite fast."Yeah, we are." She says.

"Awwwww." The whole class says. Grace just keeps looking down and she eventually walks out of the room.

"Alright, can we please get out of my love life and talk about George Washington?" I say, trying to get my classes attention. I met with a ton of groans but they behave.


After the final bell rings, my class disperse out into the hallway. I erase everything n my board and I sit back to my desk, chuckling. Everyone has been asking about me and Grace and it's just funny. I hear a knock on my door and I see it's Grace. She looks, upset..

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her. I stand up and stand in front of her as I rub her shoulder.

"He's here, Chester. He wants to talk. Now." She says, the words barely making it out of her mouth. My body tenses up, but I relax

"Hey, hey, we can do this together OK? He isn't going to hurt you. I'll make sure of that." She nods and we walk into her classroom, and yet, he is there. Sitting in the first row. When we walk in, she stands up quickly and I pull Grace behind me.

"Don't you-"

"Dude. I swear on my life, I'm not going to hurt her. Please, let me just talk. Please?" He says. I sigh and I bring Grace next to me, holding her hand.

"Okay then James. Speak." Grace says. I realized then I didn't know his name till now.

"OK, so look. I am truly sorry for what I have done to you. You probably don't believe me or you don't want to accept my apology, but I am sorry. When I was younger, I lived with my aunt and uncle because my mother was too high to take care of me and my father left when I was born. They were very loving at first, but after I was getting older, I saw that it was all an act. My uncle hit my aunt, and he would hit me too. He would do it out of frustration, or he was drunk or we didn't do something right. So eventually, I ran away. I kept going to school and the kids made fun of my scars and such and I took out that anger on, women. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but it good to just, get rid of all the pain. So I am coming to tell you. I am sorry. You didn't deserve that and Chester is treating you very nicely. You deserve someone like him."

Then there is just, silence.

"Thank you, James. I accept your apology, but I need time to truly forgive you. Just, get better? OK?" Grace says. She lets go of my hand and goes to give him a hug. I make sure she is fine. After they are done, he shakes my hand.

"Take good care of her please? Her heart needs fixing after me." He says with a small laugh. I chuckle

"I will. I'll try."


(A/N) when your lazy af and you have to write a chapter because people actually read your story in like 10 minutes. cheer with me. PRO-CRAS-TIN-ATION. I think i spelled that wrong but ok

i have squash on monday so i get home at like 6:45 and if i didn't write the chapter the day before, I gotta rush my little heart for YOUR pleasure. JK JK JK I love y'all

also does anyone watch Girl Meets World? because if you do and you ship Lucaya I love you more

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