The Adventure

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Grace's P.O.V

"Ok, so this is where Ms.Garder puts her assignments. She usually plans them during the summer, so everything should be here." Chester says as he opens the cabinet. He bends over to find the files, and I can't notice his nice toned butt-GRACE no stop it. This is not appropriate. You only just met the guy!

"Hm that's weird." Chester says as he sighs

"What's wrong?" I ask, slowly walking to the desk.

"There isn't any files in here..." Chester trails of. He shakes his head "Ms.Garder would be furious."

"Luckily, she isn't here, right?" I say with a little nervous chuckle. I go look into the cabinet, and I see a tiny slip of paper. It has the numbers, 457.

"Hey does the numbers, um, 457 ring a bell to you?"

Chester looks at me when I say that sentence. I don't know if he is staring at me or thinking about something or both. But, I feel like I could have him look at me all day.

"Ah, 457. That is a locker on the second floor. Apperantly, it's 'haunted'. My kids probably put it in there."

"Your kids? Like your students or actual kids?"

"Oh no my students. I don't have actual kids." That sentence made me catch my breath a little. Because, if he did have kids, that would have mean that he had a partner and the thought of him having a partner that isn't me... GRAAAACE

"Let's go bust into it then." I say with a sly smirk as I make a pretend gun with my fingers. He chuckles a little.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Just, if I hear voices in my house, I'll blame you."


As we are walking up the stairs, I ask him why is it, so called "haunted"

"Well apperently, there was this creepy kid. That was his locker. Every time he went to go to this locker, people would clear the way for him, because they thought he would kill them or something. Then, one day, the boy just vanished." Chester's voice then goes to a whisper "he moved away, but the students thought another thing so let's encourage them." He goes back to normal "Then everybody just thought that his locker was haunted so they never assigned that locker."

"So did you end up telling you kids or?"

"Nope. They still don't know."


We go to the second floor and Chester starts walking. I wanna make this a little bit fun. I hold him back, acting as if there are lasers. He gives me a confused look.

"Can't you see the damn lasers? Are you trying to get burned. Do you know how quickly it would burn your pretty little face off?" I say, trying to be flirty, but at the same time, I don't want force it. I look over and I see him blush.

"Ok, ok I see the lasers, we'll have to avoid them."

I lead off, pretending to jump over some lasers then ducking under some. I took it a step forward and rolled on the ground. Throughout this whole time I am laughing and I can hear Chester in the back laughing as well. After we finished the "lasers", we move on to our next part.

"We have to get rid of those security cameras but not really cause the school would be mad if we damaged that!" Chester exclaims as he points at two cameras.

"Hmm, what about if we-" I pull out some invisible silly string "Silly string it" I toss him a can as he gets the left one and I get the right. We both imitate the sounds and we finish. We tiptoe through the lockers until we see Locker 457.

"Ok, how are we going to open this? This has been locked for many years now!" Chester says as he scratches his stubble. His perfectly shaped stubble. I wonder what it would be like to brush my fingers-Grace STOP.

"How about, like this." I say as I punch the locker. I shake my hand afterwords, but the locker creeks open.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" Chester asks me

"Yeah I'm fine, no worries."

"Are you sure? I can go get some ice if you want? That looked like it hurt." Nobody would ever be so concerned.

"Mr.See, if I wasn't fine, I wouldn't be refusing your help." I say in a British voice. He laughs and he takes my hand. He doesn't do anything for a while. He kind of just massages it. Rubbing where it was red the most. Every time he made a little circle, I felt a little spark inside of

Chester's P.O.V
me. I think I am over doing it, but she would have

Grace's P.O.V
pulled away if it was enough right? Is he feeling

Chester's P.O.V
the same thing. That same spark. Eventually I just

Grace's P.O.V
let me go. We kinda just stand there awkwardly. After a few seconds, I open the locker. Sure enough, files come pouring out.

"If I'm gonna have to work with these students, I would have picked another school." I say with a laugh

"Maybe it's a good thing you picked this school. You'll never know what the future brings, Ms.Helbig."

"You're right Mr.See."

You are absolutely right.


(A/N) Hola! I just wanted to know if the chapters are TOO long! I feel like I have a lot I wanna write and I just wanna fit it all in one chapter and it seems nearly impossible. When I do put everything down that I wanted to, I scroll up and it seems hella long but. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, do y'all like how I switch from Grace and Chester P.O.V or does that get annoying? It's just I wanna write both of their versions but if I did that, this would be more then 976 words. :3

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