Chapter 7

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"Hey little one who's this?" Uncle zeke asks.

"Uh this is Blake my Bo- friend my friend," I say.

"Nice to meet you," he says and uncle Uriah comes over and I tell him this is Blake.

"I remember my first girlfriend," Uriah says.

"It was your only girlfriend nimrod," mom says.

"But she's the best," Uriah says.

"Why is your family talking about relationships?" Blake whispers to me.

"They probably think we are a couple so they are trying to find it out by bringing up the topic," I whisper back.

"Well they are getting quite annoying," he whispers. I quietly giggle.

"This is my family I guess," I whisper back.

"They seem nice," he whispers.

"Except when they make fun of me," I whisper back.

"How can they make fun of you your gorgeous," he whispers then notices what he said.

"Umm thanks," I say tucking my hair behind my ear and looking down so no one sees my blush.

"Anytime m'lady," he says smirking.

"Claire we are all going on a train ride come on," Blake says taking my hand.

"Bye mom bye dad," I say to them giving them quick hugs and no time to respond.

"Ready?" He asks taking my hand.

"Yep lets go. Where are we going exactly?" I ask.

"That's a surprise," he says and we continue to walk to the trains.

"can you please tell me?" I beg.

"Nope that defeats the purpose of it being a surprise," he says smirking.

"Well let's hurry," I say and start running.

"How can you run in that dress thing?" He asks while I keep running.

"Because it is pants and a tank top not a dress," I say.

"Well it reminds me of a dress," he says. We continue running down the hall and soon arrive at the stairs and head up the stairs.

"Let's go," I say heading towards the train tracks.

"Good at jumping on to one of these yet?" Blake asks me.

"My parents are Four and Six I think I'm good," I say.

"They probably thought you at 8," he jokes.

"They actually did," I say.

"I'm pretty good at guessing," he says.

"You could be a natural erudite," I joke.

"Hardy har har," he says. I kiss his cheek which makes him smile.

"You're cute when you're mad," I say and the. The trains starts coming.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod and start running. He follows close behind. Once the train is next to me I quickly grab the handle and swing myself so my feet are on the small platform and press the button to open the door. I jump into the train from there and sit on a box in the corner. Blake jumps in and his jump looked a lot more graceful than mine.

"You may be better at this than I am," I say slowly catching my breath.

"I am pretty good at it," he says.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora