Chapter 43

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"No Cupcake," Carter smiles as he sets his glass down. We just got our lunch, steak and a baked potato, and Carter is arguing with me.

"Yes Carter," I say and cut my steak, "it's not going to be a huge party, my family, yours, couple of friends. Of course just my brothers and parents."

"I don't need a party Claire," he says and I roll my eyes.

"No but you are going to get one," I tell him and take a bite of my steak, "it's going to be at my parents, considering they have the biggest place."

"Then you'd better expect a party from me on your birthday," he says and takes a bite of his food, "now about presents-"

"Already got you then," I interrupt him, "I'll give you one in the morning and one after the party."

"You got me two? You didn't even need to get me one," he says and I smile.

"I did Carter," I reply and take a bite of my steak.

Carter is holding back a smile as he starts to eat his lunch. "You're still staying at my place tonight, right?"

"Yeah," I reply and grab my glass, "I was going to head over around 5:30 so I could make dinner."

"You're to good sometimes Cupcake," he smiles and I return it.


Carter's going to be back soon, so I decided on making a pizza and garlic bread. Just something fast because I basically just woke up. I mean I fell asleep after lunch and I didn't wake up until 15 minutes ago. I grab a couple plates and throw place all the dirty dishes in the sink. I actually made the dough and sauce so there are a few bowls to wash. Which I start to do while the pizza and bread sticks are cooking. I clean them, dry them, and place them back in the cabinet. I hear the door open and Carter call out he is here. I meet him at the entry way to the kitchen to kiss his cheek.

"Pizza is almost done," I smile and he leans down to kiss my cheek.

"Perfect," he smiles, "thanks Cupcake."

I here the oven ding and I go to take the pizza out. "You can have whatever to drink, I was just going to have water," I tell him and he fills both of the glasses.

"When is the party?" Carter asks as I set the bread sticks on the table.

"We are going over around four," I tell him, "we'll only be there for a few hours or so. Probably leave around eight."

"I'll take you to lunch again tomorrow before we go," he tells me and takes a slice of pizza.

"No it's your birthday," I tell him and grab a breadstick.

"So," Carter shrugs and takes a bite of his food. "I'd like to take you out. No questions."

"I'm not going to bother arguing," I mutter and he chuckles.

"You look adorable when you're annoyed," He smiles and I throw a piece of bread stick at him.

He catches it before he throws it back. He smiles as I catch it too and set it back on my plate. "Shut up Carter."

"Why Cupcake?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"You annoy me," I tell him.

"Exactly why I said you were adorable annoyed," he grins, "so I'm probably not going to shut up."

I cross my arms over my chest and throw my head back. He's so difficult sometimes. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I look at him to see him finishing his pizza slice. What the heck, how does he eat so fast? I take only like the third bite of my pizza before I decide to throw my breadstick at him again. This time it hits him in the face because he wasn't paying attention. I laugh and Carter raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Come one Claire," he says and I notice he's holding back a smile.

"What you deserved it," I shrug and take a drink of my water.

He rolls his eyes at me before grabbing another slice of pizza. This is already his third piece and I just finished my first. I've been eating all the breadsticks though. They are so good! I grab a second slice of pizza and decide before I even start eating it that this is my last piece. I really need to go train, I haven't been in like a month.

"Carter?" I ask and he hums in response, "can we go train tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah," he replies, "do you have training clothes here?"

I've just started to keep some of my clothes over here so it's easier. Of course Carter is letting me use the dresser in his guest bedroom. I've got everything I need clothing wise here. "Yeah," I tell him and he sets his glass back down.

"When are we going?"

"We'll go at 8," I say and he nods.

"Do we have to go that early?" Carter complains and I roll my eyes.

"Yes we do so don't complain," I smile and stand up. I take my plate and glad to the kitchen and set them in the sink. Carter does the same and I do the dishes. "You don't have to go to leader training tomorrow right?"

"No, Evan gave me the day off," he tells me as he places the clean dishes back in the cabinets.

"Luckily my grandpa is a nice guy," I laugh and dry off my hands, "now we can watch a movie."

"Who said anything about watching a movie?"

"I just did," I roll my eyes, "and after the movie I'm going to sleep."

"Don't act like a old lady," Carter whines, "It's literally only 7:30."

"I don't care, I've had a busy week with work," I say and next thing I know is I'm getting thrown over his shoulder. He won't put me down so I don't even try. What's the point in hitting his back when he just laughs and continues to walk. Wait it's funny, that's the whole point. I just smile as I hit my back not really paying attention to where he is taking me. I mean it felt like a longer walk than just to the living room. I decide to stop and right then he throws me off his shoulder and onto a bed. I groan and look up at him, flicking him off.

"Get over it Cupcake," he says and jumps on to the bed next to me.

This is when I notice that we are in his room. I've been in his room before, but never actually stayed with him. We've fallen asleep together on the couch but that's it. I have a bad habit of falling asleep in movies and I don't really want to fall asleep in his bed. He doesn't seem to care because he sits with his back against the headboard and the remote in his hand. While he is searching for a movie I slowly make my way next to him. I move the pillows so I'm not sitting on them, then rest my back against the headboard. He then sets the remote down and puts the blanket over the both of us.

"Hope that 21 Jump Street is okay," he says and wraps his arm around me. I grin and rest my head on his shoulder. Why did I complain about this again?

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