Chapter 32

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I actually did something somewhat productive after mom and K went to her room. I got off the couch, to the kitchen, and made myself some popcorn. Of course i just had to put it in the microwave, hit a couple buttons, wait a few minutes, then boom popcorn, except today I'm to lazy to do anything. 

I already have a date with Carter tonight which I'm excited about. It's just I'm an extremely lazy person, and I don't want to get off of my nice comfy couch. I mean I did a great job choosing a couch. K got to choose everything else in the living room, but all I wanted to do was get a comfortable couch. A couch that I could easily sleep on if I'm to lazy to walk to my room.

Wait hold on, I'm thinking about how great this couch is. Is something seriously wrong with me? I shake my head hoping to clear some of my thoughts, as I take a handful of popcorn. I mean this popcorn in delicious. I didn't even know we had this. Crap! I'm thinking about random crap again. I need to do something. Maybe I'll go train, except I don't really want to. I could make some cake, because that is always delicious. Except I don't want to wait for the cake to bake. I'll stick to the cafeteria version for now. 

I swing my legs over the side of the couch so I am now in a sitting position. I place the popcorn bowl on the coffee table in front of me, before I stand up. I stretch my back after I stand up, making it pop a few times. I yawn and walk to my room. 

I dig through my clothes trying to find some workout clothes, and I give up. I just grab a red sports bra, black spandex, and I find my black tennis shoes next to my bed. I quickly change clothes before I take my hair out of a bun. I really did't care at this point so I just threw my hair up into a ponytail. It probably looks horrible, but who cares. Certainly not me. As I go to leave my room I realize that I had some makeup on so I run to the bathroom and wipe it off. Who wants their makeup dripping down their face? 

I leave a note on the kitchen counter saying I was leaving and grab my phone and water bottle on the way out. Because I am me I don't have any text messages. So I decide to text Carter asking if he wanted to train with me. Being the genius that I am, I didn't bring a bag to put my phone and water bottle in. I mentally groan before I turn right down the hallway. 

"Hey Claire!" 

I look back to see who it is, and I see that it's Carter.  I smile towards him and wave. "I just texted you."

"Yeah I just saw it, I'll come with you," Carter smiles, receiving a smile in reply from me. 

We get to the training room and I grab Carter's arm. I drag him to the knife throwing boards and go to the supply closet. I grab the knives and the table they sit on. I set the table at the line marking where to throw from. Grabbing a knife from the table I get behind the line. I practice my form a few times and hear Carter laugh.


"You look cute when you do that," Carter smiles as he grab a knife. I feel heat rise up to my cheeks and I turn away.

I take a deep breath to calm myself before I bring my arm back one last time. I release the knife and it spirals from my hand. It hits the board right next to the center with a thud and I smile. I see Carter twirling the knife in his hand before he throws it at the board. It was an okay throw, the knife landed on the second ring from the center. 

"I've never been good at throwing knives, just ask your parents," Carter says as he wipes his hair from his eyes.

"Oh sure," I roll my eyes and grab another knife. "This was the easiest part of initiation. You just relax, aim, throw."

"Easy for you to say," Carter laughs picking up another knife. "You know who your parents are right?"

I smile at him and turn towards the target. I throw the knife and it lands perfectly in the center.  I turn to Carter who sighs and throws the knife. It lands right under his last one and I shake my head. I go over to him and hand him a knife.

"You throw to early," I tell him as he gets in a throwing position. "That's why they are all high. Take a step to the right as well."

Carter does as I tell him. I give him a nod, telling him to throw it. He does, and of course it lands right next to the center. I smile smugly at him and he rolls his eyes at me. I grab both knives that are left on the table and position them in my hand. I throw them both at the same time, and the land right next to each other in the center.

"Okay lets do something where you don't show me up as much," Carter laughs as he walks towards his target grabbing his knives. 

I smile at him and go to my target. I grab my knives and we both place them back on the table. We take it back to the supply closet and grab two pistols. We go to the shooting targets and I put on the goggles and earmuffs. Carter does the same and aims his gun at the target.


"You see Claire, I'm not all I'm made out to be," Carter says as he slips his shirt back on. I mean I'd rather him not, but I can't get everything I want. 

"Ya I know, your left hook is weak," I say and smirk.

"Like yours is any better," he retorts with an eye roll. 

"I'm younger than you," I defend. 

He scoffs and looks at me. "By a year."

"A year is a long time."

He smiles and takes my water bottle from my hands. He waterfalls it before he hands it back to me. We walk back ago my place, so I can change before lunch. I grab my keys and start to unlock my door as Carter waits next to me.

"You can go home and get dressed. I'm going to shower before I head down," I tell him as I take my keys out of the lock. "I'll meet you in the cafeteria at," I look down at my phone to check my phone, "12. Then after lunch I won't see you until tonight."

"Why not?" Carter asks as he puts his hands into his pockets. 

"Because of K. She'll take hours to get me ready for the date, which means you can't be around me," I tell him like it was an everyday thing. 

"Whatever you say Claire. See you in forty five minutes," Carter laughs and gives me a hug. I smile and hug him back before I go inside.

I shut the door behind me and head to the kitchen. K isn't in here, but I still set my keys on the counter and my phone. I head to my room, and I don't see her in her room. Must have gone somewhere with my mom. I grab some new clothes, which consists of black joggers and maroon crop top. I go to the bathroom, and get ready for a shower. 

After my shower I get dressed and throw my hair into a messy bun not caring if it wasn't dried. I completely ignore the makeup and head back to my room. As I open the door I hear a little meow. I look down to see Ralph at my feet. I smile and pick him up. He curls up in my arms, and starts to purr when I scratch behind his ears. He has currently been looking around the house the past couple days, or has been playing in the empty boxes. I walk over to his water bowl and feeder in my room to see they are still good. 

I set him down on my bed. He walks up to my pillows lays down. I smile at him before I grab my maroon converse and put them on. I leave my room and go to the kitchen to grab my phone and keys. Because I'm amazing at time management I still have five minutes before I'm supposed to meet Carter. 

I put my keys in my pocket, and check my phone. I have  text from K telling me that she and my mom went out shopping, which I bet she loved. My dad telling me that he and the boys were eating lunch at home today, and invited me over. I text him back saying I'm going with Carter. 

Dad likes Carter much more than he liked Blake. I mean he acts as if Carter is me sort of super boy. I mean I'm not complaining, I'm glad they like each other. I smile at the fact and I continue my way to the cafeteria. 

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