Chapter 54

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"It's your turn," Carter grumbles holding a pillow over his head. I groan and swing my legs off the side of the bed. I stretch my arms before I head to Lincoln's room. He's screaming his head off and recently it is his favorite thing to do. Lincoln has been home for 4 weeks now, he's just over a month old. Today is September 16, meaning it's Keiynan's birthday. Except we aren't going right now because it is only 3 in the morning. Anyway I pick Lincoln up and start to rock him back and forth. He starts to calm down but doesn't shut his eyes. He stares up at me and unclenches his fist.

"Daddy doesn't like you waking him up," I whisper and sit in the small rocking chair, "his training has been extra this month."

Of course Lincoln just stares at me, not quite understanding what I said. I smile before I lean down and kiss his forehead lightly. He moves his little legs before he curls into my chest. He's the cutest baby I've ever seen. Sorry brothers. "Time to lay you back down." I set him down gently and make sure he stays asleep. I turn the lights off and leave the door slightly cracked as I leave his room. I go back to my room and slowly get back into bed. Carter rolls over to face me and gives me a sleepy smile.

"Is he asleep?" Carter whispers.

"Yeah," I tell him going back under the covers. "It was pretty easy this time."

"Where'd you put your brother's gift?" He asks.

"It's in the closet," I say and lay with my back towards him. Carter wraps his arm around my waist and nuzzles his face into my neck. "Night Carter."

"Night Claire," he whispers.


"Claire wake up," Carter says nudging my shoulder. I grab my pillow and hit him with it. "You promised Keiynan we'd be there at breakfast." I sigh before I open my eyes and sit up. Carter is already dressed for the day. Just some black joggers and a red t-shirt.   His hair is flat and wet showing he just got out of the shower.

"Go get Lincoln ready, I'll be down in 20 minutes," I yawn and stretch my arms.

"He's already ready, he's in his play pen downstairs," Carter says and kisses my cheek. "I'll get his bag ready."

I smile before he leaves the room. Grabbing my clothes from the closet, which consists of a black three quarter sleeve crop top, black leggings, and a red leather jacket. I head to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Luckily I finally remembered to get my hair dryer from K's place. I use that to somewhat dry my hair and then I decide to leave it down. I slip on my clothes and brush my teeth. Decided to screw the makeup today, I grab my phone and purse before I go downstairs. Carter already has Lincoln's bag over his shoulder and Lincoln snuggled in his carrier.

"Lets go," I smile taking Carter's free hand in mine.

"Robbie called and said K wasn't coming for breakfast," Carter says as he locks the door behind us, "something about Braxton Hicks."

"That's means she's closes to having her little girl!" I cheer.

"That we still don't know the name of," he puts in.

So I reply with, "but I'm still the godmother."

"Let's hurry Keiynan is probably freaking out," Carter says and leads me down the hallway.

"Happy birthday little guy!" I smile as I hug my little brother, "it feels like you should still be 8."

"Claire I'm 11," he says and fixes his shirt.

"Oh now you're to good to get hugs from your sister," I joke.

"I'm not a baby," he replies.

"I know Kei," I smile and ruffle his hair, "so how about your gift?"

"Now? Mom said that she isn't giving me presents until after lunch," Keiynan asks with a smile spreading across his face.

"Yep," I grab the small bag out of Lincoln's diaper bag. "Here you go."

"No way Claire! Thanks!" He exclaims while hugging both Carter and I. We got him the newest video camera. He's been really into that type of stuff lately. We were going to get him a camera to take better quality pictures but mom and dad are getting him it.

"Anytime bud," Carter smiles and picks up Lincoln's carrier.

"Hey Mom," I smile and gives her a hug before turning to give me dad one, "hey dad."

"Keiynan is going to love that gift forever," Mom smiles and she sees Keiynan testing it out.

"I'm glad that he likes it," I say and turn to my other brothers. "Now can one of you get me some eggs and toast?"

"Why can't you get it?" Henry asks never looking up from his phone.

"Because I'm tired," I tell him, "and so is Carter."

"Speaking of which where did he go?" Colin asks looking around.

"He said he had to take a call," Mom says lifting Lincoln out of his carrier.

"He's had to take a lot of calls already today," I shrug and move Lincoln's carrier next to me. "Hope it's nothing bad."

"Probably just has something to do with his training," dad points out, "he's almost done."

"Believe me I know," I roll my eyes, "he's hardly ever home now."

"I can watch Lincoln if you need me to," Mom speaks up.

"Seriously Mom, you'd think that you'd be tired of babies," I joke, "6 is way to much for me."

"It's been so long since we had a newborn," Mom smiles at Lincoln.

"It's been 4 years Bea," dad chuckles and sets his fork down, "we are done having kids. I'm getting to old."

"Dad you do realize in every other faction guys your age only have like one or two kids," I say and he shrugs.

"But this is Dauntless," he retorts, "once you hit 30 it's all over."

"You're 33 dad," I giggle and Mom does too, "Mom isn't complaining about being 31."

"That's because I can't complain," Mom smiles up at dad, "my life is as good as it gets."

The doors push open and Carter runs over to us with worries eyes. I stand up and stand in front of him. "K is in labor and Robbie is freaking out."

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now