Chapter 28

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"Wait so you actually ran into Max and punched him in the face?" Carter laughs.

I nod my head and laugh with him. "To be fair he put his arm around my  shoulder in complete darkness. I was just protecting myself."

"That is the best story ever," Carter laughs even more and I do too.

"So is yours!" I exclaim. "You kicked Eric where the sun doesn't shine, because you were drunk out of your mind. You almost got kicked out of initiation for it!"

"Your story is way funnier," Carter says and eats an piece of his candy he got earlier. 

Carter and I have just been telling stories about our lives. He is really funny. He also has a sister, Jaden, who is Skye's mom, and a younger brother who is only twelve. His name is Grayson. Both of his parents died when he was ten. I didn't push him on how they did. I told him about my complicated family. 

We are sitting on the couch facing each other. I am sitting criss-cross and Carter has his ankle resting on his knee, and his arm draped over the back of the couch. He has his bag of candy next to him and occasionaly taking a piece.

"What was your most embarrassing moment ever?" he asks me and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I was at the mall a last year for Christmas. K and I were in a store to but Robbie a present. There was a sale, and K and I were getting Robbie a watch that he wanted. So I went to grab the last one, but someone else grabbed it as well. The thing is I knew what Robbie got K and he was proposing. So I wanted K to help Robbie get the watch," I tell him and he nods for me to continue. "It was a girl maybe in her twenties or so, and I glared at her and she did the same back to me. I pulled my arm back to get the watch, but she didn't let go. It was basically a game of tug of war. So as I was doing that K was just looking around. This girl was insane though. She kept growling at me saying she'll kill me if I don't let go. Of course I didn't let go and I used all my strength and she fell onto the table and the watch slipped from my hands and fell on the ground. I thought it broke so I scurried over to it and picked it up. Then I realized everyone was staring at me and K came over to me and hit my arm. She already got the watch when we walked in," my face is burning from telling him this. "For acting the way I did I told the manager that I'd pay for the watch even though I wasn't buying it."

I can see Carter holding back a smile and laughter. I hit his arm playfully and he pretends that it hurt. "I'm sorry," Carter says and begins to laugh his head off. I try to hold back my smile, but I can't. A smile makes its way across my face as Carter laughs.

"What about you?" 

"Oh lord," he mumbles and sighs. "So when I was around seven or so my sister wanted me to play a game with her. I thought that it would be something that we always played together like tag or something. But nope, she wanted me as her test dummy. She was sixteen or so at the time, and she got new makeup for her birthday. The makeup she got was terrible, well to me it was," he chuckles. "She wanted to learn how to do different things with makeup and tested it all on me. She probably applied and took off makeup on my face for an hour. Anyway while she was doing that my mom walked in. Mom of course ran out of the room and came back with a camera. Then she took a picture of us. That's when she told me my friend Aaron was here. He walked into the room and started laughing, because of all the makeup on my face. From that day my friends still joke about it and Aaron of course always tells the story, and a family celebrations my mom always shows the picture. My family and friends always bring up that stupid moment." 

"I wanna see that picture," I giggle and cover my mouth. "Can I?"

"No! Never," Carter's eyes grow wide. "I wish I could burn that picture."

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