Chapter 49

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It's been a long ass day since I've said those certain words to my dad. Of course I'm still regretting it and probably always will. Right now I'm trying to get him to forgive me but can't even get myself to see him, let alone say something to him. Carter has been trying to make me happy by letting me pick out the different movies we are watching. We've probably been doing this since around 3 am and I've chosen a Disney movie every single time.

"Do we really have to watch this?" Carter asks as I play Tarzan, the Disney version.

"Yes we do," I say and sit back next to him on the couch. Tucker is on the other side of Carter sleeping with his head on Carter's leg. He's gotten so big this past month.

"We have watched three Disney movies already," Carter complains, "can't we watch something different?"

"Nope," I say popping the p, "you are going to love these movies as much as I do by the end of the day."

"Just play the movie please," Carter groans and I lay my head against his shoulder. I press play and the movie begins. Carter eats the popcorn in the bowl on my lap.

After the movie I let out a yawn and stand up. I stretch my arms and back before turning to Carter. He fell asleep halfway through the movie and is out cold. I lean down and kiss his cheek before I take the empty popcorn bowl to the kitchen. I place it in the sink and get myself a glass of juice. I take a drink before my phone buzzes. I set the glass down and pull my phone out of my pocket.


Hey Claire, was wondering if you wanted to meet up for lunch?

Sure. What time?

Twenty minutes in the cafeteria.

Alright, I'll see you in a bit.

I put my phone back in my pocket and take another drink of the juice. Knowing Carter will still be asleep by the time I leave I run up to his office to grab a piece of paper and a pen. I quickly scribble down that I'm meeting Blake for lunch and head downstairs. Tucker gives me a confused look as I set the paper down on the coffee table. I smile and go over to pet his head. That is his favorite spot. He lays his head back down and I smile once more.

Soon enough I leave and head down to the cafeteria. Luckily my family has already ate. It's now 12:45 and they eat at 12. My dad and I aren't exactly on great terms yet. I mean he'll give me a hug when one of us is leaving but he hardly speaks. I'm still torn over it but I know I have to keep moving on with life. Blake knows about the whole dad thing so he is kind of scared to hang out with me. He doesn't want to ruin my fathers and my relationship.

"Carter I'm going to lunch with Blake and Benji today," I tell him from the kitchen.

"Alright. I'll meet up with Jaden then," he says coming into the kitchen. "When are you heading out?" He wraps his arms around my waist from behind and I lean back.

"20 minutes or so," I tell him and look up. "I'll head back here after lunch."

"I'm expecting you to be sitting right on the couch then," he joke and I kiss his cheek.

"How about I do whatever I want to?" I ask and he chuckles.

"As long as it isn't something that will effect you in a bad way," he smiles.

"Of course not," I reply and he kisses my cheek.

"Then all is good," he smiles, "just don't forget to feed your cat today."

"Usually he has a continuous feeder, I just didn't realize it was empty yesterday," I defend myself and he shakes his head.

"Clearly you don't care enough for your cat," Carter smiles, "guess I'll just have to bring him here."

"How about no," I say and turn to face him.

"But Ralph loves me," Carter says.

"He loves me as well so he is staying at my place," I tell him, "plus you have Tucker."

"Who likes you more than me and sleeps on my bed," Carter says and I laugh.

"What can I say, dogs love me," I smile and he rolls his eyes.

"Exact reason why you can give me Ralph," Carter says and I shake my head.

"No, plus I doubt Tucker would like Ralph around," I say, "Ralph has to be the center of attention."

"It's your fault he's that way," he says and lets go of my waist. "Now you can continue to get ready and I'll be heading out."

"Ok, bye Carter," I say giving him a hug.

"Bye Cupcake," he replies, hugging me back. He kisses my lips quickly before he heads out.

I go find my shoes that are who knows where in this house. Well more like I forgot where I put them in this house. I find them after a little while and then head on to the cafeteria for lunch. Benji is finally getting used to who I am and lets me hold him. This hardly ever happened like a month ago. The cafeteria is loud and I instantly find Benji and Blake sitting together at a table. Please let no one come
Into the cafeteria, I don't want to deal with anyone at all.

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