Chapter 33

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I arrive at the cafeteria, and look for Carter. I turn to check the line to see if he is there. With my luck I turn right in to someone, except it wasn't hard enough to knock either of us over. I look up at who I had just bumped into. I instantly put on a fake smile. 

"Hey Blake," I say and that's when I noticed that he had his son in his arms. "You must be Benji."

"Hey Claire. It's good to see you," Blake smiles as he moves Benji on his hip. 

"You as well," I tell him then it just gets awkward. "Sorry about the whole Ellie thing. Oliver is so so sorry."

"Yeah I know, he told me that it was one of his annual drunk parties," Blake sighs as he looks at his son. "Except Elli wasn't drunk because she came home the same night."

"Well I bet he appreciates that you understand," I tell him and he nods. "I actually am meeting someone for lunch."

"Oh alright, I'll see you around," Blake says and leaves.

I head towards the lunch line where Carter is. He is grabbing food for me and himself. I stand on my tippy toes and place my hands over his eyes. I hear him chuckle and I smile. "Guess who?"

"Mom?" he jokes and I roll my eyes. "Wait Jaden? I told you I can't watch Skye today."

I take my hands off his eyes and he looks back at me. "You could've watched Skye today? Why didn't you?" I question and he shakes his head. 

"No, I was just joking around," Carter says as he turns back towards the food. "Plus I wouldn't want to reschedule our date."

"I wouldn't have minded hanging out with you and Skye for our date," I tell him and he smiles at me.

He picks up the tray and we start to walk towards a table. "I know, but I want it to just be us," he tells me. "Maybe for another date we will."

"Already think I'll agree on a second date, before the first one even happens?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"A guy can try," Carter chuckles. 

I sit on the bench as Carter sets the tray down. He sits next to me and takes his food off the tray. I thank him as he hands me a plate on chicken and fries. Of course he got me cake, I mean everyone knows to get me cake. He got himself pizza and garlic bread. 

"Where are we going to night?" I ask him and he just smirks.

"Isn't the guy supposed to keep that a surprise?" Carter says and I groan.

"I hate surprises!"

"How can you hate surprises?" Carter asks and I shrug.

"Mostly because my mom has always hated them, so it's how I grew up," I tell him. 

"That is definently changing," Carter smiles as he take bite of his pizza.

"Just please tell me where we are going?" I beg and he laughs at me.

"It's more of a quiet place, you may not even know where it is," Carter says and I sigh as I lean my head against his shoulder.

"Now this is going to kill me," I mutter and he rolls his eyes. 

"I promise you that you won't die," he states and I groan.

"I am and it will be on your concise," I say to him and look up. "I guess that is what you want." 

I see Carter let out a small laugh. "You can't guilt trip me Claire."

I groan in annoyance and take a bite of my chicken. Carter takes a bite of his pizza. Throughout lunch I kept on asking where we were going. He was probably getting annoyed, but I am to. I mean why can't he just freaking tell me. 

After lunch I try to tell Carter that I can go home by myself, but of course he tells me he's walking me home. "You know I'm a big girl right?"

"Well since you said big girl, I don't completely believe you," Carter smiles and I roll my eyes as a smile forms on my face.

I grab his shoulders to stop him from walking. He looks at me confused, so I jump on his back. "Might as well make the most of it." 


"Claire we have to get ready now!" K screams at me. I literally just walked in the house five minutes ago. "You have a date soon!" 

"Yeah at seven," I tell her. "It is not even one."

"Yeah but beauty takes time my dear," K says as she drags me off to her room. "I'll get your dress and everything, you go take a shower."

"I literally just took one an hour ago," I say and she sighs.

"Yes I can tell," She says as she pats the wet bun on the top of my head. "Since you didn't dry it, it'll be all sorts of messed up."

I ignore that last comment and go back to the bathroom to shower again. This time I take my time, enjoying the painless moments before I go back to K. I sit there for a good five minutes before I actually start to shower.Don't get me wrong I'm super excited about my date, but I really don't want to get ready. 

I finish my shower and as soon as I wrap a towel around me, K walks in."Okay first we'll dry your hair. Then you'll put on a robe so you don't have to hold the towel up."

I just listen to her, not really wanting to argue with her. She grabs my hairdryer and starts her work.

5 hours later

I finally stand up from the annoying chair and grab the shoes K picked out. They are just plain black four inch heels. I stand up and look at myself. K did a damn good job at this. Like if it didn't take as long to do I would enjoy it more.

K did everything to me, from my eyebrows all the way to making sure my legs were as smooth as a baby's butt. I mean that was the easy part. Doing hair was the worst. My makeup was freaking amazing. K put on fake eyelashes, a highlighter on my cheeks, a maroon eyeshadow with white in it. A beautiful cat eye, and eyebrows perfect. My lips are lined with dark red that is a little dark then the lipstick that I am wearing. I mean she contoured and everything so it took so long. My hair on the other hand was the part that drove me insane. She kept redoing the bun in my hair until she thought it was perfect. She had a braid around my bun, and two lose curls framing the side of my face. After we did all my makeup and hair I got to put the dress on. K had to assist me in doing so. She also gave me a silver necklace and a pair of silver earrings with a  matching bracelet. I had no clue on how this took so long. 

"Perfect, with fifteen minutes to spare," K claps as she pushes me out of the bathroom. "Grab the purse off your bed that I chose. Have fun and make good choices."

"Ok mom," I joke, then there is a knock on the door. "Time to go."

I put on my black heels before we go to the door. I open it and see Carter in a fitted tux and a white rose in his hand. "I thought red would be to cliche."

I smile and take the rose. "Well it's beautiful." I hand K the rose to put in a small vase.

"Well you look beautiful tonight," he says as he hooks our arms together. "Shall we get going."

"We shall," I smile. We make our way out of my house. 

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now