Chapter 17

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"She can't date him Claire he's 16! He's turning 17 soon!" Blake whisper yells as I go to the kitchen to get the younger ones some drinks.

"She's fine Blake. Trust me Kimberly can kick some ass if she needs too. She's a strong girl and she's smart," I say as I set the cups on a tray.

"I know but still. He's almost 4 years older than her!" He says.

"Jackson is gonna be 4 years older than the baby on the way," I joke.

"They'll be brothers and sister or brother and brother whatever it is," Blake says getting agitated.

"Calm down Blake. She's perfectly fine. If she likes the guy let her date him," I say getting two sippy cups for Wyatt and Rosa.

"Claire how can she date him. I don't want them to date. She's my little sister," he says.

"So you don't want her to grow up. You want her to always need you and not anyone else," I say picking up the tray.

"I guess but still," he says scratching the nape of his neck.

"Let her grow up," I say walking to the living room. He groans but follows me. I smile to myself and set the tray on the coffee table.

"You can't always be right ya know," Blake whispers in my ear from behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and sets his head on my shoulder.

"I am always right. You should learn that the girl is always right. Even when wrong she's right," I say.

"I have to learn a lesson about everything pretty much," he says

"You'll learn whatever you need to learn," I say.

"If you say so," he says.

"I do now let's sit down please," I say. He unwraps his arm from around my waist and I walk over to the couch.

"Cwaire pway," Wyatt says hitting my leg. I smile and get right back up and go to the play pen.

"How did you get out of here mister," I say picking up Rosa.

"I cwimbed it!" He says smiling.

"Well how about we go to my room to play," I say grabbing Rosa's toy and and Wyatt's hand.

"Pway!" Rosa squeals.

"Yep let's go play," I say heading towards the stairs.

"Well I'm going to come with you," Blake says picking up Wyatt.

"Oh really," I say adjusting Rosa on my hip as I take the last steps on the stairs.

"Yep and the other two are watching the kids play video games," Blake says.

"They better not make out," I joke smiling.

"If they do things aren't going to be pretty," he says.

"Calm down Blake they won't," I say taking the last step and going to my door. I turn the knob and push open the door to go inside.

"What shall we do first Claire-bear," Blake says setting Wyatt on the bed as I set Rosa on the bed.

"Jump!" Rosa squeals and her and Wyatt jump on my bed.

"Let's not," Blake says and grabs Wyatt while i grab Rosa.

"Sleep," Wyatt says as he yawns. Blake and I laugh at him.

"Mister energy is tired now huh," I say as he rests his head on Blake's shoulder. I realize Rosa's head is on my shoulder and her eyes are closed. I smile and shake my head before laying Rosa down on my bed. Blake does the same with Wyatt.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now