Chapter 52

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I've just finished feeding Lincoln and my mom and I left the baby room. Mom takes me to the front desk and I just follow her. I mean probably having to do something with Lincoln. Wait, "mom where is Lincoln's dad?"

"Shauna said when his mother first came in she said that the dad wasn't in the picture," mom tells me, "we checked who the father is."

"Wait you took a DNA test?" I ask and mom nods.

"He died two months ago," mom says and I feel even worse.

"Poor Lincoln," I mutter.

"That's why Shauna and I wanted you to adopt him," mom says and we stop at the front desk.

I don't really listen to what my mom is saying, but I do sign something that she tells me to. Of course I'm excited to take care of Lincoln, I just feel bad about his situation. Now he will never know his real parents, I mean I still know mine.  Poor guy. Mom just keeps talking to the lady behind the desk and I just ignore it. My phone buzzes in my pocket, so I pull it out. Carter texted me saying he's on his way, almost ten minutes later.

"Carter is going to be here soon," I tell mom and tuck my phone back in to my pocket.

"Good he can meet Lincoln," mom smiles and turns from the desk. "Lincoln has to stay a couple days so we have time to get everything he needs."

"Okay, we'll have to wait for Carter before we go," I tell her and she nods.

"You can go back to Lincoln if you'd like," mom says, "you can take him to the open room across from the baby room."

I just nod and go to get Lincoln. There are only a few other babies in the room. Of course they are all sleeping soundly. I go over to Lincoln's cot and carefully pick him up. He stirs a little bit but stays asleep. I smile and take him out of the room. I go to the room my mom told me to and take a seat in a chair.

"Hey buddy," I smile as I rock slowly, "I'm sorry you aren't in the best situation right now, I promise to take care of you."

"Hey Cupcake," Carter says from the door.

I look up at him with a smile, but it fades quickly. He has a black eye, his cheek looks lightly bruised, and his lip is busted open. "Carter," I say but try not to get angry.

"Your mom said you had a surprise," Carter says.

"Clearly you do as well," I say raising my eyebrows.

"It isn't as bad as it seems-"

"You walk in with your face bruised up and say it isn't bad," I snap standing up. I quickly check to see if Lincoln was still asleep, luckily he was.

"Just a little disagreement," he says and places his hand on my cheek, "I'm fine."

"You may be but the situation isn't," I tell him. "If you got into a fight with Blake-"

"Again just a disagreement," he breaths out, "if it makes you feel better Ellie had Ben."

"No it doesn't," I say.

"He just said that I wasn't good enough for you and I will only do bad things for you," he explains.

"That's not a good reason to fight," I tell him.

"Maybe it wasn't all that," he says and kisses my head, "but it was all around that. I got fed up with him and I may have punched him in the face."


"Believe me, I'm upset with myself about the situation," he says.

"Ok lets just talk about this a different time," I sigh, "anyway this is Lincoln."

"Why do you have Lincoln?" He asks and looks at the baby in my arms.

"Well it's a story I'll tell you later but I adopted him," I smile. "Mom is helping me get everything that I'll need."

"Where is he going to live?" Carter asks.

"With me obviously," I laugh.

"What I mean is, Kim and Robbie will be living at your place when their baby is born," Carter explains, "so you have to find a new place or you can move in with me."

"What?" I ask shocked.

"Well you always stay at my place anyway, why not just move in," Carter smiles, "plus Lincoln will have his own room."

"Are you serious?" I smile and Carter nods. I hug him, careful not to hurt Lincoln. "How about we go get everything Lincoln needs."

"I'd like to hold him first," Carter says and carefully takes Lincoln from my arms, "go tell your mom."


"Just the black crib," I tell Carter, "then the red sheets.

"Go grab the sheets you want I'll get the crib," Carter says and I head back to the sheets. I grab plain red sheets and then I find a cute little red and black quilt.

We already got a few stuffed animals, a panda, monkey, and elephant, plus a lot of bottles. Mom said she would buy diapers and formula to start with. Carter and I have already got a changing table and some onesies and what not.

"Ready?" Carter says pushing the trolley carrying the crib and changing table.

"I think so," I say and we go pay for our things. Carter doesn't let me pay and has Jacob help him carry everything back to the apartment. I took the bag with the blankets and stuffed animals. Instead of going to the apartment first I was going to my old one to meet K. I still have to tell her everything and start packing my things. Carter said he'd work on setting up a place for Lincoln while I packed.

Once I get to the old apartment I walk inside to see K eating a pickle and a jar of jelly in her other hand. "Okay that's a weird ass craving," I laugh and she rolls her eyes.

"I don't even like pickles," she groans and sets her food down on the counter. "So how was dinner?"

"Alright, less awkward than I thought," I say, "I actually have to tell you something. This is where I tell her that I've adopted Lincoln and we just got him everything he needed and that I'm moving out.

"That's so exciting," K smiles and gives me a hug, "I'm happy for you C."

"Thanks K," I smile, "I'm just going to throw some things in a duffle bag and comeback tomorrow. It's already 8:30."

"Alright C," K says, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye K," I say and head to my room to pack some clothes.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now