Chapter 46

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"I thought the party was going to be at your parents?" Carter asks as I check my phone.

"They just texted me," I look up at him. "It's now in the Pit."

After we got back to his place from our date we just laid on the coach. He was messing with my hair which made me really tired. He also made sure that I put the necklace he got me on. It's gorgeous, but I don't want to ruin it. You ever know with my family. Carter changed into some khaki shorts and and a red t-shirt. I put on some black leggings and a purple t-shirt. He told me I could wear whatever I wanted, even though I told him I probably shouldn't wear this.

"Well lets go then," he says and grabs my hand.

"For someone who didn't want a party," I say and raise an eyebrow.

"No, I just don't want to deal with Kim if we are late," he chuckles which makes me laugh.

"You could just run," I suggest as he locks he door, "I mean she can't really chase after you right now."

"That would piss her off even more," he rolls his eyes, "when is their wedding again?"

"November 8th," I tell him. They wanted to get married after the baby is born. They also decided on a name but won't tell anyone. I'm her best friend, I think I deserve to know.

We then walk in silence. He swings our arms which makes me giggle and a smile makes it's way to his face. I'm lucky to have him as my boyfriend now. Wait, that means I have to tel my dad. Oh boy we all know how it went last time. I mean Blake and I never technically said we were dating but my dad still kicked him out of our house. I shake the memory away and realize we are at the pit. Carter pushes open the doors and we go in. My family, Carter's, K and Robbie, plus all his I initiation friends are here. As we walk through everyone tells him happy birthday.

"I feel like a kid," he mumbles to me.

"You're still a teenager," I smile and he rolls his eyes.

"Mom got a lot of food, you can get some if you'd like," I tell him and he nods.

"Do you want anything?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Wait, what about my dad?"

"You want me to ask your dad if he's hungry?" Carter questions and I laugh.

"No I meant we have to tell him about us," I whisper.

"Don't worry he already know," then Carter leaves with a smirk.

"Wait what?" I call after him. I run up next to him and he still has a smirk on his face.

"I asked your dad if it would be okay to be your boyfriend," he shrugs.

"Seriously?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yeah I felt it was better than to just surprise your dad with the news," he explains.

"Way to think things through," I laugh and he shakes his head.

"Sissy!" Dylan is running towards me with a little box.

"What do you have?" I ask him as he stops in front of me.

"Present for Carter," he smiles and holds the box to me.

I place the box in the ground and open it up. St first I'm shocked but it's so cute. "A puppy?"

"Yeah mommy said it was from da family," he smiles and points to the puppy. "Carder wook!"

Carter sets his drink down on the table and kneels next to me, "a dog?"

"Gift from my family," I laugh and take the puppy out of the box, "now you get to name it."

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant