Chapter 8

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"I'm home," I yell once we enter my house. No one tells back to me so we go into the living room and see my family watching a movie. Considering its my brothers and parents watching the movie is toy story.

"Hi mom hi dad," I say and Jackson shushes me.

"Hi sweetheart," mom says.

"Where have you been?" Dad asks.

"I said we were going on a train ride," I say.

"For 4 hours!" He says raising his voice.

"It's my fault sir I didn't tell her where we were going and we lost track of time," Blake says.

"Blake please don't do that," I whisper to him.

"Where did you go?" Dad asks trying to calm down.

"We went to the old amusement park sir," Blake says.

"That's 30 minutes away and close to the fence why'd you go there by yourself?!" Dad asks fumed.

"I thought it would be a nice relaxing spot sir. I'm sorry I didn't say where we were going," Blake says.

"Please leave this house," dad says.

"Dad you can't do that," I say. Grabbing his arm.

"I can do what I want I'm your father and this is my house," dad says.

"I'll be leaving. Goodbye Claire," Blake says giving me a quick hug.

"You're not welcome back here," dad says. Blake nods and leaves the house.

"Tobias that was a little harsh," I hear mom say as she comes down the stairs from putting my brothers up there

"What he takes our daughter out for 4 hours and then they walk in like everything is fine and they went near the fence by themselves," dad says.

"Claire actually likes this boy and he seems like a fine young man. He calls you sir because he is afraid of what you'll do. Lighten up on the kid," mom says.

"Tris they are 13 and 15 they are to young to do this stuff. They aren't mature enough for it," dad says.

"Oh I see how it is," I say and run up the stairs crying. Why is it always my life. I scream into my pillow and cry myself to sleep


I wake up with my face stained with tears and my pillow wet from them. I wipe my face off then go to the bathroom. I take a shower and clear my mind of everything and relax. Once my shower is done I wrap my towel around myself and realize I didn't grab my clothes so I peeked my head out of the bathroom and see my brothers aren't out there so I start running down the hall with my right arm holding up my towel. I get into my room and grab black legging, a purple sweater, and combat boots from my closet. I change into my clothes then head over to my nightstand and I grab my brush from the drawer and a rubber band. I brush out my hair and head back to the bathroom and blow dry it. I brush it out once more and put my hair in a side braid. I run downstairs and notice that my parents not my brothers are down here so I run back upstairs and grab my phone. I check the time and see its 6:15. I then head to the kitchen and make some hot cocoa. I add whipped cream and cinnamon and sit at the bar. Once I finish my cocoa I wash my cup and place it back in the cabinet and get back in my phone.

"Hey munchkin," I hear dad says from behind me. I look up at him and then back down on my phone. I can tell my dad is a little bit upset but he makes his coffee and sits down next to me. I continue playing the game until my mom comes downstairs.

"Hey sweetie," mom says.

"Hi mom" I say.

"What are you doing up this early?" Mom asks pouring herself a cup of coffee.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now