Chapter 13

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"Blake what are you doing here?" I ask and give him a hug.

"Kimberly said I had to get over here pronto," he says breaking the hug.

"Why would that be?" I ask Kimberly turning Around.

"Well you see Robbie invited me to a party tonight and I thought you'd like some company," she says.

"Then I could've gone to your house because my father will kill him if he stays here," I say.

"Oh right, well I've got To go," k says and runs out the door.

"Mom I'm going over to Kimberley's house bye!" I yell chasing after her.

"Have fun!" Mom yells back and I run out the door.

"Kimberly!" I yell at her down the hall way but have no luck.

"Let's go to my house Kimberly should be home later," Blake says taking my hand in his.

"Let's go," I say and start walking towards their house.

"We've got cake," he whispers I my ear once we enter his house. I squeal and run to their kitchen, but before I can enter the kitchen Blake's arms wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"Let me go there is cake," I say.

"Quiet down my parents are sleeping," he whispers.

"We'll let me go," I whisper to him and he lets go of my waist and I get cake from their kitchen.

"I'll be in my room," Blake whispers and heads up his stairs.

"I'll be there in a sec," I whisper and eat my cake. I then head upstairs and go to Blake's room.

"Done already?" he says looking up from his phone.

"Yep watch ya doing?" I ask plopping down on his bed.

"Thinking," he says.

"About what?" I ask.

"Well little miss questions I'm thinking about how I should ask you to the dance," he says.

"Hmm you'll have to take me to the little café, get me hot chocolate with cinnamon and Mac and cheese. Then you'll get me some cake from the bakery then before I leave your house that night I kiss your cheek and you ask me to the dance then give me a little kiss. I'll leave with my heading nodding," I say laying my head on his chest.

"That sounds like our first date," he says.

"No you didn't ask me to the dance on our first date," I say and smile.

"Well how about tomorrow we go out for lunch," he says.

"Sounds perfect," I say.

"Around 12:15 well go," he says.

"I'm bored," I say looking at him.

"I know a fun game," he says smirking and climbs on top of me and starts tickling my stomach.

"S-s-stop Blake t-that tickles!" I squeal.

"Nope you said you were bored," he says still tickling me.

"P-p-please," I say laughing really hard. He stops and looks at me.

"Hmmm no," he says and starts tickling me again.

"Blake!" I squeal and start laughing again. He tickles me for about five more minute and finally stops.

"Ok I'll stop now," Blake says standing up.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now