Chapter 10

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Blake Pov:
I follow Claire to her room and she slams the door in my face.

"Look I'm sorry for being so curious and asking so much can questions I just really like you," I say leaning on the door then realize what I said.

"Can you leave you're making this worse. My dad will kill you if he found out you were here and I don't want that to happen," she cries from the other side of the door.

"I can't help how I feel Claire it's tearing me up inside I just want you to be my girlfriend but I know your dad hates me so I back off but I can't do it anymore I've liked you since the first day you walked through my door with Kimberly after your first day of school. You were 5 and I was 7 and at that time every girl had cooties except you. Claire you've been in my head non stop I can't just see you cry I need  you to be happy. You can be with Robbie he's was on my basketball team he's a great guy. I just wanted to see how much you knew about him. I just wanted to say good bye once more before I left," I say taking a deep breath at the end. I walk towards the stairs and hear her door creek open and her he'd poke out.

"Bye Blakey boo," she says and I head towards the door and head home. Once I get home I head to my room and sit on the edge of my bed and rest my head in my hand.

"Dammit dammit dammit!" I whisper harshly. I just spilled everything to the girl I've liked for 8 years. I lay in my bed and i think I made a mistake

Claire Pov:
I can't believe he just said all that. I'm in shock and notice it's 11:45. I go downstairs and get the boys.

"Hey time for lunch we are meeting with Robbie," I say.

"Why not Blake anymore?" Colin and Henry ask.

"He can't anymore," I say my voice cracking at the end.

"Well let's just go," Henry says know I'm uncomfortable with the topic.

"Jack, Keiynan lets go!" Colin shouts up the stairs and the two boys come running down.

"Lunch?" Keiynan asks and I nod. I take Jackson's hand and the three boys walk in front of me. We soon arrive and I see Robbie stand up and wave. I smile and take my brothers over there.

"Hi Robbie," I say and give him a hug.

"Hey Claire," he says and hugs me back.

"This is Henry and Colin, Keiynan, and you know Jackson," I say pointing to each boy.

"These two are twins?" He asks.

"Yeah at first it'll be hard to tell them apart," I say.

"Well this is Paul, Greg, and you know Hector," he says ruffling each ones hair.

"Nice to meet you, but I have to get the boys lunch real fast," I say.

"I'll come with you they need some too," he says and we walk over to the food. I get two trays and start setting food on them. Once there is enough food on them we head back and inset the trays between my brothers and me and Robbie sits right next to me. The boys are chattering amongst themselves and I smile.

"Looks like they like each other," I say.

"We are lucky they are almost all the same age," he says.

"How come you are so much older than them?" I ask.

"I was the oopsie baby when my parents were 16," he says.

"I was a complete surprise to them my uncles were kinda mad," I say and chuckle.

"Look we have something in common," he says and I smile.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now