Chapter 53

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"His room is ready?" I ask adjusting the diaper bag on my shoulder. Carter nods and wraps his arm around me. "We have everything he needs like food, clothes-"

"We have everything Cupcake," Carter laughs then kisses the top of my head, "you me mom even double checked."

"This is just scary Carter," I breath out and start to fidget with my hands, "what if we don't have everything he needs?"

"We will," Carter says and I wrap my arm around him.

"I'll carry him home, you just make sure we don't leave anything," I tell him and he nods. "He is probably going to be super tired so don't be to loud."

"I got it Claire," he chuckles. "Now lets go inside to get Lincoln."

I push open the infirmary door and head to the front desk. Amy, the receptionist, smiles at me. "Hey Claire, Carter," she smiles through the glass. "Lincoln is all ready to be taken home."

"Thank you Amy," I thank her before we head to the baby section. I pass a couple nurses and say a quick hi before we get to Lincoln.

"Give me the bag," Carter says while taking it off my shoulder. I help him slide it off before I pick up Lincoln. He looks up at me with his bright blue eyes and just stares. I smile down at him and kiss the top of his head. "Ready to go home little guy?"

"Lets go," I say and kiss Carter's cheek.

"I'll call your mom to tell her," Carter says and pulls out his phone. I kiss his cheek and smile.

"She'll want to come see him," I tell him as I take the baby from the older nurse. She smiles as she hands me my baby. "Thank you."

"I hope you have a good life little guy," she coos and Lincoln just stares at her blankly. "Goodbye sweetie."

"Have a nice day," I smile as I turn and walk out with Carter.

"Your mom wants us to go to the cafeteria," Carter says as he tucks his phone back in his pocket. "She wants the family to meet him."

"Of course she does," I roll my eyes, "also she just wants to hold Lincoln."

"Then it's an easy first day home," Carter chuckles.

"But I'd like his first day home to actually be at home," I whine and hold Lincoln closer to my chest. "Looks like that won't go as planned."

"Nothing ever does Cupcake," he whispers kissing the top of my head, "learn that while your young Linc."

"We are still young," I giggle and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm an adult Cupcake," he snickers.

"You're 19 as of last month," I retort, "still a teenager in my book."

"Your birthday is in a few months," he smiles.

"And I'll still be a teenager," I laugh.

"Ooh! There's Lincoln!"

We just got to the cafeteria and K was more than excited to meet Lincoln than see me. Wow my best friend must love me. I let her hold Lincoln. She cradles him in her arms, she has a hard time doing so with her 8 month pregnant stomach. I know she'll be a great mom. She always doubts herself but Robbie and I helps telling her not to. She is stubborn at times, which is something I bet her baby already has. Carter has gone off to talk with Robbie and I drag K to the table. My parents, brothers and their girlfriends are here. Blaire and Gigi, two completely different people.

"Hey sweetheart," Mom smiles as she opens up Dylan's juice, "where's Lincoln?"

"K has him Mom," I chuckle as I takes fry from Keiynan.

"I want your father to meet his grandson," Mom smiles and nudges dad with her shoulder.

"You make me sound old Bea," dad mutters taking a drink from his mug.

"Well you are now 32 now," Mom jokes and dad rolls his eyes. "My  Mom became a grandparent in her thirties too."

"That's because you and your brothers can have babies real easily," dad remarks and I cringe slightly.

"That's good for today," I speak up and Carter kisses my cheek.

"Henry has Linc," he tells me as he sits down on the bench. "Do you want cake or anything?"

"You know me all too well," I smile and pat his chest, "get me some milk with it too."

"Of course Cupcake," he rolls his eyes and stands right back up.

"Henry bring the baby over here," Mom tells her oldest son. Henry gets up from his spot and hands her Lincoln. "See Toby, this is our grandson."

"Is he an Eaton?" Dad asks and I feel my face flush.

"I decided on Prior, because Caleb never had a son. I mean there are five boys with Eaton as their name," I say.

"It makes sense," dad nods, "don't forgot to put lotion on him, your mother would absolutely freak."

"We don't have lotion!" I sigh and cross my arms on the table. "I knew we didn't have everything."

"Look after lunch we can go get some then head back home," mom says and pats my hand. "Plus Lincoln can see his grandmas home!"

"I'll let you watch him whenever I need a day off," I smile, "I'm hardly ever gone."

"You have to leave Saturday right?" Mom asks and I nod. "I can watch him until Carter gets done with training."

"That sounds great mom, now you'll only have to wait two more days," I laugh and she just rolls her eyes.

"I got cake, milk, and a salad," Carter says, setting a tray in front of me. I kiss his cheek as he sits down.

"Thanks Carter," I smile and grab my fork. Mom has reluctantly given Lincoln to dad who is slowly rocking him back and forth. Next thing dad reaches across the table and Lincoln starts to cry. Dad easily takes out a pre made bottle and gives it Lincoln, who immediately stops. "How'd you know he was going to cry?"

"Oh his eyes opened and he tucked his top lip in," dad shrugs as he holds the bottle up for Lincoln.

"Daddy," Dylan says as he tugs on dad's sleeve, "I thought babies came from mommies bellies. Wincon wasn't in sissy's."

"He is still her baby, she just got it from someone else," dad says.

"Dey gave sissy da baby?" He tilts his head slightly to the right.

"Something like that," dad says and adjust Lincoln in his arms. "Now how about you go tackle your Uncle Zeke."

Dylan smiles and he runs to the cafeteria door, where my uncle just walked in. Dylan jumps on Uncle Zeke nearly knocking him over. I giggle and lean against Carter. Dylan hangs onto Uncle Zeke's leg as he walks towards the table. "Where's everyone else?" I ask as he sits next to mom.

"They went to the mall to shop for new clothes," he explains, "Rose is really moody and didn't want to see me, so I decided to come eat."

"Shocker, you wanted to eat," mom rolls her eyes, "I also completely understand where poor Rose is coming from."

"Shut up Tris," Zeke grumbles and steals fries from Keiynan, who had been to busy playing on his new phone.

"You know I can't Zeke," mom smiles and leans against his shoulder.


Here are some birthdays to just give ages and stuff

February 17~ Tobias
February 18~ Tris and Uriah
March 3~ Colin and Henry
April 30~ Blake
May 23~ Dylan
June 15~ Kimberly
July 12~ Carter
August 19~ Lincoln
September 16~ Keiynan
October 10~ Robbie
November 11~ Jackson
November 29~ Zeke
December 16, Claire

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