Chapter 31

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I stand outside the bathroom with K pacing back and forth rubbing her hands together. I sigh at my friend as she does this. This is to much for her, and I can't stand to see her like this. I go over to her and place my hands on her shoulders to stop her from pacing so much. "Breath K. Just take a deep breath."

"How can I C?" she whispers and wraps her arms around me. "I'm so scared."

I hear a tiny noise showing that the test is done, so I look over at K. Her face is frozen with fear and I hug her even tighter. "K you listen to me right now," I tell her as I pull away from the hug. "You are Robbie are literally goals." She laughs at that which makes me smile. "Whatever this test says he will never leave you. I know that for a fact."

"I don't want to look at it."

I wipe the tear running down her cheek with my thumb. I walk past her and head over to the sink where the test is sitting. I close my eyes as I get close to it. This isn't even for me and I'm scared. I take a deep breath before I open my eyes. I check the test, and it says positive. I look over at K and nod my head slowly. 

She leans against the wall with a hand over her mouth, and she sinks down to the floor. Her legs come up to her chest and I see a sob shake her body. I go over and sit down next to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. Her sobs are quiet, but being alone in the house makes them loud to me. I try to calm her down and she is slowly calming down.

"Everything will be perfect K, I'll make sure of it," I tell her and she looks up at me. "Even if it means that I have to cancel my date tonight with Carter I will."

She shakes her head rapidly at the last suggestion. "You aren't throwing away your life to help me. I'll have Rob-" and before she can finish his name she freezes. "I have to tell him. How?"

"You'll know when to and how. It all has to be at the right time K I promise," I tell her and she leans her head against the wall.

"God why do I have to be so stupid," she mutters and I look over at her.

"Hey you aren't stupid," I tell her. "Over half of the people in the initiation class before us have already had children, some even two." 

"I didn't want to be one of those people though C," she says and I sigh. 

"Maybe Robbie really wants a child. I mean he is now 20, almost 21. All of his friends his age all have kids now," I tell her and she nods. "He'll be so happy about it K, I know it."

"Maybe I should just tell him tonight, that'll probably be easiest you know," she whispers and I nod.

"If you need any help you can go ask my mom. She'll be overjoyed to help you," I tell K. "She knows what it's like to have a child at our age, I mean that when she had Henry and Colin."

"Oh god what if I have twins?"

"Hey K you're fine. If you do then I'll help you with them."

"You know you are to good to be true sometimes C," she tells me and and envelopes me in a hug. 

"I know," I joke and the both of us laugh. "When does Robbie get back?"

"Shit I forgot that he doesn't get back until tomorrow morning!" She exclaims and I put my arm on her shoulder. 

"Then you'll tell him tomorrow," I tell her. "Now what about your family?"

"I guess that I could tell them now," she says and I nod as I stand up. I help her up and she helps.

We leave the house and we start to head to her parents house. I can tell she is thinking about every single outcome that could come from her parents. I reach my arm over and rub her back reassuringly. She sends me a small smile before she turns back and faces forward. 

When we get to her parents she makes me open the door, only because her hands are shaking so much. I open the door and push her to go in. As soon as we walk toward the living room we hear yelling. I stop walking and so does K. She slowly shuts the door, making sure to not make  a lot of noise. 

"No mom! She literally cheated on me in our house, with our son in the room right next to her!" 

Okay so Blake is here. How fun. I turn to K and see her listening intently on her brother's yelling. I grab her wrist so that I can catch her attention. "I'm going to go to my mom, and ask her what is the best way to go around this."

"Wait why?" she panics and I just shrug. "If this is because of Blake-"

"No it isn't I just thought that I'd go talk to my mom then meet you back at home so we can figure this all out," I whisper and she sighs with a nod. I giver her a quick hug as I slowly open the door. 

I head down the hall and make my way to my parents house. I speed walk just to get their faster, but it ends up turning into a full sprint. I don't even know why I am running, but I'm already here. I knock on the door to let everyone know I'm here, before I walk in.  I, of course, hear my family yelling. I go to the living room to find my dad and my uncles all playing a video game, with my brothers cheering them on in the back.

"Where's mom?" I ask and because they all keeping freaking screaming they don't here me. "Ok. Shut the hell up!" I shout and they all look over at me. "Good. Now where is mom?" I ask them.

"Up in our room," dad answers before they all turn their attention back to the tv.

 I roll my eyes at them as I head up to my parents room. I knock on the door and my mom answers it immediately. She gives me a hug and kisses my cheek as I smile at her.

"What do you need sweetie?" mom asks and I step in to her room and shut the door behind me.

"You can't tell anyone about this mom," I tell her. She nods and leads me over to sit on the bed. "So K is pregnant." Mom looks shocked for a second before she tells me to carry on. "She wanted some advice on how to go about it."

"How about I head back to your house with you, that way I can talk to her by myself," mom suggests and I nod. 

We leave her bedroom and just walk past the boys, and out of the house. I lead her back to my house, luckily with no disturbances on the way. I grab my keys and unlock the door when we get there. I push the door open to see K in the living room laying on the couch.

"Everything okay?" I ask her and she sits up nodding. 

"They were yelling at Blake as I was leaving. They aren't completely focused on anything else," K shrugs and stands up. 

"Hey Kimberly, lets go talk in your room," mom says and K nods before she leaves the room with my mom. 

I sit on the couch and turn the tv on. It's only 11 and I keep thinking my date is like in five minutes. I change to channel to a random movie, and lay on the couch. Being the lazy person that I am I start to fall asleep, after literally doing nothing all day. 

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now