Chapter 26

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I smell eggs.

That gets me really confused. Only because I know Robbie and K don't cook and I'm not in the kitchen. I take the blanket off me and I stand up. I stretch my arms and back before  I head to the kitchen. I see a back at the stove. A toned back may I add. The figure is just wearing jeans which are hanging low around his waist. 

It's Carter you idiot!

My stupid inner voice yells at me. I just had a duh moment before I went and stood next to him.  He looks down at me and smiles. I smile back at him, before he turns his attention back to the stove. He puts the eggs that he just cooked on a plate that already has toast and bacon. 

"I decided to make you breakfast," Carter says as he places the two plates at the bar. "Especially since I stayed here last night."

"Thank you for breakfast. I usually have to eat in the cafeteria," I tell him and he shrugs.

"It wasn't a problem, I actually like to cook," he says  and my lip form a grin.

"My dad does too," I whisper. "Don't tell anyone, or he may kill the both of us."

Carter smiles at me and I take a bite of the scrambled eggs Carter made. As soon as I put the forkful of eggs in my mouth I moan. These are so freaking good! I take another bite after  another, hardly giving myself time to breath. I just shove the food down my throat, and remember Carter is here. I look up at him and smile sheepishly. He just laughs before he takes another bite of his food. I take a bite of my toast and set it back down. I'm already half way done with my food and I only got it a few minutes ago. I'll just seem like a pig. 

"You know Claire," Carter says as he hovers a hand over his mouth, because he was chewing. I raise an eyebrow up at him. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner tomorrow night?"

I try and contain my smile and nod. "Ya of course. Tomorrow night for dinner, alrighty."

"Great," he smiles and takes another bite of his eggs, finishing them off. I look over at the stove and see the clock say 7:45 and my eyes widen. I grab a napkin to wipe off my mouth and run up stairs. I throw on a black long sleeve sweater and red leggings. I put my hair up in a high pony and find a black headband to put in my hair. I slip on a pair of socks I found in my drawer, and slip on my combat boots. I lace them up then run to the bathroom. I brush my teeth quickly and head back downstairs.

"I'm so sorry Carter, but I have to go over to Abnegation and the train leaves at 8:00 a.m. Speaking of I need to get going," I explain to him and he sets both of our dishes in the sink. 

"That's fine, I have a job too," he turns round and smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow night at seven."

I nod and offer a him a smile. He gives me a quick hug before he leaves. I let a breath out and run back up stairs. I wash my face off and grab my makeup bag. I unzip in and pull out eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. I apply it all quickly before I run back downstairs and out the door. I then remember my papers I need and run back inside to grab them.  Once I get them, I run back outside to get to the train. We are meeting on the roof where initiates jump off. I get there out of breath, and with 4 minutes to spare.

"Good timing Eaton," Eric scoffs and I glare at me. Why does a stupid leader have to come, and why does it half to be Eric?

"Shut up Eric," I say to Eric and he rolls his eyes.

"Maybe you'll get to see you grandpa here Claire? Bet you'd like that," He laughs and I turn to him.

"Don't you dare mention him, I'm not going to take your crap during this trip," I growl. "Just remember, your the second choice for everything when you are up against my dad."

His smirk drops and he looks away from me. I smirk and turn towards the tracks. The train should be here any minute. I see Uncle Uriah runs up the stairs out of breath, and the train coming around the corner. I smile at him and shake my head. We step up next to the tracks and start to run when the train comes by. I grab onto the railing and swing myself onto the train, and Uncle Uriah follows me. 

"You were later than me, how embarrassing," I laugh as Uriah sits down.

"I couldn't help it this time. Marlene had to go into work early this morning, and she didn't know until a good twenty minutes ago," he manages to get out through his heavy breathing. "Harry wouldn't let go of my leg when I tried to drop him off at mom's. It was really annoying."

"You were still later than me," I tsk and he rolls his eyes.

"How close were you this time?"

"Four minutes," I shrug and his eyes widen.

"You usually come right when the train is coming. You are early Claire," He laughs and I hit his arm.

"Shut up will you?" I say and he shakes his head no.

"Your mom said you couldn't tell me to shut up," he smirks and I stick my tongue out at him. He copies my action.

"Why is Eric here?" I ask and Uncle Uriah shrugs his shoulders. 

"Very rarely have we had a leader come with us, especially to Abnegation, but I'm not sure. We never got told before," Uncle Uriah says and I sit next to him.

"Eric is annoying," I groan. "He makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Then kick him where it counts."

Uncle Uriah smiles at me and laughs. "Believe me Claire, so do I."

"I would've been fine with grandpa or Max, but Eric of all people," I say and tighten my ponytail. "Why Eric, when we are going to Abnegation?"

"Eric probably requested this visit, just to annoy the both of us," Uncle Uriah suggest and I nod. He probably did because of Marcus. 


Someone yells and I stand up. This train ride went by way to fast for my liking. Why are we already here? I don't want to have to go near Eric at all. I go to the door of the train and get ready to jump. Once I see someone jump I follow and stand up. I wipe off my clothes and look around. A few of them are walking towards the Hub so I decide to follow. When we enter we have to go up to the sixth floor, and we have to use the stupid stairs. I drag myself up the stairs, and finally make it to the conference room. I see a few people in grey standing around the table talking and I furrow my eyebrows. Its a woman, who look just like... dad! Caleb dad, not Four. This must be Natalie, and of course Andrew. I see a few other faces I don't recognize, then I  see the man who tortured my dad. I ball my hands into fists and sit in a chair at the table. I take deep breaths to calm myself. Natalie smiles at me and comes over to my chair.

"I'm sorry this must be rude of me, but do I know you?" Natalie asks and I offer her a small smile. 

"Umm actually Caleb, your son, is my dad," I whisper. "I take mostly after him."

"You are absolutely gorgeous- I'm sorry I didn't catch your name," Natalie compliments and I smile wider.

"Thank you, I'm Claire Eaton," I say then widen my eyes, realizing that I said that loud. I look around the room and see Marcus looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "Tris Pedrad and Tobias Eaton adopted me. It's a long story."

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you Claire," Natalie smiles and walks back over to her husband. 

I look down at my lap trying to avoid the stare I am receiving from Marcus. It doesn't work and I still look up at him with a glare. He finally looks away, with a cough. I look back down and wait for the boring talk to begin.

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