Chapter 40

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Grayson is just the sweetest little boy! He reminds me a lot of Keiynan. We've been with Grayson since after lunch, it's now 5:30. We decided to head back to Carter's considering I have to babysit in a half hour. We say goodbye to Grayson, Skye, and Jaden. Jacob had to do something for his work. Carter gives his brother a hug before we leave the hospital. I texted aunt Shauna where to drop off Rosa and Alex. If I texted Uncle Zeke he would've forgotten.

"Carter your brother is the cutest," I smile as we start to walk to his house.

"Yeah that's the act," Carter laughs. "He's a handful."

"Doesn't he stay with Jaden most of the time?" I ask and Carter nods.

"He stays over at my place sometimes," Carter tells me. "I think he prefers Jaden's because she got him a phone."

I laugh and Carter smiles at me. I stop walking for a moment and he looks confused. I turn his back towards me and jump on. He is surprised but he wraps his arms under my knees. "Really Claire?"

"I'm to lazy to walk," I say and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"Then how'd you pass initiation?" Carter asks and I hit him in the head. "Ow claire!"

"I actually tried in initiation," I say. "Now I'm not required to do physical activity."

Carter continues to walk to his house. I decide that I should probably tell K that I'm at Carter's. I keep one arm loosely around Carter's neck and grab my phone from my pocket. Carter looks back at me and I smile. He shakes his head and looks forward again. I text K, with some difficulty considering I was using one hand and I was trying to not fall.

"Claire we're here now," Carter tells me and I jump off his back. I place my phone back in his pocket and he unlocks the door. He opens it for me and follows me into his house. I run to his living room and jump on to the couch. "Nice to know you made yourself comfortable."

I glare at him as I sit up. "Watching two seven year olds make you tired."

"I know," Carter laughs, "I was watching them with you."

"Well soon we are going to have to watch another eight year old and a six year old," I tell him and he sits in the chair next to the couch.

"These are Zeke's kids right?" He asks are and I nod. "Can we just give them the cookies we made?"

"If they already had dinner, but knowing my aunt and uncle they haven't," I laugh, "so we need to make them something."

"I mean I don't have a lot of food here," Carter says as he stands up.

"Do you have mac and cheese?" I ask.

He nods and replies, "probably a couple boxes."

I stand up and go to his kitchen. He opens up a cupboard and pulls out two boxes. I take them from him and he gets a pot out. I fill it up with some water before I put it on the stove. Carter already turned on the stove so we just have to wait for it to boil. He also grabbed a spoon out and I thank him. I grab four bowls out and cups.

"You don't have juice here?" I ask Carter as I pull the milk out of the fridge.

"Why would I have juice?" Carter asks and I roll my eyes.

"Because juice helps me get through life," I reply. "There is always juice in the fridge."

"Well maybe I'll have some juice next time," he tells me.

I smile at him and say, "no maybe, you will."

Carter laughs and I go over to the stove. The water is not completely boiling yet if that makes sense. I open up the boxes of mac and cheese and pull out the cheese packets. I set them on the counter next to the milk before I go to get butter.

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