Chapter 19

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Claire's POV:
"Claire! Blake is eating breakfast with us today!" Keiynan exclaims with a huge smile on his face.

"I thought he wasn't?" I say and look at him.

"I ask mom and dad they said he could. I told Blake and he said he'd come," Keiynan says with a large smile across his face.

"Well you better get ready then," I say and usher him towards the stairs. He runs up the stairs and I follow him.

"You too Claire!" He yells from his room.

I shake my head smiling before closing the door to mine. I walk around K and Robbie and to my closet. I grab a red sweater, black shorts with flowers on them, and my brown heel boots before going around the two again. I head to the bathroom, locking the door behind me so my brothers don't barge in. I brush my teeth first before I slip into the shower, and get out 10 minutes later. I dry off and slip on my clothes and shoes for the day. I dry my hair fast before I braid my hair to the side. I leave the bathroom and head downstairs waiting for my family.

Dad finally comes down the stairs yawning, but dressed. "Hey Munchkin can you go get Jackson ready? Your mom didn't have a good sleep last night, and neither did I," dad says stretching his arm.

"Is mom ok?" I ask standing up.

"Ya just couldn't sleep. Kept rolling over waking me up. Morning sickness, which in this case happened to early in the morning," dad explains. I nod and give dad a quick hug before heading up to Jackson's room.

"Jackson time to get ready," I say opening his door.

"But Captain Gus and General Gary were about to find aliens!" Jackson whines.

"Well they can find aliens when we get back home. Right now we are going to get ready, then head down for breakfast. Ok?" I say and go over to his dresser.

"Ok Cwaire," he mumbles and comes over to me.

"Now how about this," I say holding up a red t-shirt and black sweatpants.

"Ok," he says and I change he fast before I take him to the bathroom to go and brush his teeth. Once he finishes that I mess up his hair a little bit and take him downstairs.

"Hey Munchkin, can you start to head down with the boys while I help your mother?" Dad asks and I nod.

"Sure. I'll meet you at breakfast then," I say and give him a hug.

"Yep now go before your brothers start to complain about being hungry," dad smiles and pushes me towards the boys.

"It's not my fault they got your appetite," I joke and take Jackson's hand.

"I can't control what they get they just happened to get it," dad jokes before heading upstairs to mom.

"Alright boys lets go get some breakfast," I say and next thing I know the twins run outside and down the hall. I just let them run to the cafeteria while I walk with Keiynan and Jackson.

"Hey Claire is Blake still coming to breakfast with us?" Keiynan asks.

"I believe so, he hasn't told me otherwise," I say.

"Ok good," he cheers, with a huge smile on his face. I've never seen the kid this happy about a person before.

"Do you want me to text him to make sure?" I ask and he nods his head eagerly. I pull out my phone and go to Blake's contact before hitting message.

C~Are you still coming to breakfast today?

B~Yeah. I'm just leaving my house

C~I'll meet you there then. I'm almost there.

B~See ya there Claire-bear

I put my phone away and reassure Keiynan that Blake is coming. Jackson is talking to me, but it's a bunch of nonsense about his toys. He's trying to explain to me why it was mean of me to interrupt him. It is important for Captain Gus and General Gary found aliens. Who know what's going on through his head. Keiynan on the other hand is trying to drag me to the cafeteria so we get there faster. He just wants to see Blake.

We get to the cafeteria and the twins are sitting at a table and they have just started to eat. The table to the right has all the adults in my family, while the table the twins are at have all the kids. I take Keiynan and Jackson over there before I got and get them and myself some breakfast.

I get three plates and put a scoop of eggs on each, sausage, and toast before placing three cups of milk on the tray. I take the food back to the table and give Keiynan and Jackson their plates and cups of milk.

"Where am I sitting?" Someone says behind me and I see Keiynan jump in his seat.

"Blake! You can sit here!" Keiynan exclaims as Blake smiles and I scoot over to make him room.

"I've got to get some food first and I'll be over," Blake says and jogs to the food.

I continue to eat mine and Keiynan eats his with a huge smile on his face. It's really nice to see him so happy. It must be terrible to be the middle child. Keiynan gets a little to excited though and he accidentally spills his milk and I roll my eyes and start to clean the mess up with napkins.

"I can get it Claire-bear," Blake says setting his tray down and wiping up the rest of the milk.

"You need to come over more often. Keiynana has never been happier," I whisper to Blake as he sits down.

"Call me over anytime and I will," he says and takes a bite of his pancake. I smile and finish up my food. Blake and Keiynan are talking, and so is the rest of my family. I just sit there and enjoy it.

"Hey Munchkin thanks for getting your brothers breakfast. Mom is feeling better now," dad says from behind me and I nod my head.

"I can take them back home after they are done if you are still eating," I say turning around.

"That would be nice munchkin," he says and kisses my cheek before getting food for him and mom. When my dad leaves Blake kisses my cheek and I just look at him.

"What I thought we were all doing that," he shrugs, but is holding back a smirk.

I kiss his cheek and reply, "sure we are."

"Claire, can Blake come back over today?" Keiynan asks.

"You'd have to ask mom or dad if he can. It's not up to me," I say.

"Are you two dating? Doesn't that mean he can come over whenever?" Keiynan questions.

"Not when your 13 it doesn't," I say and take my last bite of eggs.

"That's stupid," he groans and I laugh.

"Jackson are you done?" I ask and he nods and pushes his plate towards me. The twins also do the same. I roll my eyes at them before piling the plates onto the tray. Keiynan places his in top and I roll my eyes once again before putting the trays away.

"Hey Claire I'm done too. Can you take my plate?" Blake asks and hold out his plate.

"Your a big boy Blake. You can do it yourself," I say and sit down. He gets up and puts away his tray.

"we going home now?" Jackson asks me and I nod taking his hand.

"Blake you can come too," I say and he laughs.

"What?" I ask and furrow my eyebrows.

"Didn't you tell Keiynan you couldn't just let me come over, you had to have permission," Blake smirks.

"Ugh! Really Blake!" I groan and go over to my parents.

"Hey mom is it ok if Blake helps me with the boys while you and dad finish breakfast?" I ask mom knowing she probably will let me

"Of course sweetheart," mom says and the. Turns back to continue eating.

"Look at that you can come," I say taking his hand.

"You are the one who said you had to ask," he says intertwining our fingers.

"Oh just shut up," I say and smack his arm.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now