Chapter 41

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"Carter stop!" I squeal as his throws me over his shoulder. He laughs at my attempt to get down, which is hitting his back.

"Come one Claire," he jokes, "just this once."

I groan and let my arms hang loosely down his back. My head hands and rests against his shoulder blade, which isn't comfortable. "Only this once," I reply and he swings me down on to the couch. I squeal once again as I hit the cushions.

It's been about six months since Carter's and my first date. K has been spending most of her time at Robbie's, considering she's almost 7 months pregnant. So Carter and I are at my place. I've decided that once the baby is born I'll let K decide if she wants to stay here or not. Our place has three rooms and Robbie's only has two, so I think they live here. Anyway Carter and I have gotten really close.
My dad and uncles adore him, along with my brothers and cousins. He's so nice with them and he's just, well perfect to me.

Except one little thing. My family keeps bugging me about if we are dating. I mean we go on dates and hang out with each other a lot, but he's never asked me to be his girlfriend. I'd, of course, say yes if he asked me, I think it's the fact that we haven't known each other for too long. Which I understand, but it seems like I've known him for years. He's opened up a lot to me and said how his parents died, which was so awful. He tells me all the happiest memories with them and I know I wouldn't be able to do that. I've told him, well explained, my whole family situation and how it came to be. Carter and I never really go anywhere with out each other, unless I have to leave for work, which is either once or twice a week.

Oh yeah there's another little thing I forgot to mention. Blake and I are friends again. I ran in to him a few months back and we talked for a little. Mostly about the last year and a half. His son Benji, who is now 8 months old, is the cutest little thing. He got Blake's eyes. He loves to smile, and he tries to talk. He can get out sounds like 'da' and 'ba' which is adorable. Blake told me that Benji stays with him for the most part. He stays with Ellie mostly on the weekends. Since Ellie is pregnant she says she can't watch Benji as much, which is absolutely crazy. I mean he is your son!

Well now back to my life now. Carter and I just got home from a date. He took me to the ferris wheel. Dad apparently told him to take me there. We had dinner and ran around like kids. It was a lot of fun. I went there when I was younger, from the stories mom told me. It was perfect. Carter loves to set up venues and what not for our dates instead of just taking me somewhere in the compound. K doesn't like it because we have to go on the train a lot and that means 'if you wear heels then you could fall and hurt yourself running'. She hates the fact that I can't, but I mean I'm already kinda tall for a girl.

Gosh I can't stay on the same subject. Carter wants to go to my parents. We never go because of how annoying my brothers are. And last time we did all my cousins and were there. Along with their parents, but Carter and I didn't see each other until we decided to leave.

"That's what you said last time," he laughs at me. I'm laying back on the couch and Carter is on his knees and hands above me. I roll me eyes and hit is chest.

"Shut up Lee," I joke and he leans down to kiss me cheek.

"I can't Eaton," he smirks and kisses my other cheek. I smile and my hand that his his chest stays there.

His head is now o it a couple inches above mine and I start to bite my bottoms lip. My other hand messes with the ends of my hair. Carter starts to lean down and then his lips meet mine. My hand that was messing with my hair grabs the back of Carter's neck and slowly my arm hooks its way around his neck. His right hand rests on my waist and the other is cupping my cheek. Carter and I never really kiss. We kiss each other on the cheek, but this is only like our third kiss. Except it just is better than I remember. I feel myself smile a little and pull Carter closer to me. Carter's hand that was cupping my cheek moves to my back. He slowly picks me up and then he sets me on his lap. I wrap my other arm around his neck as I straddle his waist. His hands are now both on my waist and he pulls me closer to him. His teeth capture my bottom lip and I open my mouth slightly.

Of course the door starts to open and I reluctantly pull away from Carter. We are both breathing heavily and we rest our foreheads against each other's. I unhook my arms around his neck and sit next to him. Carter leans down and kisses my temple.

"C! I've got to tell you something!"

I roll my eyes and stand up. Carter stays sitting on the couch and I walk towards the door. K is taking off her shoes, which now takes longer considering he belly. Being almost 7 months pregnant really slows you down, well I'm guess by how K moves. She finally slips off her right shoes when she sees me.

"So earlier today Robbie and I went to the doctors you know?" She asks and I nod. "Well at first we didn't want to know the gender, and we could've known a few months ago, but today we decided to find out!"

I smile and hug my friend. "You did? What is it?"

"We are having a girl C! I'm gonna have a little girl!" She squeals and hugs me tighter. I smile and hug her back.

"That's so exciting K!" I smile as we pull away. "I'm so happy for you!"

"I will be to for you when the time comes," she raises her eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes.

"We aren't even officially dating yet K," I whisper. "Carter's here."

"Oh I'm going to tell him the news!" She exclaims as she walks to the living room.

"He probably already heard, I mean you yelled it," I tell her and I hear Carter's laugh.

"I did, congrats Kim," Carter smiles and gives her a hug. "Now Claire and I were about to leave, if that's alright."

"Yeah that's fine," K says, "I'm super tired anyway."

She yawns as we say goodbye and Carter and I head over to my parents. It's only like 8:30 because Carter wanted to have the date at 6. So my brothers should be awake, along with my parents. Dylan may be asleep but I would be surprised. The boys usually keep him up with all the yelling and what not.

Carter intertwines our fingers as we are walking. I lift his arm over my shoulder, but keep a hold of his hand. I lean my head against his shoulder and switch hands. I wrap my now free arm around his back and he kisses the top of my head.

We get to my parents and Carter knocks on the door. Henry opens it and lets us both in. Carter gets dragged away by him and I roll my eyes. I go to find my mom who is talking with dad in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetheart," mom smiles as she gives me a hug.

"Hey mom," I smile hugging her back. "Hi dad."

"Hey munchkin," dad says coming over to give me
a hug. "Is Carter here?"

"Henry took him somewhere," I tell him the turn to mom. "He likes him more than his own daughter."

"It's alright Claire," mom jokes back.

"Yeah right," dad says and kisses the top of my head. "I love you and only like him."

I kiss my dads cheek and let go of him. I sit next to mom on a stool. "K's having a girl," I tell her and she smiles.

"She's lucky," mom laughs. "I only had all boys," she says and looks at dad. I shake my head and laugh.

"Carter wanted to ask you something yesterday dad," I say and dad nods.

"I'll go find him," dad says leaving the kitchen. I see mom grinning in the corner of my eye.

"Thanks," I smile before I turn back to mom. "Now mom, Carter's birthday is in a couple days and I need to get him something."

"Claire you know I won't be able to help you with it," she says and I sigh.

"I just want to get him something special you know?" I tell her and she nods.

"You will Claire," mom smiles.

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