You Again

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_(n)_ walked happily while many stopped with wide eyes. A tall attractive shinobi was seen in back of her looking down while a chain connected together her palm with his heart side " this shit necessary.." " mhm" " listen you bitch  I said I will let you take me not use me as a cute accessory."  The girl stopped walking while he kept a glare. She turned slowly having an ice queen stare " what did you call me." "..............." Madara felt his eye twitch a bit staring at her "....Nani. Why are you all quiet now." She pulled the chain down making him stumble to her level having an angered expression " I said. B. I. T. C. H." He glared at her smirking while the girl greeted her teeth a bit " it seems you forgot ." " eh...." The males eyes slowly widen in fear seeing.

The girl smirked evilly swinging back and forth a familiar collar.


Sasuke had wide eyes with his mouth a bit open looking up at a tall male. Itachi had a glare holding his young brother while shisui and Kagami hide behind the sofa.

"That's Madara.."

"Yeah she actually got the dude...."

Madara kept a glare as he looked around the comfy looking place. The girls parents where working so it was only the one female with the house full of attractive men/ teen and a cute 9 year old boy.

_(n)_ walked smiling holding a tray " I made tea !" She placed it on the table but looked around " where's ..." " he hasn't came out since he brought Kagami and shisui home." Itachi blinked twice while shisui was rubbing his cheek on the teens head happily.
The girl really wondered what was his deal.

Obito snapped his eyes open smelling a way too familiar scent"" He slowly glared sitting up slowly while his long hair moved a bit. His anger expression slowly turned in to rage mix with fear as he stood up.


" I'm not wearing that."

"Well your not going to be naked here.....or.............hehehehehe!!"

The girl smirked pervertedly at the confuse male while Itachi covered sasukes ears making the young boy blinked confuse not able to hear all the dirty jokes the girl was saying to a confuse blushing yet embarrassed shinobi.

Shisui blinked watching the scene " is she always like this..." " oh yeah....." " to you .?" " nah...she's mostly like that with Obito." Itachi looked at him.

"Obito...?" " yeah ...where you friends with that girly boy ..?" Madara turned to them glaring ' has he gotten stronger to the point he could mask his scent....' " I may had been more then just a friend with him." Madara crossed his arms seeing them staring at him with wide eyes " .....I meant that by the father son relationship we had idiots...."


"Speaking of which......."

The tall shinobi turned smirking meeting a glaring red eyed male with scars on his right side.

"How's it going ~ seems your trying to copy my hair still~~"

"Shut up idiot. My hair normally grows like this and why would I want to look like a woman on steroids. "

"How dare you."



Both glared slamming their heads together having glowing red eyes with a strange pattern in them.
_(n)_ sweat dropped " hey guys you should st-" she blinked turning seeing Kagami stopping her " don't even. And I mean. Ever. Get in the way of those two." " what do you mean...." She turned with a poker face seeing a blue aura around Madara while Obito had a light close to sky blue color around him.

One blink and both where gone".....ssshhhhiiiiiiitttttttt!!!!!!!!" " hey!!" Itachi glared at her covering sasukes ears quickly.


The girl ran outside quickly looking up hearing gasping and snapping nosies "uhhhh..." Her eyes widen seeing them fighting " crap I'm so getting a ticket for this!!! " she glared placing her arm up spreading her fingers while a pattern appeared on her palm " Kumui."

Obito slammed on the floor quickly growling with rage not being able to sit up at all from the chains holding him down. Madara glared smirking but gasp slamming on them or also hearing chains.


" seriously !! If I get a ticket for this you two will work on the corner to help me pay it !!"


"....i don't get it...."

Madara blinked confuse while _(n)_ and Obito face palmed .the girl smiled nervously seeing helicopters around the place a long with the police.



"An other strike and Obito will have to be taken away...again...You do know that right."


"And the new one. You have to go register him."

"I know I'm going too go maybe tomorrow. "

The girl smiled nervously waving at the police ' few......' She sigh relief turning to them."....."

Obito was eyeing the flowers on the corner angrily while Madara looked at her bored .

" you two Better not do that again."




"..your annoying."

Madara glared at her placing his chin on his palm while Obito gave him the bad eye stare. _(n)_ sigh sweat dropping ' this guy will need a lot of work.........'


_(n)_ blinked calmly writing down the report ' this sucks.......' She smiled hearing the T.V on her room on. The girl turned a bit seeing a ponytailed man sitting in front of it with a confuse expression ' he he...his like Sasuke at times.' She turned down at the report again ' all this so I can keep him here ...' She blinked calmly placing the 10th page with the others as she started the new one while the head laying on her lap moved a bit.

Madara looked back at her glaring. He eyed the man with her ' Hmp...........' He twitched a bit seeing the smirk on his lips ' Tch....' The shinobi glared more while Obito smirked wider seeing a strange expression on his old mentors face.


_(n)_ blinked smiling as she stared at the ceiling. She tried moving but wasn't successful at all. " this a normal thing you do..." " mm.." "...oh.."

----30 mins------

She blinked blushing as she moved her eyes to the side seeing Madara sleeping calmly ' so he doesn't like sleeping a lone eh....' She smiled while she moved her eyes to the other side eyeing Obito ' I wonder why he is here......' She blushed more feeling them hugging her closer. She cat smiled having hearts coming out her head as she laid between two hot men on the futon.

'..........I love my life............'

(*≧▽≦)ノシ I don't know what happened here but okay!!

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