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_(n)_ smiled walking out a building with an agitated shinobi in back of her. Two months had past yet they still had to go in and out to fill his information. Madara sigh having a glare as he moved his vision around the un known place " seriously.......can we just go ..back to that  room..I want to watch that box that devours my soul day by day..." " you mean t.v..?" " ah yes t.v...... " the girl blinked looking up at Him while he stared down at her.

".....first I need to buy you a collar." "...why...you already have that death weapon.." " I placed it on Obito his last one couldn't handle him.." "Mm..." He glared irritated as they walked yet again. What made Madaras more angry was the many photo graphs the many people took of him. Still many couldn't believe he was captured. That and it was a young woman!. Many began to placed him one specific nickname.

"Okami Ōsama."

By his appearance not to mention his way of acting. The duet stopped in front of what seemed like a pet store to the others but was actually a.

"Shinobi co......???"

Madara looked down at her angrily yet confuse " didn't you say I wasn't going to be an animal." " you aren't this will only be when you leave so if you get lost you will know your way back or the police can track you ..." "Hmp..still sounds like an animal. Unless your in to seeing me chained up." He smirked at the woman seductively while she blushed feeling her eyebrow twitch " shush......" She began to walk while he fallowed with a wide smirk.


"......uhm...that uhm.."


Madara blinked holding a heavy spiked leather collar "....I like this one." "..but it looks a bit too..." " looks what. Too big ?" He looked at her while she moved her eyes up at him " trust me if you want to see big you should look at my di-"" what about this one !!!" She smiled nervously cutting him off seeing the many females eyeing them. Madara glared at her ' Tch...'. His charm wasn't working with her. Oh no. He had a problem now. He couldn't buy himself out this situation.


_(n)_ blink smiling mixing a bowl of ice cream as she sat on a parks bench. On her lap laid a head with fluffy black hair. Madara had an angry expression eyeing the many passing people/ shinobi ' why are they letting them selfs get controlled... Unless they enjoy getting their head scratched ....being showered...eat anything they want.......' He thought for a while closing his eyes feeling his long hair being stroke ' ah hell....I'm turning like Obito now...' " it's ready ~" "mm...." The man rubbed his eyes sitting up slowly a she looked down at her "....." He got the ice cream bowl seeing it liquid-like style ' Hmp...' He smirked beginning to drinking it.

_(n)_ smiled watching the male be in his happy time ' you haven't changed at all.....' She looked straight calmly' I guess that's a good thing....' She twitched feeling an arm around had shoulders.

Madara blinked watching how a shinobi was acting around a female ' so that's how we have to act.'  He threw the empty bowl on the trash not too far from them as he pulled her closer.

"Uh what are you..."

"...its affection ...right .."


She blushed more smiling happily feeling him having a strong hold ' he he he !!!' She giggled closing her eyes. Madara blinked looking down at her weirdly ' guess this is okay to do...?' He looked straight thinking yet again ' Izuna...I'm almost there...' He smiled a bit remembering his goofy smile.

--------------1 week----------

_(n)_ smiled placing a brown bag on the table while closing the door not letting the cold air leave the house.

"_(n)_ ! Did you got them!"



Sasuke smiled happily getting the small box of cookies quickly running to his room Itachi blinked helping her put everything away "....too much sugar is bad you know.." " oh just let him have his fun !..also have my parents arrived yet ""Hmp....no not really but they sent a letter " Itachi blinked calmly handing over a sealed envelope along with a post card. The woman got it sweat dropping seeing Hawaiian design sighing " where are shisui and Kagami ?" " I'm not sure.." "...." ".... "


Madara was staring at the T.V not blinking what so ever along with kagamia and shisui ' HOW ARE THEY IN THERE !!!??' The idiot Uchiha men thought at the same time while a glaring Obito tried reaching for the control but kept getting his hand slapped by the porcupine haired male.


_(n)_ smiled finally finishing the stake of reports stretching as she yawned happily ' finally !' She stood up turning off the lamp as she laid down on her bed closing her eyes. She twitched feeling movement. An arm wrapped it self on her waist bringing her closer to a toned chest. _(e/c)_'s snapped open as she stared at the distance having a serious expression " what.." " I'm not tired." "...go and eat." " not hungry." " go and uhm......" She blinked trying to think of something while Madara blinked looking at the back of her head glaring.


_(n)_ walked calmly to her collage class ' few good thing I got him before class started..' She smiled sitting down on the end getting her books out.

"Hey _(n)_!"


"Is it true you got Madara !?"


"Woah you have a photo !?"

"Well I do-"


The young woman smiled having a shadow covering her eyes while she heard the many girls gasp. She turned to the window smiling meeting two black eyes "...I'm in need of your distance at home." "...why.." " I can't do something by myself ...you do it better..." "......." She twitched hearing the many students snicker "Tch just go home and I'll do it...wait where's your collar.." "...oh...that's why they where chasing me..." Madara blinked confuse still sitting on the window while the woman face palmed at his stupidity.


The classroom was quiet. The professor just stood their with his legs trebling facing the board. _(n)_ had a hand covering her face while Madara was sitting next to her having a vampiric stare. The tall shinobi looked around his surroundings but blinked seeing a girl smirking at him. He raised an eyebrow seeing her moving her hand close to her mouth moving it back and forth ' what the hell...' He made twice a confuse expression seeing the many females staring at him "..........." He thought for a while. He looked back seeing his Ojou-Sama staying on the same pose as before "......" He looked back at them smirking slowly while his tongue came out his mouth with saliva dripping down.

**enter many ambulance noises**

_(n)_ blinked watching the girls being taken to the hospital for blood loose "....what happened.." " I don't know.." Madara was just as confuse " come on class got cancel.." She walked holding her thick text book as he followed along next to her " what about Izuna. You haven't told me anything about him since months ago.." He glared while she turned to him " I haven't cuz I can't find a good connection with the things that have been happening around the place .." " what do you mean." " well...that familia wasn't the only one who got as you say killed that way.... But then again your brother isn't that type of person right ?" "Mm...." Madara looked straight glaring ' that idiot....' He sigh while a chain was heard clack from him stopping "..Madara..?" The girl turned to him.

The black haired male had a glare looking at a billboard ".......where is he at." The young woman looked up seeing Hashirama smiling advertising a new collar made by her uncle "hmm it's hard to say.." " what do you mean.." " Hashirama is anywhere...since well he has mito so they don't usually stay on one place ." "...Hmp..." Madara smirked a bit ' so you turned in to a Slave to them eh...' He walked dragging the girl " let's go." _(n)_ blinked twice smiling with pure confusion seeing her being the one dragged by the chain connecting his heart to her right palm ' this guy needs to really know how things work here...' She sweat dropped seeing many staring at their weird behavior. She sigh ' this guy really is a handful.......'

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