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_(n)_ ran holding a bag with a nervous expression ' crap I'm so late !!! ' she looked at her watch ' fffuuuuuuuuaaackkkk!! 11 freaking 50 !!?' She stopped breathing hard on the bullet train station she looked out the window seeing the night sky ' I hope his not angry.. His so violent ...'


Madara was sitting in front of the door with an irritated expression. He moved his head to the wall seeing the time 'hm.....' He looked at the door again staying there. Waiting.

The girls mother stared at the strange man ' his quite different then the others...' She smiled as she kept walking ' it seems he likes worrying a bout her .'


_(n)_ sat on the half empty train in relief ' feeww!!!' She smiled holding the bag close to her happily. She blinked looking out the window watching the great view as the thing speeded " three different areas. All the same." She looked straight laying back on the seat deep in thought.

The carts door open while clicking noises where heard. The girl looked straight blinking confuse seeing a tall figure with a long black cloak . Two red glowing dots where seen from inside shadow covering the persons face.


Madara laid on the floor angrily hearing his stomach growing"Tch......" He looked at the clock again.


He sat up irritated soon he stood up looking to the side eyeing an item. A sigh left his lips as he glared.


Madara walked with his hands inside his coat pockets . The collar around his neck made ringing noises from the small bell in the middle. The wind kept blowing making his hair move wildly. He sniffed around not smelling her anywhere "...." He stopped in front of the collage eyeing the large locked gates "" He looked around sighing irritated as he began to walk but but stopped sniffing "......." He turned the right "...Hmp..." He walked glaring a bit irritated.


_(n)_ ran quickly with wide eyes as she tried catching her breath. She trembled hiding under a table hearing the carts door open' what does he want....' She twitched seeing the leather boots stop in front of her .



"I smell Nisan in you."

She blinked looking up seeing the table that covered her break in half. Izuna looked down at her having his sharingan activated.

"Where's Nisan."


Madara stopped seeing the empty place "Hu......" He looked around confuse not understating the many arrows pointing to strange looking tunnels "..........." He blinked seeing a man in back out a glass cover counter "....OY......." He walked towards him glaring.

The man looked straight a bit irritated but froze seeing the dangerous shinobi right across from him.

Madara kept a glare "...have you seen a girl about 5'4 loli like ...nice body..." He blinked not knowing how to describe his 'ojou-sama' well.

The man blinked confuse since well that could be any girl. But he quickly recognize the male. Madara. He was everywhere. Posters. Magazines. News.

"Oh you mean Orochimarus niece ?"


" she took the south train about an hour ago"

Madara blinked confuse ' an hour........' He turned eyeing the place carefully ' that's strange...'


_(n)_ has wide eyes with the most worried yet frighten expression seeing the demonic glare Izuna had.

"So you took Nisan from our home."


"Where is he."


" if You don't talk ill kill you ."

He snatched her roughly smacking her against the window hearing a crack while she closed one eye ' fffffffff I'm so dead !!!' She sweated nervously while a red liquid dripped down her back slowly. Izuna kept a dark expression while the train stopped opening the doors .


"Shut up I'm taking to.........."

The young man turned quickly with wide eyes. Madara blinked twice eyeing him as he stepped inside. " Nisan......." "Mm..." He smiled while the young brother smiled  widely letting go of the girl making her slam on the flor roughly as he ran hugging his older brother "Nisan !!!! "

_(n)_ sat up holding her bleeding/ injured back eyeing the two men 'he...he....' She smiled slamming on the floor exhausted.


*sniff* *sniff*


*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

_(n)_ shifted glaring while a pain came on her body making her stop. Izuna blinked sniffing her again " Nisan....why does she smell like you ?" "....because I'm on the same house as her...." Madara blinked crossing his legs and his arms against his bear chest. The young man blinked confuse looking at him "Nisan....we can leave right now you know...." "Mm....." The man blinked eyeing the female " should rest though...." " I'm not tired..." " rest." " but..." " REST." The man moved his eyes to his while the younger brother smiled  nervously "aw okay......" He blinks seeing the stare Madara was giving the girl '.........' He closed his eyes having a stoic expression.


_(n)_ twitched opening her eyes slowly. Sasuke blinked twice smiling happily " your awake !!" The young boy hugged her arm happily. The young woman blinked confuse but smiled seeing his cuteness " he he...what happened.." " you got injured by the idiots brother." Obito looked at her glaring " You ever smile." " shut up and drink your tea." He crossed his arms walking out as he head towards the attic.  Itachi walked in holding a tray " good your awake .." He smiled in relief " your mom and dads panicked the whole time as they left for work good thing shisui and Kagami helped them clam down ." He placed the thing on her desk as he turned to her. _(n)_ blinked seeing a letter far down her bed. With a familiar hand writing  .



Izuna eyed his older brother seeing how quiet he was as they walked together on the tall grass field.  He glared a bit suspiciously moving his gaze straight.
Madara blinked keeping a strong expression  as he thought deeply. He looked at his heart side for a bit feeling a tug ' Hmp..she's calling me ...?' He smirked looking straight ' she should know no one can tame me.'


Will Madara return !!!?? Will Obito ever stop being a jerkyMacsourbutt !?  Will Izuna stop being a jelly little brother !? Find out next !!! (*≧▽≦)ノシ  

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