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_(n)_ was walking with a pale complexion. Her hand held a young shinobis hand. Madara blinked looking around seeing the many females stared at him with pink cheeks by how cute he looked. He smirked looking straight.
She blushed glaring angrily feeling him wrap his arms on her leg. A bit too up for her liking " stop it." The now kid smirked wider. From afar he just looked like a child not wanting to let his mother go.

"What's the Matter ~ you wouldn't mind it before ~" " because it was normal! Idiot !! " she glared down at him while he smirked still.

"Why is she yelling at her son ?"

"His so cute...."

"Bad mother..."

The woman froze seeing and hearing the power Madara had outside. The boy smirked more. He really looked like a devil " what's the matter now ....mommy~?" She glared angrily.


Madara looked down a woman smirking. She glared at him as she staid on the bed " what." " I'm in need of your assistance ~~" she froze smiling with a blue tint under her eye feeling him rubbing something on her "aww no." The 12 year old glared slowly while she smirked sitting up looking down at him " guess who's in control here. " the boy glared angrily not getting what he wanted.


*crashing noise *


_(n)_ yelled angrily as two boys glared at each other.
Madara had scratch marks not to mention bite marks around his arms. Sasuke sniffed glaring while he had glass stuck on his arms from the boy throwing the vase at him.


"I understand. Sasuke."

"He started it !!!"

"Me!!?? Look who's talking you little  shit !"



Both uchihas glared at each other as they were taken away.


"If your going to act like a. Child then I'll treat you like one !" " fuck off ! I could give less thought to your nagging !" The boy glared up at her. She had a large vein forming ' this man was such an asshole !!!' " Tch you know what fine !!! " Madara blinked glaring being snatch.

He gasp having his chest slamming on her lap while his butt laid up " what the fuck are you doing !!??" He glared but he soon let out  a bit of a yell feeling pain in his lower part. "AWWW !!" The boy closed his eyes sniffing a bit. His cheeks turned red quickly " Tch. Is that all you have you stupid face !!! Blew !!!" He pulled his tongue out making her more furious. " your such a pest at this age. ! " _(n)_ slammed her hand in his butt again.  The boy moaned closing his eyes. The woman froze hearing while something warm was felt on her lap.

"....did you just."

".......what's the matter mommy ~~~"

"....shut up."

Madara smirked having his butt raised up fully waiting for more. _(n)_ glared down at him. She sigh looking to the side ' I need to turn him back this is weird....'

Sasuke rubbed his butt sniffing while he had bandages around his arms and neck. He glared at the the boy next to him. Madara had a smile. He eyed the female pervertedly while she glared angrily ' seriously.' She looked at the t.v while a wild Indra was sitting next to her drinking soda.

Madara glared along with Sasuke at the Ōtsutsuki male seeing how close he was with her.
Indra blinked seeing their state. He smirked cuddling on the woman's side making her blush  by his cute behavior.

Madara felt a blood vessel pop on his eye from the pure rage and jealousy he was developing.


" so you know how to turn him back..?" " kinda.." Indra blink. The woman thought as she smiled slowly " can you help me ? " "what do I get in return." "....you and Ashura can go back..." Indra stared at her with wide eyes. He sigh having pink cheeks "....no we're good here.." " what...!?" " nothing. We'll start tomorrow then." He smiled calmly at her. _(n)_ smiled happily  hugging the man as he puffed his cheeks irritated.

**in back of a door**

Madara glared feeling angrier then before. An other blood vessel was felt popping .


This chapter is my first check mark to hell.....(*≧▽≦)ノシ *hides*

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