Still not okay

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_(n)_  looked around the place. She had a poker face seeing a lot of different spices she had never heard of " how did you know this.." "....i have a hobby..." "And that is..?" Indra blinked twice staring at her while his cheeks turned pink  turning away slowly as he walked. the woman stared not knowing what just happens but gasp feeling a hand on her butt " hey !!!" She turned angrily but twitched irritated.
Madara was looking up at her irritated as well. He really hated this. Being so. Small. Not to mention. Everywhere he would go crazy pedophilic females wouldn't want to let him go or stop staring at him.

"Why did he had to be here."

" because he knows all this."

" ......"

Madara glared felling something picking him up from his collar letting him dangle like a cat " be grateful I'm helping you." " I didn't ask for your help." " then I hope you enjoy your new life d!ck."
The boy froze in horror imagining himself. "........." " thought so." The man turned to the female calmly " you might want to put him in a leash. "
*enter smack*
Indra blinked having wide eyes. He looked down seeing a small hand moving back to a petite body.

"How dare you."


He glared having shining red eyes while the boy glared back trembling a bit. _(n)_ walked getting Madara " I'll just have him like this..." She smiled nervously while he glared still "Hmp might leave him like that better. His less of a pest." " take that back old man!!" The boy barked angrily.  The woman sweat dropped seeing people staring now " uhm you two should quiet do-" " shut up!" " don't tell her to shut up!!" " what are you going to do eh~~~~" Madara smirked evilly seeing how irritated Indra was getting "...." He smirked evilly making everyone twitch " as a shinobi. Our rules don't imply with this society. " he put his hand up having a large tub come out his palm " let me teach you manners boy."

---------------few hours later--------

Madara sat gloomily on the house floor holding his butt ' not who I wanted to get spanked by.....' . _(n)_ blinked petting his head slowly " I told you to stop it with the insults." " don't defend him." " see! You just want everyone to do as you like." Madara looked at her glaring while she blinked staring at him " what. What is it now ?" He turned slowly getting up on his knees. The woman raised an eyebrow  confuse.
Madara quickly placed his hand son her shoulders making her slam back with him on top of her.

"OY!!!! Get off !"


"This looks wrong idiot !!"

He glared at her gripping her shoulders more. She twitched a bit looking around not seeing anyone on sight " seriously . " she looked back at him but froze feeling something soft and warm on her lips. Her eye twitched like there was no tomorrow. Madara glared irritated trying to kiss her but his mouth wasn't wide enough so all he could do was stay like that. _(n)_ glared blushing darkly placing her hands on his shoulder pushing him up " stop that!!" " shut up and f#ck me !!!"  he twitched being  lifted up. The boy had a shadow covering his eyes as he dangled.
Izuna sigh " no wonder not everyone wanted to be friends with you ." " shut up......." The young brother smiled sweat dropping while the woman sat up glaring embarrassed.


"Is this really going to work..."


"...are you really sure ..."

"Yeah not the first time that happens."

Indra placed a cup on the table " but are you sure ? " " eh...?" She smiled confuse. Indra blinked " are you sure you want to turn him back...he'll bring hell on this place..." " well..he seems really unhappy right now..." "Mm...." He thought for a bit " has your uncle said anything thou.." " ahh I haven't gone...he would just want to experiment on him..." She sweat dropped smiling " I'll go take this to him. Thanks again!" "Mm..."  He sigh watching her leave " I hope he dies." He blinked seeing something " wait a minute.........." He got the root " son of a bitch!!!"he turned to the door not seeing her.


Madara blinked turning back " what..." " here " " I'm not drinking that." " you have to if you want to get old again." "....." He snatched the cup quick gulping the disgusting water like thing.
_(n)_ blinked watching but turned hearing her door open " wait wait wait !!!" Indra twitched seeing the boy placing the cup down as he hiccuped.

"What ?"

"Uhm....nothing ...thought I heard Ashura....."


"..good luck."


*door closes*



She turned slowly sweat nervously seeing his face expression not to mention his cheeks going red. " I don't feel so good............."" I'll lay you down....." She walked kneeling down a bit placing a hand around his shoulders and the other on his waist slowly lifting him up. He made a weird face expression twitching " stop stop stop!!!" He looked at her breathing a bit hard while she twitched " what....." He looked to the side ' what did he put on that thing !!?? That stupid prick !!' His mouth trembled not wanting to move what so ever.


_(n)_ blinked feeling too much shifting on her side. " hey are you okay...?" "Mm........" "Are you sure ?" "Mm....." Madara blushed darkly not wanting to be near her at all ' ah man...not this.....' He closed his eyes sweating none stop  feeling the area between his legs grow too hot.


_(n)_ slept calmly while a long arm pulled her back to a toned chest. She smiled happily but twitched feeling something pocking her. "....." She slowly opened her eyes meeting two black ones.  A teenage (17) Madara was right on her face." I need your assistance ." "" She twitched a bit ' so it kinda worked.....' The woman sat up glaring a bit '.....................' She looked at him seeing how weird he kinda looked " what?" " you look like a girl.... " " shut up...." He glared crossing his arms " can we now ??" " haha no." " what why??? I'm not a child !" " idiot ! Your age ! " "tttccchhhh!!!!!!!!" He had a large vein forming on his forehead while she glared at him.


(\\\ˊ艸ˋ\\\)...*cough* .this isn't making any sense *cough*....*rolls hiding under rock *

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