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Madara crawled half dead. He slammed his head on the wooden floor. He rolled facing the ceiling.
_(n)_ stared at him confuse out of her mind. She couldn't believe the tantrums he gave for not getting sugar or anything fattening on his diet. The shinobi grunted as he rolled facing her. He glared a bit too sexily making her blush darkly as she turned back to her book.
Madara glared. It had been 1 month since the stupid thing began. He was beginning to look too thing for his liking. He wished he could switch with Izuna since he was the one who enjoyed looking like a noodle stick figure. Madara on the other hand enjoyed his well built body. But now he was looking on a smaller size.



"Don't ignore me!!!!"


He glared angrily at her as he sat up irritated having his long hair fall on his chest. He was staring to look a bit young also. He didn't like it at all.


_(n)_ blinked walking around the market area while a tall male followed behind holding his growling stomach. Many stared at him confuse by his behavior. Many owners moved their shinobi out the way nervously not wanting them to get was he had.

Madara glared angrily having a pale complexion. It had been 2 months now. He really wanted something fattening. Healthy food wasn't his best friend. He closed his eyes embarrassed while a loud growl came out. _(n)_ turned to him with wide eyes a long with everyone else.
' I think I'm going too far...' She sweat dropped seeing his painful expression.


Madara was siting on a room as he curled up in to a ball having a painful expression.

"What's wrong with him ??" _(n)_ blinked watching him sweat as he gritted his teeth. Orochimaru looked at the data " his vital organs are changing. Has he been in an other habitat ?" " what do you mean ?" " a shinobi changes according to what it eats , where it sleeps, and how it's treated. Have you changed anything around the studio?"  The woman blinked " well I stopped giving him fat...." Orochimaru sigh smiling " my dear....Madara isn't like the other shinobi." " eh..?" " he sweat dropped ' I told you ...long a go...'


Madara slammed on the bed trembling none stop. _(n)_ stared at him as she took out a small bag from her backpack.

"Here eat this..." She gave him the bag of medical cookies but saw him not wanting them" Madara eat this, it'll help you !!" He shook his head glaring. "Eat it!!!!" She shoved the things on his mouth. The shinobi had wide eyes trembling as he swallowed them like nothing.

The woman blinked stepping back seeing him acting normally. Madara stood up but soon came the gagging noise. She worried quickly ' it's not working !!!' Madara placed a hand on his mouth preventing his vomit. He quickly stood up but slammed on the floor throwing up what looked like black sludge .

_(n)_ had wide eyes watching the shinobi trembling as he kept throwing up having a painful expression on his face.


Orochimaru got his phone "he-"


"Calm do-"


*enter loud vomiting noises *

The man face palmed .


"Yes !!?? What do i do!!?? Omg I though I was helping him but I made him sick!!!! "

"Let him throw up."


"The cookies I gave you were to clean up his system. "


_(n)_ blinked sniffing as she calmed down slowly watching Madara throw up more. She placed the phone on the desk.

The man coughed breathing hard as he slowly stopped. He trembled slamming on the floor curling up in to a ball on the corner letting out angrily growls.
_(n)_ sigh in relief walking towards a puddle of black sludge seeing as she covered her mouth ' ugh.....' She looked at him seeing him glaring at her demonically not wanting her anywhere near him right now. She smiled ' guess his on his protective mode...' The woman walked out to get the cleansing supplies.

----------------next day----------- ---

_(n)_ moved a bit feeling something small snuggle in her " hehe Sasuke..." " Sasuke ...?" She opened her eyes not knowing who's voice that was. She looked down seeing a young spiky haired boy. She froze covering her boobs quickly stumbling to the floor " who are you!!!!!!???" She blushed darkly.

The 12 year old sat up rubbing his eyes " what are you talking about....its me madara..." He looked at her confuse while she froze with a terrified expression.

Madara blinked twice staring at her weirdly. He blinked getting his shirt putting it on but saw it looking like a dress ".........." He hands tremble as he saw how small they looked. He moved his head towards the mirror seeing his reflection.

*insert a child's scream *

Izuna rolled inside " what what!!!???" He had a sandal at hand but blinked with a poker face. _(n)_ had only her baggy sweater on as she laid against the wall with a pale complexion.

Madara turned to his little brother anime crying " Izuna !!! I have an X Small weeweee!!!!!!"

"THATS NOT THE PROBLEM HERE STUPID !!!" The woman blushed glaring but face palmed seeing Izuna lift up his brothers shirt seeing " ehhh!!!?? Nisan you were that small!??" " Urusai!! I hit puberty late !!" The boy blushed glaring .


Indra smirked like a pure pedophile seeing the small Madara. The boy hide behind the woman's legs trembling. " stop it ." The Ōtsutsuki kept that expression as he never made his glowing red eyes moved. Ashura sweat dropped.
Sasuke glared seeing an other child. Itachi sweat dropped smiling in relief ' finally I'll sleep well!!'
Izuna smiled happily ' yay I'm the big brother now !!!'


Madara looked at himself pulling up the shirt . He glared displeased " stop that!!!!" " Tch.." The boy turned glaring at her " well I hope you like half a finger in!this shits all your fault !!" She gasp blushing " don't speak like that when you look like a Child !!"
The boy smirked evilly " ohh oh!!! Okay~~~ mommy~~ are you going to spank me for being naughty~~" the woman glared seeing his Mocking smirk.
"Fuck my life...."

"With pleasure !!!"

"Shut up!!"


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