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Tobirama walked calmly eyeing the beautiful woman next to him " you changed a lot." " eh...?" " mm you use to be an ugly snot nose brat who cried for everything ." " Nani!!!!!" " but now your a be-......" He closed his mouth looking straight with pink cheeks.
_(n)_ raised an eyebrow confuse as she looked straight also.

Madara peeked from a tree having a large vein forming on his forehead " that son of a bitch....." He looked to the right seeing a 10 year old skateboarding. A smirk slowly formed on his lips.
*enter the  cries of a child*

Madara dangled down a branch holding the board. He closed one eye seeing the distance from him to the albino as he quickly threw the piece of wood.

_(n)_ screamed a bit seeing the handsome senju slam face flat on the floor. The skateboard was seen breaking in half as it smacked on his head. Tobirama slowly sat up glaring. His once Snow White haired slowly began to turn red from the back. " uhh uh!!!!! My place isn't too far we-" "Izuna." " right........uhm can you sit on the bench while I run to the store ." "Mm..." She smiled helping him up a bit as she turned quickly running.

The senju glared looking around as he held his bleeding head. He looked down at the half broken skateboard " who the hell."

Madara growled angrily but twitched seeing the kid point at him."Lol bye bitch!!" He did the peace out hand movement as he quickly jumped down running off.


An angry Uchiha was seen sitting on a fancy restaurant. Next to him a woman. Next to the woman was a albino senju . Next to the senju was an other brunet man smiling nervously.

"So Mito couldn't make it ?"

"Mm she had things to do so she sent me and Tobi"





Madara glared angrily while Tobirama glared back at him . _(n)_ blinked shocked at their outburst but more from what Madara yelled. The Uchiha crossed his arms and legs womanly like as he looked to the side irritated. Tobirama pouted crossing his arms as he closed his eyes.
Hashirama smiled nervously  along with _(n)_ as they stared at each other.


"Madara why did yu-"

"Forget it ."



He closed his eyes locking himself on the closet as his cheeks burned dark pink. _(n)_ blinked staring at the wooden door. She slowly sat on the floor smiling happily .

Madara moved on the bed glaring as he sweated . He gripped the sheets angrily.


_(n)_ was seen smirking as her legs spread open widely. Her hand was placed on an specific area as she opened it with her fingers . Tobirama smirked laying on top of her as his harden missile flew inside her cave .

*enter loud moaning and skin hitting roughly *


Madara jumped up breathing hard with wide eyes trembling. He looked to the side at the sleeping woman as he swallowed the knot on his throat.".....I'm going to kill him."


Tobirama glared while he was getting long extension on his hair for a modeling thing. " why Madara." " do you want Izuna ?" " never mind....." He mumbled a bit looking down. _(n)_ giggled smiling as his childish acting " you look like a bunny !" " Tch...." He glared up at her blushing while his now long hair slowly flowed on the fans air.

Madara peeked from the other room while his hair was being tamed. He glared nervously seeing how friendly they were beginning to act. He remembered the dream while he broke in cold sweat ' nope nope nope nope nope !!!' He bite his black polished nail nervously.


Madara laid on a couch half dead from all the high heel walking . He moved his eye towards the woman seeing her counting money but dividing it on different portions.
_(n)_ blinked calmly ' okay with this I can pay the gas , light, internet, and water for three months. That's good.' She smiled in relief but blinked seeing him " what is it ..?"



"You and Tobirama......"

"What about him...?"

" two haven't....slept together right .."



Izuna broke  threw the wall having red glowing eyes with death written around him. He turned towards the frighten woman some how having a knife on his hand " you better not have soiled my albino bunny." "Uhhhh I haven't done...anything ......" She swallowed nervously ' scratched that....only paying 1 month the the rest I have to fix the wall.....'

Madara eyed her seeing how she was acting 'Hmp........' He looked at Izuna. He slowly smirked having an idea.


(*≧▽≦)ノシ no albino wink wonk for this story!!!!!! *rolls under a rock*

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