Dessert ( Special Chapter)

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You guys saw this coming right !!?? (*≧▽≦)ノシ Momo must control the Pervy  (\\\ˊ艸ˋ\\\) Maturity is needed here !!!! (유∀유|||) ............* a wild Momo flies away *(*/ω\*)

_(n)_ twitched glaring in her sleep slowly having pink cheeks. She moved stretching a Bit. A pale hand moved under her shirt slowly. The male smirked feeling her warm breast as she began to gasp a bit on her sleep. Yet again she moved a bit uncomfortable. Madara eyed the door while he licked her neck slowly sniffing her hair "................." His eye twitch smelling the sugary scent.

*enter stomach growl*

A shadow covered his eyes. He eyed the door again seeing it locked while a sigh left his lips feeling relief. He moved his eyes towards her again sniffing her hair more yet again came a growl. He sat up slowly holding his stomach anime crying . He eyed the woman again seeing the pose she was in not to mention her shirt folded all the way up from him groping her. He pulled it down as he slowly stood up walking quietly to the door opening it.

----------------15 mins-----------

_(e/c)_ eyes snapped open. The woman sat up quickly walking out the room seeing the kitchen lights on. She peeked from a wall freezing with wide eyes.
Madara was seen on the floor licking his hands and fingers while the creepiest smirk played in his lips not to mention his eyes. They were purple with spirals inside.

_(n)_ slowly stepped back ' shit shit shit shit !!! That's the rinnigan .' She turned freezing meeting a toned chest. She moved her eyes up meeting a serious looking young man. The woman glared a bit " your not suppose to be eating that." "........" " are you listening ??" "........." " Madara !!" He smirked slowly while she sweated nervously.
Something cold quickly slammed on her face. _(n)_ twitched placing her hands where her eyes were at slowly moving the strange stuff off her eyes ".................." She looked seeing it being cheesecake "......what.. Are you-" she froze feeling his lips on as he roughly bite her. Madara moved his hands under her shirt making her flinch feeling something cold being place where her breast where at. Madara pulled away slowly licking her jaw bone , which was covered by the sweet, down to her neck. _(n)_ placed her hand on his chest trying to pull him away as she breath a bit hard " hey stop it you. " he glared at her while she glared at him blushing. A smirk played on his lips freaking her out a bit. His eyes terrified her.


_(n)_ blushed glaring having her hands up on her head. The young man smirked down at her having drool drip down his chin. Not eating sweets wasn't the best thing to do. He leaned down bitting her neck again as he laid his body on hers putting all his weight. The woman moaned a bit a bit while she tried breathing " h-hey!! Get off ! Your heavy!!" She moan feeling him thrust in her " will you ever quiet down and just let me do what I want." He glared at her while she blushed catching her breath. She looked to the side blushing more by how handsome he was. She wasn't use to seeing Madara her age. It was weird for her . For him not having a mature long face and a deep husky voice. He had a bit of Chubby child-like face now. Not to mention his silky deep-ish voice.

A moan left her lips feeling him move " stop spacing out." " stop doing that then!!" _(n)_ glared blushing darkly while he smirked down at her. Madara leaned down kissing her roughly as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders calmly moving his hips hearing her cute moans "i taming ~~" he smirked licking down her neck while she glared looking to the side trying to keep her voice quiet. 
The shinobi smirked more closing his eyes as he picked up his pace having her moans get to a higher pitch as her legs wrapped in his waist tightly. He breath hard smirking widely as his cheeks turned pink finally feeling relief from the stress  he had gone threw the past months.  He moved his face a bit placing his hands on the woman's head making her turned towards him. He kissed her roughly while his movement became violent. A growl escaped his throat feeling her clawing his back leaving long gashes making blood come out a bit. He smirked in pain while his eyebrows furrowed forcing his hips to move faster and rougher hearing her muffled screams as he kept kissing her lips lavishly.


Itachi had a large vein on his forehead as he placed headphones On Sasuke making them block the noises " he just had to get older again. Tch....." A large vein formed but froze feeling  sushi sliding his hand under his shirt " Itachi~~~~~~~~" ".....FML... "


Ashura was rocking back and forth on the corner anime crying thinking it was a creature making the weirdest noises while Indra glared grumpily sitting up while his beauty mask dripped a bit of the sheets.


Kagami and Izuna blinked looking up at their ceiling " ugu!! Zuzu you'll have nephews soon!" " mm I hope !" Izuna smiled happily .


_(n)_ breath hard with wide eyes while sweat latterly dripped down her forehead like it was raining. She looked back while her hands held on to the wall. Madara was catching his breath positioning himself in back of her slamming roughly. He leaned down having his chest lay on her back he wrapped an arm around her like a snake keeping her head facing the side as he kissed her. The woman moaned again closing her eyes tightly as her legs trembled from his animalistic movement . Madara wasn't done yet thou. He was far from finishing what he started. He made his free hand move to her breast groping it slowly playing with the harden bud with his fingers. He smirked on the sloppy kiss hearing her strange moaning noises not to mention feeling her legs slowly giving up on her everything he would thrust insider her. Madara growled smirking widely feeling her tightening around him. " ugh...your so good..." _(n)_ blushed. She matched  the colored of his eyes hearing him say that " w-what!?" She looked at him but moaned closing her eyes as he thruster harder hitting one point. The woman held on to his arm feeling the painful feeling on her stomach slowly leave while he sigh blushing with his eyes close feeling her with something really warm. Madara opened his eyes catching his breath along with her. They looked at each other twitching . _(n)_ looked to the side having pink cheeks " you have to go buy....a new one for Sasuke in the morning..." "Mm......." He smirked leaning down kissing her again. The young woman blushed slowly closing her eyes but froze feeling him move yet again " woah woah!!! " she pulled him up blushing darkly while he smirked still " after all that neglect. Your pet needs a lot of love and affection ~~~~" his smirk widen having purple eyes. _(n)_ smiled paling .

***enter a mans wolf howl ***


Madara snored happily laying on the bed being half covered. _(n)_ laid next to him unable to move from the pain she felt all over her body. She Blushed darkly ' I made a terrible mistake.....'

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