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_(n)_ laid on the bed gloomily as she eyed her alarm clock 'ugh.........I don't wanna walk.......' She turned a bit grumpily eyeing the sleeping shinobi next to her. Madara numbed having a calm smile on his face. The woman blinks but smiled moving hair off his face slowly making him shift opening his eyes slowly "mm........". He blinked twice clearing his vision " ah...sorry...." She smiled placing her hand down while he stared at her calmly. The man smiled moving his hand on top of her making her twitch a bit. _(n)_ blushed. Smiling more as he staid with his calm gaze.


Sasuke slurped his vegetable shake with his eyes close having a disgust expression . Itachi sigh gloomily while shisui rubbed his cheek in his head happily.

Indra was seen poisoning the elder uchihas sweets while Ashura sweat dropped watching.

Izuna and kagami stared at a laptop seeing one specific albino work out.

_(n)_ walked half dead . She slumped on the sofa in pain "ugh.................." She smiled seeing Sasuke laying on her arm.

"Aren't you suppose to be at school."

"Mm...I'm passing today thou...we aren't learning anything important."


Itachi glared a bit making her smile nervously.


Madara walked having his hands on his pocket. The handsome man looked around the large arena soon he looked straight seeing his 'lover' ( (*≧▽≦)ノシ !!) speak with a woman. The shinobi sat on a bench bored out of his mind" urges haven't stopped......" He said as he slowly looked around once again sighing. He blushed closing his eyes remembering ' I still needs to get older...'his head tilted seeing her walk back having a nervous expression " about the Hashirama thing..." ".." " you have to..." "But I don't want to." " you do." " no." "Yes." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes." "Yes." "NO!!!" She smiled with a large vein forming while he smirked up at her " if only you where small." " pedophile ~~ did you enjoy spanking me that much??" " ew!!! No ! " she flushed angrily while he chuckled at her mood swing.

------next day-------

_(n)_ looked at the pile of homework "ugh....." She slammed her face on the table " collage sucks....." " told you to go yesterday" " shush...." She turned to Itachi gloomily. He smirked a bit as he walked towards the kitchen. The woman turned towards the t.v seeing the match on.

Sasuke was seen sitting on the floor holding a small dinosaur as he watched the fight. His eyes were wide as he smiled seeing the Uchiha move quickly every time the senju tried punching him.

----/on Arena\----

Madara breath hard smirking widely while blood dripped down his chin. Hashirama smiled nervously seeing the large bump forming on his friends manly area ' yeah he hasn't all...' The senju jumped skipping back almost getting his eyes scratched out " woah Madara why the sudden rush?" " I wana go home and bang my Ōujo-Sama." He smirked wider as his eyes turned red having the mangekyo active. Hashirama  paled smiling with a blue tint under his eyes.

'Yeah he hasn't changed at all.....'

-------//many hours later after many fail  attempts to try and bang reader-chan///-------

Indra pushed the cup slowly towards the male distracted by the t.v. He smirked evilly slowly going down the table some how disappearing.

Madara turned back seeing the tea cup"Hu...." He got it calmly sniffing the scent . It didn't have any strange stuff in it so he just drank it calmly .


"Madara!!!!??" _(n)_ eyed the young
Man shifting on the bed none stop as he sweated like there as no tomorrow. Madara opened his eyes slowly "what...did you put on the tea...." He moan a bit glaring curling in to a ball. She blinked  confuse " what....tea?? I gave you coffee remember...." She froze turning to the door seeing a smirking Ōtsutsuki walk away "Indra." She glared irritated while Madara kept clutching her hand as he gasped for air. His skin was turning a bit too pale. More than usual. The woman bite her lips placing a hand on his forehead ' his so cold.........' She got her phone quickly dialing one number.


Orochimaru blinked seeing the shinobi sleeping as many wires were stuck inside his skin killing the toxic inside his body.

"What happened."

"He drank puffer fish venom looks like an specific shinobi placed his blood in it too...."

"How??? I don't even have any........"

"It was mixed with green and black tea so maybe that's why he couldn't smell it well. Strange. His guard has been down a lot. Maybe his getting use to this life style."


She looked at the glass room again glaring " Indra...why does he hate Madara so much? Well both..." The tall pale man sigh sweat dropping " Indra is madaras great.........grandfather... And by the looks of his status he hates having people looking like him or better" " his jealous...?" "Mm" she glared more ' seriously...'


Indra glared swinging his legs back and forth as he sat inside a glassed room. He eyed the machines around the place " Dafuq is all this for." " to calm you down. Your too violent." " poisoning isn't violence. It's a normal classy way of killing." "........" He crossed his arms crossing his legs like a diva making the woman have a large vein forming ' seriously.....' She looked back at the other room seeing Madara still not opening his eyes"Tch..."

"Missing his little bang-bang~~"

"S-shut up!!!"


The man pointed at her embarrassed face laughing like a maniac. The woman glared more turning away as she began to walk " this man." 


Indra needs naruto Jesus (*≧▽≦)ノシ

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