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The Art belongs to yumigakure!!

_(n)_ opened her eyes having the light blind her for a while "Tch........." She slowly turned feeling something hard moving up and down. She blinked twice looking up at the shinobi seeing him sleeping. Madara smiled in his sleep as he turned to his side making her slide to the warm sheets. She blushed smiling eyeing his muscular back.


_(n)_ sweat dropped smiling as she looked at the check " Hu just for you modeling .." She turned to Madara as he looked at the paper confuse " is that a lot ?" " mm...." " is that good ?" " yeah!" She patted his head giggling as he glared having pink cheeks. He yawned a bit turning as his head kept staying on her warm lap. The woman stroke his hair making the male close his eyes smiling.

"Your so cute now "

"What do you mean...."

"Your acting like cuddly cat~~"

"S-shut up!!"

He glared blushing darkly while she giggled happily. She smiled thinking for a bit " say.....about yesterday.." " hm?" " you yelled wife ....do-" " I said no such thing." " bu-" " nothing such thing." "Hehehe!"

_(n)_ laid her head on her hand closing her eyes. She felt her head ache extremely terrible " Tch....." She kept writing her report on lateclass feeling too tired. The woman looked at the time ' 8:00P.M.........I need to go home...' She got up slowly closing her laptop but quickly held on to the wall feeling dizzy " son of a bitch I shouldn't had let Izuna make me food'  she turned walking again.

***9:30 P.M***

_(n)_ blinked waiting for the train calmly. She closed her eyes again holding her stomach anime crying feeling pain ' damn it Izuna what did you feed me !!!' She imagine an The man laughing evilly with devil horns while fire accompanied the back ground.

Madara blinked looking at the door. He tilted his head eyeing the female breathing a bit hard " are you okay?" " yeah I just ran it here " she smiled up at him sweating a bit "uh okay......" The man blinked confuse as she passed him.

Madara kept his eyebrow raise as he closed the door keeping the warm air in " you took long again." "  I took long so I  could at least finish half of My report and do the rest tomorrow." " why...." "Stuff." " eh? " " hehe I have an appointment to go to so I won't have a lot of time" she smiled calmly while he stared at her confuse still. He shrugged it off calmly passing her as he left for the bedroom.

_(n)_ sigh smiling as she turned but jumped nervously . Sasuke crossed his arms looking ah her " your acting off." " wha-" "also you smell different." He glared more while she sweated confuse yet nervously " maybe I have been around other people " "mm maybe." He turned leaving. The woman sigh but froze seeing shisui giggling along with kagami " I thought you two left long ago." " we came to visit." " but it seems the kitty isn't out the bag yet ~" " eh....." She made a poker face as they laughed disappearing.

The woman calmly walked off holding her head feeling the headache.

----------------later on---------------

Madara blinked placing a hand on _(n)_ head feeling how hot she was "Hu you got a flu then...." "Mm ......don't worry thou..." She smiled at him while he frowned a bit noticing how pale she looked. He turned to the door " I know your there."

Sasuke peeked blushing a bit seeing Madara staring at him along with _(n)_. The 17 year old walked in having redden cheeks as he walked sitting on the floor . _(n)_ twitched a bit feeling him laying his head on her arm . Madara blinked twice. Thrice. He smiled slowly while the woman blushed giggling a bit from the teens behavior causing him to blush darker as he glared.

---------------- next Day------

_(n)_ tried moving feeling a bit hot. She twitched while arms wrapped around her protectively .  _(e/c)_ eyes opened slowly while a chest was felt moving up and down on her back. Madara eyed the woman confuse by her strange behavior. He moved his hand up to her forehead again " you need to go to the doctor man." " mm...but it's just a small flu don't worry about !" She giggled hearing his protesting sigh.



"Look at me."


The woman slowly rolled to the other side be froze seeing the stare he had.

"Your going to the doctor man."


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