Finally Tame

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---- 8 Months----

Madara sigh growling while being smacked on the head none stop by an older man and woman.




A large vein formed on his forehead. _(n)_ smile sweat dropping seeing the shinobi having a large glare. She looked down blushing more closing her eyes.

----------Le Year Skip--------

Madara smiled weirdly holding a black haired boy on his arm.  The boy had the most out of it expression as he drooled with his tiny hand holding his fathers finger. The black haired shinobi crossed his legs as he sat under a shady tree  smiling . He quickly moved out the way while a sword stabbed the place he once sat on " really !!!" " FUCK YOU !!!!" Sasuke yelled all the way up from the tree top making the boy laugh . The now grown man (24) twitched blushing looking to the side from his 'younger brothers' cuteness. 
Madara smirked slowly  standing up soon he left the park calmly not wearing a collar around his neck anymore.

He was now classified as tame. Not violent. Able to control his rampage, why? , once a shinobi becomes a parent those hormones leave the body making them be normal as a human.

The Uchiha stopped walking making eye contact with _(e/c)_ eyes .


"Old lady."

"Shut up!!!"

The woman glared blushing darkly while he chuckle and the child on his arms laughed not knowing what was going on.  _(n)_ sigh looking it he side while he smirked walking along with her.  They walked side by side looking like an everyday family waiting for the bullet train.

"You owe me some thing ."


"Remember back then ? You said. You would never be tamed,~" she cat smirked up at him as she held happy boy on her arms . Madara glared down at her as he laid against the trains wall "Hmp and that is ?"




He blinked twice seeing her smiling happily . He looked at the distance ' I really am tame.'


Thank You for Reading !!!

(*≧▽≦)ノシ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

How to Tame a ShinobiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora