Not How You Said

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Madara was glaring as he was held against a wall. His arms and legs were locked. He moved his gaze around the strange capsule like room.


A grunt came out his direction while the collar  electrocuted him.

"This is not how I told him he was going to be taken care of ."

" you do know he is clearly enjoying it right ."

"No he isn't . Look at his face !"

The uncle looked at her with a 'really ' expression as he pointed to his lower half. _(n)_ turned confuse. She smiled nervously having pink cheeks.

Madara was seen breathing hard with saliva running down his mouth with. Certain thing coming up.


"Madara get out."


"Stop acting like a baby!!"

"Then stop annoying me !!"

_(n)_ glared sighing As she stepped back from the bathroom door ' seriously his acting like Obito.' She blinked looking outside ' I wonder how those two are doing......' She smiled " fine~~ I'll just leave with.Indra. " she walked hiding in back of a wall.

The bathroom door was seen soon open with an enrage Madara. He looked around ' shit she left ....' He looked down angrily. He blinked looking at the wall "....get out of there ." "...." " I can see your butt stupid." He felt his eyebrow twitch.
_(n)_ moved peeking out " sup...." " you told me it was never going to be like that." "......well you enjoyed it" The man glared blushing " shut up. "

Sasuke peeked from hi bedroom hearing the 'argument' he looked at Madara then at _(n)_. He frowned slowly stepping out .

" it's not technically called torture ."

"I was locked up chained on a wall being electrocuted!!!"

"Don't raise your voice."

"Quiet woman!!! You clearly told me two years ago this was never going to happen! "

The shinobi was seen having full rage forming while his eyes glowed blood red. _(n)_ sweated nervously but gasp a bit. Madara turned twitching.

Sasuke was staring at them while his mouth tremble. It was like back then. The kid still remembered back then. With his own family. His eyes watered quickly making both adults freak out a bit.

"Ahh !! We aren't fighting nope nope. !!!!" She quickly said " we are uhhhhhhh just you know !!! Playing !" She punched the man across his face happily. Madara blinked holding his nose feeling blood dripping out "..hehe yeah. Just playing ." He glared smashing her feet with his hard stump. _(n)_ anime cried smiling while the man glared smiling.
The young shinobi sniffed smiling happily not understanding what was actually happening .


_(n)_ peeked inside the bedroom seeing a shinobi sitting on the floor watching T.V. She nervously walked inside quietly .

"I can smell you ."


"What do you want."

" apologize....I didn't know my uncle was going to do that"


"I'm serious !!"

"When are you ? "

"What do you mean......."

He had. A vein on his forehead as he turned ' she's clearly retarded ......' He crossed his arms " nothing. Now what did you wanted ." " uhm.....I just..." " that won't help you at all. Saying sorry won't fix anything ." " then what will...?"

They both blinked staring at one an other. He smirked slowly while she pales twitching .


_(n)_ was smiling with a pale complexion as she sat on the bathtub. In back of her was a man having her lay on his chest as he had a calm smile on his face.

" uh...need to control your hormones"

"But you like it "



She glared blushing more ' annoying as always.........' " oh yeah." "Mm...?" " you know what tomorrow is right !!" "......."


"Time to Tame !!!!"

"You already do that at night "

"............shut up....."

*insert a sexy chuckle *

(*≧▽≦)ノシ  I can't stop seeing Sasuke as their child !!!!!!!!

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