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_(n)_ sweated nervously eyeing the male on top of her as he smirked slowly . She moved her gaze quickly having pink cheeks "what...." "Hm~~?" "S-stop acting like this and get off." "Hmmmmmm" he looked to the side smirking more while she glared blushing.

"Yeah....I must decline your order there."


"Because I'm an adult male who needs no one to tell him what to do And frankly if you chain me it'll just excite me more."


He smirked more moving his hand up her waist move towards her head while the other staid with a hard grip on her wrist. _(n)_ felt her cheeks heat up yet again while the male leaned down slowly kissing her warm lip. He twitched a bit feeling an arm wrap around his neck bringing him down more. He snickered pulling away slowly as he laid his head under her chin calmly closing his eyes.

"Can you get off.....your uhm....kinda heavy.."




Madara looked at her calmly while she stared at him . He blinked looking to the side slowly soon he closed his eyes again. _(n)_ sigh blushing placing her hand on his head stroking his long hair calmly.


"Bring it little boy~~"

"Oh I will. I'm going to make you scream."

"He~~ child you don't even know."

Madara glared while Indra smirked crossing his arms as he eyed the shinobis hands on his white robe. They both glared at one an other having glowing red eyes.

_(n)_ sigh walking towards him placing a cheesecake scented napkin on his nose. Madara blinked snatching it quickly as he walked away sitting on a corner . Indra stared at him confuse out his mind "uh..." "Listen. I'll take you home now if you aren't going to try and kill Madara ." "Hmm yeah...I have to decline that." " what??" " I can't live with an other good looking man." He looked away like a diva " just bring Ashura here. I enjoy torturing the shinobi that are placed on this place." " really." " mhm ~~~~" he smirked while she face palmed.


_(n)_ walked stumbling a bit. She slammed her head on the wall by accident feeling extremely tired ' I don't even feel like going to school......' She blinked looking down at Sasuke. The boy stared at her holding a box " Madara didn't die ?" " uhm no....." He turned leaving to his room angrily while she sweat dropped confuse "weirdo........" She sigh walking towards the kitchen but stopped seeing a long haired male moving around a bit "......" She peeked blinking surprised.

"You just add a cup not a lot..unless you just want sugar to be taste .."


Madara blinked looking at the bowl of sugar then a the bowl with the mix "....." He smirked while Itachi sigh face palming " it's bad for _(n)_ to eat a lot of it by the way?" "why..?"  He looked at the young Uchiha confuse " humans get diabetes. If they eat too much sugar it can kill e'm......" Madara looked at the two things. He staid like that for a long time making Itachi face palm.

_(n) sweat dropped smiling as she walked in " what are you two doing ?" The two males jumped turning hiding the stuff " nothing ." " leave ." "Uhh okay...well u need to ma-" " I made you food already it's on the table." Itachi glared while she twitched "okay......" She turned leaving suspiciously .
Madara eyed her intensively as he looked back at the mess on the counter "......." Itachi sigh a bit having a hand on his chest .


_(n)_ blinked walking out her collage tiredly while an albino walked next to her protecting the woman from the rampage paparazzi " you should tell Mito she really sho-" " as long as I'm around you Izuna won't be around me." Tobirama looked down at her seriously while she twitched "okay......." The woman looked straight nervously. Tobirama still frighten her at time.

Madara stopped walking himself a bag as he saw the most unpleasant view. He slowly glared eyeing the senju with the woman.


"Why was Tobirama with you ."

"He picked me .."

"You could had told me !"

"Uhm you wouldn't had help as much..."


The man glared down at her while she crossed her arms glaring a bit . She moved her eyes to the side accidentally looking like she was giving him sass " how dare you." "What.." She looked back while Madara had a hand on his hip " you ain't getting none of this tonight then." He did the chicken cocking neck as he left towards the kitchen.

_(n)_ stood there with wide eyes. She blinked twice slowly beginning to giggle soon laugh at what she just witness.

A 13 year old Sasuke glared peeking from wall as he watched ' Madara......'


_(n)_ smiled covering her eyes calmly as she sat on her bedroom floor. In front of her was her small coffee table .

"What's all this for ?"



She sigh curiously trying to know what the male was going to do. She just hoped it wasn't one of those stupid masochistic games he would trick her to do.

Madara blinked placing something in front of her making it do a clacking noise as he sat across from the table calmly "you can look now....."
_(n)_ moved her hands down slowly seeing her vision clear but twitched looking down blushing a bit "eh...." She smiled seeing a cheesecake slice " did you make this???" ".........." " hehe cute !!" " s-shut up!!" He blushed glaring nervously . The woman smiled blushing darkly getting the fork slowly cutting a small piece.

Madara stared at her having pink cheeks but blinked seeing her eye twitch " what......" _(n)_ blinked looking at him then back at the dessert.

"...its...really good..."

"Of course it is I made it."



He puffed his cheeks glaring while she giggled ' too much sugar thou.....' She  cut an other small piece extending her arm towards him " here !" "....." " come on~~~" "......." " Dara ~~~" he glared blushing darker as he opened his mouth extending his tongue out slowly making it attach around the piece bringing it back inside slowly . _(n)_ was smiling while the corner of her mouth twitched ' why does he make everything too sexual.......'  He smirked licking his lips leaning down kissing her lips quickly as he eyed two eyes .

**in the door ***

Sasuke had glowing red eyes with a large vein on his forehead seeing the man do that ' kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill.' He slowly faded in to the shadows only having red glowing dots shown.


One challenge out and an other one raises ! Madara really needs to make peace . ε-('∀`; )

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