Chapter 2

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Ferris POV (Ridley in media box)
Sighing, I wave goodbye to my buddies and walk to Calculus. Damn, no matter how many times I take it, it still sucks.
Opening the door, I listen to the beating hearts. Yep, I said listen. You see, I'm not normal, but you'll figure out what I mean later.
I see the young woman that must be the teacher reading a book. She looks up when the door opens then stands.
"Class, this is our new student, Ferris Bryce." I hear the heartbeats of the girls' quicken and I almost smirk.
Until my eyes land on one girl in the back. Tiny form but with a large chest and a nice ass. Long black curls and beautiful pale skin. A small button nose and rosy cheeks with blood red lips, like Snow White. I hear her strong heartbeat and it sounds melodious. I can smell her from all the way over here. Sweet and citrusy.
I can practically feel her eyes raking up and down my form so I look at her face again. Her honey colored eyes meet mine and a blush covers her cheeks. She looks down, biting her red lip.
"Is there a reason you missed every class this morning except for this one?" Oh, so you're a nosy one.
"Had to take care of somethings." I listen to the one girls heart race.
"Take a seat by Ridley. Ridley, raise your hand." Ridley, the girl I was checking out, raises a tiny hand. Nice. Ridley, I like it.
Her scent surrounds me in comfort as I sit next to her, stretching my legs to fit.
I stare at the side of her face as she works. Great, I must look like a stalker.
Her pencil breaks and I'm quick to produce one as she reaches for her bag.
She looks up with wide, innocent eyes. "Here."
"Thank you." Her voice is very quiet, even with my advanced hearing. But it's soft and clear.
The bell rings and I watch everyone rush out. Ridley stands and I take a second to look at her nice ass in her form-fitting skinny jeans.
"Can you help me find the cafeteria?" She looks back and nods.
Grabbing my back pack and jacket, I stand and walk out next to her. Man, she must be around 4' 10 if she's that short. And compared to my 6' 7 frame, I could squish her like a bug.
"That's the cafeteria."
She stops a few feet away from a noisy room and i frown. "You aren't eating?"
She shakes her head, releasing more of her scent from her curls for me to inhale.
"You need to eat something, you're too skinny." I look at her body. Although she has a nice one, I bet I could fit my hand around her thigh with room to spare.
"I'm not hungry." She whispers.
"Well, too bad." I almost pull away at the feel of her skin against mine, the sound of her heart racing and her blood rushing through her veins beneath her succulent skin.
I ignore the stares we get as I drag her along behind me and start filling a tray with all the food that looks edible before paying. Seeing my friends, I pull her over and make her sit in a chair. Placing the tray in front of her, I sit a few chairs away, trying to at least distance myself from her without her noticing. For some reason, I don't want to hurt her.
"Youre crazy if you think I can eat this." She finally speaks above a whisper as she stares at the piled tray.
I chuckle and introduce her to my friends. She waves shyly at them, making them chuckle before she looks down and starts to eat a chicken nugget.
She moans as she nibbled on the juicy piece of meat, the sound ringing through my ears.
"When's the last time you ate?" She tenses as Blu jokes before shrugging and poking at her food. Something's wrong there.
I glance at her from time to time as I speak with my friends. Hearing her phone vibrate then the quickened pace of her heart, I look at her. Tears are gathered in her warm eyes as she taps her phone.
They slide down her pale cheeks, glistening in the light and I hear the mean laughter and see quite a few girls pointing and glaring at her.
"Ridley? What's wrong?"
Shaking her head, she grabs her bag and stands. "I have to go."
She runs out of the cafeteria before any of us could do anything. "What just happened?"
"If I knew, she would be here, now wouldn't she?" I glare at Stephen.
He holds his hands up in surrender. "Geez, sorry man."
"Sorry, it's fine. So, what are we doing after we get out of this hell hole?" I ask them.
"Heard there's this Mexican-Italian place at the edge of town. We could go there and hang out." Steven suggests, knowing that we won't eat any of the food. I nod.
The bell rings and we walk out of the tiled room quickly. But we're bombarded with whores. Not that I mind all that much.
My nose burns with the smell of the whole bottle of perfume the 40-something waitress put on. She gives off that cougar vibe, especially when she winks at Blu who sits back uneasily.
After telling her we don't want anything and she moves to another table, we relax. Blu shudders and I chuckle at him.
"We need to hunt soon." Everset says quietly.
"Tonight." I speak as the bell above the door rings and a familiar scent enters the building.
My head shoots up and My eyes narrow on her. She's wearing a short dress that ends around mid-thigh, showing off her small legs.
She's with a middle-aged man with blonde hair and green eyes. He's wearing a nice button up shirt and dress pants.
I can hear her beating heart and it soothes me as she sits at a table nearby. I strain to hear her conversation with the man as my friends continue to joke around.
"So how was your day?"
"Fine, it sucked. We got six new kids. All boys with tattoos and they look scary. One of them made me sit with them and then I got all of these texts and i left school early."
When did she get any texts?
"Riddle!!" A voice yells and my eyes snap to a tall lanky man with dark skin.
"Papi!!!" Ridley jumps from her seat and runs over to him.
"How's my little Munchkin?" I stiffen as he touches her hair.
"Time to dance." He pulls her closer and they start to dance, Salsa, I think.
He lets her go and she spins, her dress flying up to show she wore black spandex. Everyone claps along to the song and it's ironic how the song even says to clap along to it.
Her heart sounds like a child in a candy store, sweet. Everyone applauds as the song finishes and they stop dancing, even me.
"Isnt that Ridley?" Everset asks, pointing discreetly.
"Yeah. I'm going to figure out what happened earlier." Pulling my chair out, I stand and maneuver my way around the tables and chairs. Ridley looks up with wide surprised eyes. "Can I talk to you?"
She bites her red lip and her eyes dart over to the man glaring at me as he holds her hand protectively. "Who are you?"
"Ferris Bryce. I go to school with Ridley." I hold a hand out and he takes it, squeezing it what would be harshly to a human.
"I'm warning you mow, I'm and ex Marine." He warns and I nod.
"Dad, stop." Ridley sighs, her cheeks flushing lightly.
"What? You're a beautiful young woman. I should've started fighting off the bastards called males when you were born." He mentally curses himself and my lips twitch.
Ridley blushes a deep red and looks up at me with pleading eyes. Holding out a hand to help her stand, I pull her around the people until we get outside where it's easier to talk.
"Why did you run out of the cafeteria?"

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