Chapter 25

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Ferris POV

                   I look in the mirror, noticing the dark tint of red in my gold eyes. I can't feed without thinking of Ridley. She just left and she had every right to. She waited for more than an hour for me.

                   Jason walks in and I look at him in the mirror. He has a hard look on his face as he stares at me. "You need to feed."

                   "I can't." I say back, running my hands through my hair as I reach for a t-shirt.

                    "Unless you want to attack the whole fucking school, including Ridley, I suggest you fucking feed." He yells. I stare at him. He's usually the  calm one.

                     He tosses me a blood bag and I stare at the warm liquid. Well, here goes nothing. My fangs automatically extend at the sight and my teeth sink into the bag, drawing the blood out. I suck it dry, only just noticing how hungry I was. Jason speeds away but comes back with two more, handing them to me before leaving again.

                    Throwing the bags on the floor after draining them, I slide down the wall to the floor, the guilt overpowering me. My eyes look over to my bedside table that has a picture of Ridley. She's wearing a tiny red lace dress and peeking up through her eyelashes at me as her cheeks flush and she looks down.

                        I have to fix this. Somehow.

Ridley POV

                       I hold my pillow to my body, needing some source of comfort. Dad moved Arabella to the small guest room after the night at dinner. Why she didn't just sleep there when she first came here, I don't know.

                        Glancing at the time on my phone, I sigh. There's no way I'll be able to get enough sleep for school. Turning on my bed side table, I climb out of bed and walk to my dresser, blinking.

                        Switching my over sized t-shirt for a pair of think leggings, a huge sweatshirt, thick socks and boots, I slip on my coat, scarf, and mittens. My phone slides into my pocket as I carefully walk out of the front door, not waking anyone up. 

                         Slipping my earphones in my ears, I blast my music, losing myself in another world as I walk. Glancing down the road, I make sure no cars are coming and begin walking to the other side. That is until I see the bright lights heading straight for me.

                           I'm frozen in fear as I realize that they're only a few yards away. Before I can even let out a scream, I'm thrown out of the way. My heart pumps quickly with adrenaline.

                           That's also when I notice that I'm wrapped in someone's arms. Looking up, I see the black hood laying over their face but I would know him anywhere.

                           "Ferris." My tears fall as I look at him with delayed fear. He holds me close to him, taking my sobbing body into his. He stands with me in his arms, shaking the snow from my coat.

                           "Shhh. You're okay, Ridley." I listen to him not call me Word or Parola and a new amount of pain enters me. 

                           He begins walking, in the direction the car sped off in. Stupid asshole. As he walks, I slowly calm down, laying my head on his shoulder. His cool body gives me a sense of comfort and this is way better than hugging a pillow.

                          Slowly, I begin to curl into him, hoping for sleep that never comes. But this time, it does.

Ferris POV

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